Bike Ride through Chiltern Forest

Bike Ride through Chiltern Forest

From July 19, 2015 10:00 am until July 19, 2015 3:30 pm

At Chiltern Box - Ironbark National Park, Chiltern VIC 3683

Posted by Peter Presutti


Categories: Cycling

Hits: 5718

Hi all

Join in for a fun ride from the centre of Chiltern through the forest, visiting Chinese Cemetery and Magenta Mine

Suitable for Mountain Bikes and Hybrids. most of the ride will be on gravel roads.

BYO Lunch and Morning Snacks - and and Tube Puncture kit and or any bike tools you think you might need.

I will have a good bike pump if needed, (stand on and use 2 hands to pump;)

Meet at Wodonga Plaza Car Park Opposite ALDI Store 9:30 am, or at the Park just before the centre of Chiltern (Swimming Pool and Toilets) 10: am --

call me for car pooling and cycle transporting arrangement ( I can carry 2 extra bikes on my rack. )

click the JOIN button above.  

My mobile if needed 0417 441 137 

PS.  just a thought if there is plenty of snow on Falls Creek some cycling members i would imagine would prefer the Snow.


What to Bring

Grade 2 Ride

Leader Considerations

---   Are You and Your Bicycle up to a 20 to 30k ride on gravel bumpy roads, with some small hills and descents?

---   And afternoon tea at the Chiltern Bakery?

---   Or just join us for afternoon tea at the Chiltern Bakery?