Walls of Jerusalem Tasmania Grade 3 Backpack and Day Walks

Walls of Jerusalem Tasmania Grade 3 Backpack and Day Walks

From February 03, 2018 8:00 am until February 10, 2018 5:00 pm

At Robigana

Posted by Sean Parker


0412 577957

Categories: Backpacking-OvernightCamping-Hiking, CarCamping, DayWalks

Hits: 7002

This event will be based in Robigana, North of Launceston, for the week Feb 3 to Feb 10  2018.  A suggested schedule is below but, given Tasmania's variable weather, the schedule may be altered to accomodate. 

We have booked to stay at the Nindethana Campsite, a Girl Guide activity centre on the Tamar River north of Launceston, which has ample bunk accomodation (BYO sleeping sheet/bag).  The accommodation costs $18 p.p. per night and has power, refridgeration, microwave oven (x 2), heating, bathroom, outdoor BBQ and commercial sized kitchen.  We just need to provide toilet paper and BYO toiletries/bedding. 

The accommodation is around 1 hour drive to the trail head of the walks.   

Walk Itinerary

Day 1-3

It is proposed to have a 2 night - 3 day back pack into the Walls of Jerusalem.  

The Walls of Jerusalem walk is one of the iconic bushwalks in Australia.  Although it can be completed as a daywalk it is best seen over 2-3 days to experience the stunning alpine terrain shaped during the last glacial period.

Highlights of the walk include a large stand of pencil pines, unique to Tasmania, the clear tarns on the plateau and a series of rugged, but easily accessible peaks, with stunning views over northern Tasmania and the Cradle Mountain/Lake St Clair wilderness area.

Day 1 of walk into the Walls is described as a 3-3.5 hour hike.  The first part of the track is a stiff uphill walk (500m gain in 2.5kms) on a good track but, once on the plateau, the terrain levels out to a beautiful undulating track past many small tarns until the campsite is reached.  The campsite has plenty of potable drinking water available, wooden platforms for tents and pit toilets.  

Once camp is setup we leave the pack behind until the walk out because we can spend the afternoon and the next day exploring the Walls with daypacks. For the remainder of Day 1 we can rest after the walk or explore the various lakes or Solomons Throne (3 hours return) - a peak to the east. 

it is proposed that day 2 we spend exploring Dixon's Kingdom (a large stand of pencil pines) and Mt Jerusalem (13.4 km - 5 hrs).  There is time in the afternoon for exploring further or retiring to the campsite.  

Day 3 could be spent with another short walk in the morning or retracing the 3 hour walk back to the car. We just need to be back in time for the leatherwood honey ice-cream at Chudleigh.

A summary of the area is described on the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife website HERE.

Hikers will need a Tassie Parks Pass and they can purchase that online for this hike - click on the link HERE


walls of jerusalem

After the walk it is proposed to follow up with a series of day walks in Northern Tasmania to some, or all, of the following:

Day 4 Meander Falls/Split Rock Track 

Considered by Sean to be the best day walk in Tasmania.   This is a grade 4 day walk of approximately 8 hours walking time, with a combination of dry sclerophyll forest, alpine terrain, a spectacular waterfall and, rarely seen by non-locals, a beautiful rainforest walk with dramatic overhanging rocks, moss and an exciting ravine crossing. 

Many options for Day 5 

We can do one of the big daywalks to mountain summits a close drive from the base at Longford.   I suggest Mt Roland - a dramatic island peak above the town of Sheffield. In the afternoon coffee and cake can be had at Sheffield.   

Day 6 - A leisurely day walk around the Cataract Gorge - Launceston's best kept secret and the only legitimate day walk in Tasmania with a cafe (or bar) at the end.

accommodation and walks locations