pine mountain walk 2016 resized part1

Highlights: Superb endemic flora on a wild and rarely visited mountain in Burrowa Pine Mountain National Park

 This was a walk with a difference if nothing else! Getting to the walk start was a bit of a battle because of fallen shrubs and trees over the bush track - not to mention the potholes and water run offs. Luckily guest Marlissa had brought a brand new pruning saw and was able to clear the way for the two vehicles that came up on Sat morning to meet Tony who had camped at the walk start.

My tent at Pine Mountain car park

So at 9-08 am we were off to a brisk start to the challenging walk up Pine Mountain Walk start

We were soon working our way through grass trees, black cypress pine and grevillea shrubs Past the grass trees

We were pretty quickly up and over Rocky Knobs and heading down now through rocky scrub. Steep descent

The track was marked with orange triangles attached to trees and lots of cairns - which were not always helpful. Route finding was a bit tricky at times. Michael chose to rest some more at about the three quarter mark and the remaining four walkers arrived at the peak about 30 minutes later. On the summit

The two Tonys on the summit

Kerry could not be persuaded to climb the cairned peak to engage in some relaxation therapy as she did last year and mindful of the forecast rain late in the day we quickly ate lunch and within 20 minutes were heading back down the mountain at 1-05pm

The return journey seemed to be proceeding satisfactorily but after 2 hours or more Marlissa raised the alarm that we appeared to be heading back towards the summit. Consultation with the gps determined that this was indeed the case! Amazingly (or not depending on who you speak to) on a knoll where the walk does a huge loop diversion of a high spot we had exited the loop heading in the wrong direction back to the summit

 offending knoll

Not surprisingly from that point on strict attention was paid to the gps.  We ended up returning to the car where we hoped to find Michael some 5 hours after leaving Pine Mountain. We ended up walking 4km extra and climbing 250 metres more than we needed to! But in the finish in the spirit of true bushwalkers we took nothing but photos and left nothing but footprints! - well ok maybe a bit of sweat, blood and almost tears

 Take nothing but photos - leave nothing but footprints

 Click here for photos of this event

Note Phone Coverage

Very marginal at the walk start - sms possible with some handsets - capacity to make calls higher up the mountain

Click here for GPS Record in KMZ (Google Earth) format