Albury Pool to Horseshoe Lagoon - Grade 2, approximately 8 Kms

Albury Pool to Horseshoe Lagoon - Grade 2, approximately 8 Kms

From January 17, 2022 8:00 am until January 17, 2022 11:30 am

At Noreuil Park

Posted by Anne Hopkins

0408 227 667

Categories: Halfdaywalk

Hits: 1059

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Meet at Albury Pool Car Park at 8 AM. From there we'll walk along the Murray River via the trail past Kremur Street Boatramp and part of Yindermarra Scultpures and Horseshoe Lagoon and return to vehicles. This is a fairly flat walk and dogs are welcome.

Make sure you bring water and a hat, along with the other requirements as per list below

We can then go for coffee and cake .

 Any late cancellations please call leader on 0408 227 667

PLEASE NOTE: Based on current COVID restrictions, there are currently no restrictions for NSW other than


No bushwalking experience required. The track has a hardened or compacted surface that may have a gentle hill section or sections and occasional steps.


Day Walking