Beechworth to Osborne's Flat Rail Trail by bike, Grade 2/3, 37km

From July 03, 2022 10:00 am until July 03, 2022 2:00 pm
Posted by Sharon OToole
Categories: Cycling
Hits: 3091

GRADE 2 - Some undulating hills – eg West Wodonga to Chiltern /GRADE 3 - Medium grade of climbing – eg Wodonga to Yack. Mostly sealed surface with one gravel section and one on road section. 

10am Meet at the old Beechworth Railway station,

Railway avenue, Beechworth. We will ride from Beechworth to Osborne's Flat, via Wooragee and Yackandandah. This will be mostly downhill and an easy ride suitable for beginners, depending on interest, some may choose to ride back uphill to the start point of Beechworth. A car shuttle with trailer will be organised for those who wish to go one way only. Make sure you have a good wind breaker and gloves for the cold downhill section. 

The railtrail flows through woodland and farmland, along the Yackandandah creek. There is one section yet to be completed, meaning that there is no access to the underpass near the roundabout heading into Yackandandah, so at this point we will need to ride along the main road for 300 metres, taking great care of the traffic. There is signage to direct us where to go. I envision the ride to take roughly 2 hours one way (probably less) and the same for the way back.


For single half day or full day cycling events consider bringing

  • Current Medical Information Form LOGIN FIRST  and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE 
  • Your bycycle
  • Puncture repair kit including pump
  • Water bottle(s)
  • Sunscreen
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
  • Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event
  • Suitable clothing and footwear - note denim pants are uncomfortable
  • Wet weather waterproofs
  • Basic tools for bicycle maintenance
  • Basic first aid kit including your specific medication eg asthma applicator
  • Torch or headlamp for contingencies


*When you register please indicate your interest in one or both directions, so I can guage interest and arrange for transfers.