Members and Guests Evening

From May 21, 2015 7:00 pm until May 21, 2015 9:00 pm
Categories: Meetings
Hits: 8162

Hi all Members and Guests.

Hope you can make it to our Members Evening on Thursday 21st May  7 PM at the Thurgoona Community Center.

Bring a guest and or friend.  A good chance to catch up with other club members, find out what they have been up to.

We have a DVD called Beneath the Razorback,  this was made after the 2003 Fires that ravaged the area,  the story focuses on the Gold mining efforts of the 1850's and beyond. goes for about 45 minutes.

A slide show highlighting club activities as well.

Peter will give a very brief talk on Dehydrating food for backpacking. 

Small supper, with tea and or coffee provided