Bogong Summit day walk - Grade 4

Bogong Summit day walk - Grade 4

From November 13, 2015 4:00 pm until November 15, 2015 11:00 am

At Mt Bogong

Posted by Peter Presutti


Categories: DayWalks

Hits: 3622


Join me for a day walk up to Bogong Summit.

I am testing Radio Equipment to be used by the sweep, during the 2016 March Conquestaphon

Car Camp Friday and Saturday evening, at Mountain Creek camp ground.

Early start up the Staricase to the Summit, then back down Eskdale Spur-  about 20km

Debreif Saturday evening and wander off home Sunday morning after maybe breakfast in Towonga.


Parks Vic Notes available on this LINK

This is a Grade 4 walk

For walk grades in alpine conditions click here.

For what to bring in alpine conditions click here.

For a check on the bushfire conditions click here

For club car pooling policy click here


Meet at Bunnings Car Park Wodonga 4pm Friday 23rd Oct.

OR AT Mountain Creek Camp Ground about 5:30 or so.


Call or email me for more info

0417441137   0260403210


PS ---  I will check the weather on Saturday morning and make a call --  to go or not to go..