Paddle Grade 1 and Pizza Grade 5

Paddle Grade 1 and Pizza Grade 5

From October 09, 2015 4:30 am until October 09, 2015 7:30 am

At Noreuil Park

Posted by Tony Marsh


Categories: Canoeing

Hits: 2977

Paddle and Pizza after Work

Join us for the first after work canoeing event for summer 2015/2016. This is our 5th year of running this program in conjunction with Murray River Canoe Hire.  We will be paddling from Mungabareena south to Noreuil - cost ls $12 for canoe, paddles and pfd hire plus transport. Meet at the Cumberoona Wharf at Noreuil Park at 5.30pm. Bring a change of clothes. We will eat at the Bonetti Pizzeria after the paddle.

Click the join button to register your participation in this event and please indicate if you wish to eat at the after paddle pizza at Bonetti Pizzeria across the road from Noreuil Park. If you have not paddled with us before please contact Tony for more information.