Meet: "Where in Australia?" 0km, 20 minutes, grade 1

Meet: "Where in Australia?" 0km, 20 minutes, grade 1

From April 21, 2020 11:00 am until 11:20 am

Posted by Claire Sandford

“Not surprisingly, destinations offering scenic wilderness hold greater appeal for hikers and bushwalkers. Angela Smith, Group Account Director, Roy Morgan Research, says:

 “The current boom in hiking and bushwalking is not only a good thing for participants’ personal well-being – it also represents a wonderful opportunity for savvy tourism operators and destination marketers. Our data indicates that people who hike/ bushwalk either regularly or occasionally tend to behave in a certain way when they go on holidays, engaging in energetic physical activity and seeking out natural surroundings more than the average Australian.
When asked where they’d like to visit, this group showed an above-average preference for unspoiled regions such as Freycinet National Park, the Flinders Ranges, Cradle Mountain and Lord Howe Island.
Where's your next holiday. Bring your ideas to Meet.