On January 04, 2014
At Falls Creek
Posted by Mick Webster
Categories: DayWalks
Hits: 4494
Try again!
A long day event for walkers, runners and cyclists! Leave from Watchbed Creek beyond Falls Creek. Walkers and runners follow Big River Fire Track to Ropers Hut and return ( approx 16km return). Cyclists (experienced self-sufficient mountain bikers only) continue on past Timms Lookout, cross Big River, climb to Bogong Creek saddle, and all going well, on to Four Mile Gap and Moncrief Gap around the western slopes of Mt Bogong, finishing at Mountain Creek car park. Approximate distance 35km on 4wd tracks. (Another choice is to ride out and back to Ropers Hut - 16km approx.) Meeting place and time at Mt Beauty to be advised. Default time will be at the Tourist Info centre at Mt Beauty at 8am. (left side as you enter the town)
Can people who enrol please indicate which option they are interested in? This may just turn into a day-walk to Ropers, with side excursions to Mts Nelse and Steadfast.....
NOTE There is a possibility (floated by Tony Marsh) that this walk could be extended to 2 or 3 days by walking beyond Ropers Hut, over Timms Lookout to Bogong Saddle, then climbing Bgong by Quartz Ridge, finishing up at Mountain Creek. Please inform me if you are interested in this option.
OK LAST UPDATE! Now only a a day-walk to Ropers, over Nelse and Steadfast ( caches). No mountain-bike. Tony M is camping at Ropers and going on over Bogong. MEETING TIME NOW 9AM AT MT BEAUTY INFO CENTRE. Weather looks good!