Eldorado Via CFA Track
Hi All, Join in on another leg of the North East Towns Walk.
We started from Baranduda last year and over several hops we have made it to the junction of CFA track and McFeeters Road, just past Woolshed falls.
Sunday the start is 8am, head up CFA track to the top and meander along to Kangaroo Crossing about 15k and if time permits to Eldorado via Kangaroo Hill, otherwise along Woolshed Road.
Its a Grade 3 Walk only difficult section is a k into the start.,, and as always be prepared for all seasons.
Bring sufficient food for a full day. when i know numbers I can work out car shuffle details,
I will need someone to meed me in Eldorado to leave a car.. ( about 7:15am ) Others can meet at the start,there is parking on a side road 200m past CFA Track.. From Albury /Wodonga its about 40 min
Please consider having an emergency personal id with you Click for and EG
Anyone wanting a lift please let me know
Please call for more info 0417 441137