Evening Walk Grade 3 Baranduda 5km

From May 02, 2018 6:00 pm until May 02, 2018 8:00 pm
Categories: EveningWalking
Tags: PP
Hits: 6718

Hello  all evening walkers

Join in for an evening adventure...

Meet at the Jamison Drive reserve at 6pm

  • Current Medical Information Form FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
  • Water - up to 1 litre 
  • Gloves and beanie
  • Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event 
  • Suitable clothing and footwear - note denim pants are uncomfortable
  • Wet weather waterproofs, jacket and pants
  • Walking poles
  • Gaiters
  • Basic first aid kit including your specific medication eg asthma applicator
  • Torch or headlamp for contingencies


Suitable for most ages and fitness levels. Some bushwalking experience recommended. Track may have short steep hill sections, a rough surface and many steps.

Peter 0417 441 137