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MVB Events Program Update #10 Sept 7th  2015

second week of Spring  --- 


 the numbers for this Friday are not looking good

if you have intentions of coming along please jump on the website and let us know


Annual General Meeting - continuation this Friday

Not quite enough members turned up to form a quorum on August 14,  Club Rules Item 10  - Link to Read 

Please note that the club received just enough nominations to fill all 6 committee positions.

The AGM will resume on Friday evening 11th September at the 10 Pin Bowling Center, Sanyo Drive Wodonga  6:30 PM to ratify the committee.

After a quick Meeting - we will adjourn to the Bowling Lanes and spend $ 16.00 and enjoy an excellent evening

Food is available at the venue if you want to indulge..

Thank you Michelle for arranging this venue and event.


Day Walks

The cold and rain seems to have taken its toll on the day walks both weekend and Tuesdays

Packhorse trail - on again for mid October 18th

and -- Car Camp at Mountain Creek Friday and Saturday and do the Bogong Loop Saturday morning 20k


Nail Can Wildflowers Walk. Saturday 19th Sapt.

Hans is leading a walk from 9:3 to 12:30 and we have the opportunit y to have a stall / dislay promoting our club

WE need helpers on the day -



Care to try out backpacking for a few days on the High Plains?  We will start form Cope Hut, Friday 2nd October.

or come along Saturday for a shorter walk from Watchbed Creek - to Edmundson Hut and onwards

A bit early but - I have put it up, multi day hike from Mountain Creek to Harrietville March 2106 (Bail or Join at Falls if suits)


BBQ, Evening Walk and Spotlight

Well the last event was a beauty.  need to plan another asap.  Next Full Moon anyone..  or maybe a New Moon


Snow Events

Check out our Program, Probably not much left of the snow season.


Corryong Members Walks

Iris is busy adding walks.

From Albury its a bit of a drive up and back,  but you can always stay for the weekend in Corryong

Check out the Walks Reports Iris has been submitting,  worth a read.


Social Evening

An evening 10 pin bowling 11th Sept .

Join Trevor and his mate for a great car camp, 21st Nov


Bike ride

None on the calendar as yet,   BUT  Magpie Season has kicked in,  so Beware.


Wish someone would put on a ???????????

If you want to go somewhere but not on the calendar,  email the Events coordinator.

We have some 18 leaders registered,  someone should be able to accommodate you.


Approaching the Committee

Please if you have any questions and or issues or just want to add an event.

Please call an appropriator committee member

These folk are elected and volunteer to steer our club and offer support.

We have an Events Coordinator

We have a Treasurer           

We have a President           

We have a Secretary          

and Committee  - all too willing and happy to help.

there contact details are on the web site, and most of the members know who they are.. or should  - follow the link


If someone thinks I have missed someone or an item

please let me or a committee member know - Thanks.


Peter Presutti

Events Co-0rdinator.( till Friday  11th)