Duty of Care 4 - Temporary members (Guests/Visitors)

  1. Must sign an acknowledgement of risk form and comply with club procedures
  2. Take responsibility for their own safety
  3. Exercise a duty of care to all other participants.
  4. Decisions made at Committee meeting #28 October 17 2017
    • Guest / Visitors on Events - It was proposed that the first day event be free, however guests will need to pay for equipment hire (canoeing, snowshoes etc).
    •  Days 2 etc will be charged $10.
    • This motion was moved by Peter and seconded by Ro and was carried
    • Tony requested that a flat fee of $10 regardless of a family or an individual be the fee (easier to implement on the website) 
    • Tony agreed to put a system in place as soon as possible to implement these changes and that it be monitored 


Visitors are covered under Bushwalking Australia’s current public liability insurance policy as “temporary members” of a club as long as they submit an acknowledgement of risk that is part of the MVB event booking enquiry system and which complies with the proforma provided by Bushwalking Australia. The main aim of this is to ensure that visitors are aware of their responsibilities and the possible risks associated with the activity they are undertaking.


Our responsibility is to promote to members and guests the importance of managing risk with a primary focus on developing a culture of care within the club so that members can enjoy activities in a reasonably safe manner whilst acknowledging the risks of injury inherent in their club’s activities.