From March 14, 2018 9:00 am until March 15, 2018 3:00 pm
At Falls Creek
Posted by Dianne Ross
Categories: Backpacking-OvernightCamping-Hiking
Hits: 6724
Car pool from my house in Wodonga 9am. Roper Hut was destroyed in the bush fires of 2003, but was rebuilt in early 2008.
The start of this walk is the same as that for Mt Nelse. After climbing the Big River Fire Track beside Watchbed Creek, follow the AAWT past the sign posted turnoffs to Edmondson Hut and Johnston Hut and the exposed rounded summits of Mt Nelse and Mt Nelse North. Continue on across the huge expanses of rolling high plains with panoramic views west to Mt Buffalo and north across the steep slopes of the Big River Valley to Mt Bogong. 10 km from the Bogong High Plains Road, Roper Hut ruins are reached nestled on the edge of the high plains among old gnarled Snow Gums. A pole line leads from the AAWT to a lovely grassy area, perfect for camping or picnics.
This hut was built by Jack Roper on 1 February 1939 on his new lease after his old run had been acquired by the SEC. Jack was the son of Fred Junior and was born in 1900 and passed away in 1958.
His grandfather Frederick Roper had grazed the high plains without a licence from about 1890 to 1908, but died in 1904.
This hut replaced both the old Duane Hut and the Falls Ck Hut, both destroyed in the 1939 fires. It has been a very popular refuge for skiers and walkers. Much work was done on the hut by the Freemasons Task Force in 2002, before it burnt down.
The other Roper huts were at Rocky Valley and another on Mountain Creek, but both have been demolished.
Built over a snow gum frame, because woollybutt rotted in the ground. Wal Ryder carried in the iron on a pack horse. Gabled roof over iron walls.