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  1. Purpose
  • The purpose of this meeting was to review procedures and policies in the way MVB members conduct and partakes in the MVB Mt Bogong Conquestathon. 
  • Who is it for, or who is it aimed at – New members, Current members of MVB
  1. References


  1. Findings

 The following points where discussed and the following conclusions found

 #          If event leader is stationed at Mountain Creek Picnic area they must delegate and seek the help of a 2nd leader in charge who will lead the hike to Mt Bogong until event is finished

#          Communication issues needs to be addressed between clubs

#          Duties of Event leader or leaders to be established

#          4wd pooling

#          Event agenda

#          Weather conditons

  1. Conclusions

#          The event leader or leaders will organise and check the following;

  • Arrival time at Mountain Creek Campsite on the Saturday to be advised in event brief meeting prior to event – via email or meeting
  • 4wd pool shuffle – members to be advised in event brief meeting prior to event – via email or meeting who will be travelling in which vehicle
  • Mandatory gear check (first Aid – it was decided that each person needed to carry their own first aid with mandatory first aid gear)
  • Each member is required to wear a high visy vest to identify them as a MVB Volunteer member

#          Event briefing to cover items such as

  • duty of care, our duties,
  • who is going to volunteer as sweeper,
  • extra tipsto be conducted before each event,
  • When a competitor is turned back when does duty of care end?
  • Minimum gear check for competitors
  • Communication with Parks re roads

#          Purchase of a MVB Banner to be provided for advertising on Mt Bogong, purchase to be discussed for next meeting

#          The MVB Club to establish a volunteer list for 4wd drivers to be available on the weekend of the Mt Bogong for carpooling to granite flats car park to Mountain creek picnic area and return

#          A joint meeting with Lions Club, Amateur Radio Group and Parks Vic to discuss communications and other matters needing to be addressed has been recommended.

#          Given that we have input into the suitability of the weather conditions on the mountain for the event to proceed. define a procedure to follow and what type of conditions would we recommend event cancellation -  having experience a situation where a decision was made by a leader of volunteers up the mountain (BBC) of cancellation that proved to be unnecessary (a simple check of the radar would have shown the squall would be short lived) I think we need to be able to explain/defend a decision/recommendation we make and not just be a panic decision based on nasty weather at the time

Procedure to include

  1. 1. Checking and recording of forecast from BOM - could be just a photo of a phone screen or screen capture
  2. 2. Observations of weather - perhaps a portable weather station could be carried up the mountain? it could tell us accurate stats?
  3. 3. Login to the weather radar and look at whats coming up

4:        Make recommendations to be presented at next MVB meeting for purchase of the following

  1. Purchase of High Visy vests with MVB logo on the back
  2. Purchase of CB radios
  3. Purchase/Use of binoculars

Purchase of a MVB Banner

MVB to receive Risk management plan from Lions club...then forward onto all volunteers before event so any issues can be raised before hand