Murray Valley Bushwalkers 2015 AGM - Resumed Plus Bowling Night

Murray Valley Bushwalkers 2015 AGM - Resumed Plus Bowling Night

From September 11, 2015 6:30 pm until September 11, 2015 10:30 pm

At Wodonga 10 Pin Bowl

Posted by Peter Presutti

0417 441137

Categories: Meetings, Social

Hits: 8578

Annual General Meeting

Not enough members turmed up to form a quorum at the AGM Aug 13 see  Club Rules Item 10  - Link to Read


Please note that the club received just enough nominations to fill all 6 committe positions.


The AGM will resume on Friday evening 11th September at the 10 Pin Bowling Centre, Sanyo Drive Wodonga  6:30 PM to ratify the committee.


After a quick meeting we will adjourn to the Bowling Lanes and spend $ 16.00 and enjoy an excellent evening


Food is available at the venue if you want to indulge..


Thank you Michelle for arranging this venue and event.


Any querries call Jan or Peter