Canyon Walk, Grade 3, 6km, Bright Art Gallery and lunch

Canyon Walk, Grade 3, 6km, Bright Art Gallery and lunch

From July 08, 2022 9:30 am until July 08, 2022 5:00 pm

At Bright - 119 Gavan Street

Posted by Dianne Ross


Categories: DayWalks

Hits: 1674

Mandatory gear - rain jacket, gloves, beanie, 1-2 ltr water, snack

Winter Exhibition at Bright Art Gallery open to 4pm


Bright’s most popular walk takes you past a small canyon carved by the Ovens River and amazing water races carved by the hands of early miners.  Enjoy the ever changing river in all seasons and watch for birdlife and wildflowers especially in spring.  Interpretive signs explain the history of the gold mining along the river.

No bushwalking experience is required as it is on a formed track but there are a few obstacles, short steep hills and occasional steps.

This walk takes you past a small canyon carved by the Ovens River and water races dug by early miners

Grade: 3
Distance: 6 km
Time: 2 hours, return