Larrawallup Falls Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park, 12-15km Grade 3 daywalk CANCELLED

Larrawallup Falls Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park, 12-15km Grade 3 daywalk CANCELLED

From April 12, 2020 9:00 am until April 12, 2020 4:30 pm

At Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park

Posted by Mick Webster

0429 017229    

Categories: DayWalks

Hits: 8265

Larrawallup Falls Grade 3  Day Walk

To register for this event please click the Join button above and complete the registration details


An interesting day walk to some rarely-visited waterfalls(hopefully with a good flow) and two lookouts with great views over the Ovens Valley to Wangaratta, the Warbies, Buffalo and the Alps.Warning you may be made to spot and identify the nasty Wheel Cactus (Opuntia robusta) as part of a biological control program we are running in the Park! 'Larrawallup' is a made-up name for what the locals call Clear Creek Falls......
Meet at Old Cemetery Rd turn-off from the Hume Freeway - about 3km on the Wangaratta side from the Chiltern-Beechworth flyover. Turn left if coming from Albury-Wodonga (ie meet on the S side, opposite the Old Chiltern Cemetery). Take care when turning off.
 9am Sunday 12 April. It will be about 15km drive from there to parking.
Mick -  0429017229

 Grade 3 Event  -  LINK  to Grade Description

What to Bring  - LINK