Mt Feathertop from Harrietville - Grade 4 day walk

Mt Feathertop from Harrietville - Grade 4  day walk

From March 28, 2016 6:00 pm until March 29, 2016 6:00 am

At Mt Featherop

Posted by Peter Presutti


Categories: DayWalks

Hits: 6758

Hi All

If the body permits,  I would like to hike up to Feathertop and back to Harrietville, 22k up and down.

Easter Monday.. as its a long day,  Meet at Harietvile 7am, the reserve on left adjucent to cafe..

Besides the pleasure of getting to the top of Victoria's second highest peak, my other interest is Amateur Radio.

I have been licensed for over 30 years

Summits of the Air (SOTA)

I will be carrying HF radio equipment and Antenna

At the summit I intend to set up my radio station and try to contact other Radio Amateurs 

Carrying gear to summits and activating a radio is part of a global pastime by Ham Radio Operators called SOTA  (Summits of the Air)

North East Vic. has 243 Registered Summits - starting with Bogong 

Setup etc, will be through our lunch break. and I use earphones..


What to bring Alpine Conditions -  LINK

Walks Grade  4  -  LINK

Check the Weather  -  BOM

or another weather report  LINK

Peter Presutti  0417 441137