Member Login to My Profile

Membership Renewals Require You to Login to the MVB Website and Edit Your Profile by Clicking the Update Button

  1. Login and go to Members, My Profile
  2. Click the Update button at the bottom and then the Subscription tab appears
  3. Choose appropriate subscription plans then click the Upgrade/Donate button

If you need to recover your username and/or password click here

To complete membership renewal you must complete and submit the once per year acknowledgement of risk form below.

If you havent paid already clicking the Continue button after submitting the form below will take you to the subscriptions page.

 Please note we are experiencing problems with the processing of Concessions for subscriptions. If you are eligible but cannot get the system to give you a discount please contact Tony to get him to correct this problem.

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Enter full member name

Renewing members must complete and submit this form at subscription renewal time

In voluntarily participating in events of MVB Inc, I am aware that my participation may expose me to hazards and risks that could lead to injury, illness or death or to loss of or damage to my property.

In particular when participating in abseiling or above the snowline activities I am aware that these activities expose me to additional hazards and risks.

To minimise risks I will endeavour to ensure that
  1. Each activity is within my capabilities
  2. I am carrying food, water and equipment appropriate for the activity
  3. I will advise the event leader if I am taking any medication or have any physical or other limitation that might affect my participation in the activity
  4. I will make every effort to remain with the rest of the party during the activity
  5. I will advise the leader of any concerns I am having
  6. I will comply with all reasonable instructions of club officers and the activity leader

I have read and understand these requirements. I have considered the risks before choosing to sign this acknowledgement of risk. I still wish to join MVB events. I accept that in signing this form I will take responsibility for my own actions.

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Please enter member email address

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To renew your membership for the year you need to accept the terms of membership as outlined above

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Please choose the number of members included in your membership of MVB

 Further detailed instructions here if required