Clear Creek loop from Eldorado

Clear Creek loop from Eldorado

From July 05, 2015 9:00 am until July 05, 2015 4:00 pm

At Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park

Posted by Peter Presutti


Categories: DayWalks

Hits: 3669

Hi All,

Click the Join tab and come along for a walk starting and ending Eldorado

Geocachers welcome to join in and find and or place.

Starting from the village, cross Reedy Creek via swing bridge and bear left to Richards Track on to Old Coach Rd

Follow to the Larrawallup Falls for Lunch / morning Tea.

Follow Clear Creek to Excelisior Track then eventually back via Ramsays Track. 

Meet at the Plaza Car Park Wodonga, opposite Aldi 9:00am. OR  Eldorado near shop 9:45

Eldorado ( afternoon coffee )  ???

Grade 3 Walk

What to Bring

Parks Victoria on Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park

BOM weather

 Info  Peter 0417 441 137