Weekend Camping and Canoeing Upper Murray - Grade 3 - Canoeing x 2 days (26km in total)

From March 30, 2019 8:00 am until March 31, 2019 5:00 pm
Posted by Tony Marsh
Hits: 6662

Camping and Canoeing on the Upper Murray River 

About 6 km downstream from Jingellic bridge on the Victorian side of the upper Murray River you will find the Gadds Reserve Campground. We will meet there on the Friday evening or the Saturday morning by 9am 

From Albury Wodonga it will take you approximately 1.5 hours to get there depending on the route you take. Google Maps will provide you with the information 

Camping is free at Gadds Reserve - there are no facilities however so we will come equipped with all the gear we have at Bundalong ie toilets, tables, gazebo etc

Cost of kayak, pfd and paddle hire for the weekend is $50

A 20 km one way paddle is planned for the Saturday. We will put the boats in at Gadds and paddle downstream to Talmalmo Cottage or Bullock Flat - I will do a recce of the options and decide closer to the weeknd. On the Sunday we will consider paddling from rest of the way to Burrowye Bend - a decision will be made after reviewing the progress made on Saturday, the weather and the river levels.

Weekend Paddle - Gadds Bend to Burrowye Reserve (over 2 days)

gadds bend to burrowye paddle





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