Dinner Plain Grade 3 Walk and 1 night Snow camping

Dinner Plain Grade 3 Walk and 1 night Snow camping

From August 06, 2022 3:00 pm until August 07, 2022 12:30 pm

At Dinner Plain

Posted by Dianne Ross


0412 899 697

Categories: Backpacking-OvernightCamping-Hiking

Hits: 5967

 This event is great for those new to snow camping or sleeping in cold conditions to test out your gear Overnight camp

You can park vehicles at Dinner Plain and walk 1.4km to JB Hut or park cars on side of road and walk less than 1km to Hut.

Mandatory Gear for overnight camping- Season 3-4 tent, sleeping bag, mat for Alpine conditions, Food, cooking gear

Note: Huts in alpine areas are intended for emergency use only and you should not plan to sleep in them or use the emergency firewood.


Walkers must be self-sufficient with

food, water, first aid and camping gear,

Mandatory gear - for Alpine hiking – head light, thermal top, sun hat, beanie, gloves, map, space blanket, personal first aid, water purification tablets, whistle

Mobile phone (reception in some areas)

High wind days may result in falling limbs and branches.   
Please be aware that snakes are active during warmer months. 