Castle Creek Nature Walk Grade 2, 5km 2 hours

From September 25, 2023 9:00 am until September 25, 2023 11:45 am
Posted by Iris Joss
Categories: Halfdaywalk
Hits: 922


Meet at the Elliot Lane access point shown below at 9 am for a pleasant walk.

Coming south on Beechworth Rd from Albury continue past the Baranduda Boulevarded roundabout and as you approach a cutting look for the Drapers Rd turn off to the right -  then immediately take a hard turn right on to Elliot Lane

Dog friendly

Bring Water, no morning tea on this walk.

Coffe and Cake after.

Day Walking

  • Current Medical Information Form - LOGIN FIRST  and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE 
  • Water - up to 2 litres recommended for a full day walk
  • Sunscreen
  • Gloves and hat
  • Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event 
  • Suitable clothing and footwear - note denim pants are uncomfortable
  • Wet weather waterproofs, jacket and pants
  • Walking poles
  • Gaiters
  • Basic first aid kit including your specific medication eg asthma applicator
  • Torch or headlamp for contingencies


More about the Castle Creek Nature trail here

drapers reserve access



No bushwalking experience required. The track has a hardened or compacted surface that may have a gentle hill section or sections and occasional steps.

Day Walking

  • Current Medical Information Form FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
  • Water - up to 2 litres recommended for a full day walk
  • Sunscreen
  • Gloves and hat
  • Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event 
  • Suitable clothing and footwear - note denim pants are uncomfortable
  • Wet weather waterproofs, jacket and pants
  • Walking poles
  • Gaiters
  • Basic first aid kit including your specific medication eg asthma applicator