Baranduda Ridge Lane Evening walk and bbq

From December 04, 2013 6:30 pm until December 04, 2013 9:00 pm
Posted by Tony Marsh
Categories: EveningWalking
Hits: 5143


Forecast not improving so tonights event is postponed Tony Marsh

Looking too wet for a walk (and drive) up and bbq on Ridge Lane so my plan is to have the bbq at my place 4 Jamison Drive Baranduda and if the rain clears sufficiently we could go for a walk out and back from my place - so in short the event is still on just in a modified format! cheers Tony phone 0417687842



We will meet in Jamison Drive opposite my place. This will be a relatively easy or medium walk (yes you have the choice) of about 4km to be followed by a bbq at Ridge Lane with great views of Mt Buffalo - the BBQ area is 230metre from the car with a 35 metre climb and the climb to the south gate from the car is a 145m climb and is quite steep but there will be a 4wd or two on hand to get you over this hurdle and to transport the bbq equipment so dont let the prospect of a short uphill grunt put you off cos you can take the easier option and get a ride! Ailla the dog will be on board but wont be driving! See attached file called map mvb walk ridge lane dec4 2013.jpg  under the Google map for further details. But note we are not doing the whole route marked in blue - we go in the Ridge Lane south gate do a loop and come back to the more northerly Ridge Lane gate. This walk has an MVB geocache for us to find and a stand of some stunning southern blue gums. Note to make sense of the google map below click the minus sign (top left of the map) a couple of times.