Exploring Mt Beauty Area Grade 3 Day Walks

From January 14, 2018 9:30 am until January 14, 2018 3:00 pm
Posted by Dianne Ross
Categories: DayWalks
Hits: 5537

Meet at Treats cafe - Tawonga Sth 9.30am



Mount Beauty Gorge Walk
2.8km, 1.5hrs return

No bushwalking experience required. Formed track with some obstacles, short steep hills and occasional steps. Sign posted.

Start the walks from the Big Hill Mountain Bike Park, off the Bogong High Plains Road on the right side, heading towards Falls Creek. Walk uphill along the Aqueduct Track behind the large holiday apartments; follow the signposted track for 1km to a swing bridge over the West Kiewa River. To get to the adit/shaft and the canyon, plus get great views of the Gorge, cross over the swing bridge and walk uphill, you will come across a swimming hole and another 100m up the river.

The adit was dug in the 1950’s to help with the construction of the Kiewa Scheme. During summer, when the rocks are dry in the river bed, it is possible to walk, wade and swim upstream for 400 metres to an impressive canyon. It is not advisable to do this last section if the rocks are wet and slippery. The last section of the canyon is best attempted in the late afternoon when the sun shines on the water.


Lake Guy Walk

3km, 1-1.5hrs return

No bushwalking experience required. Formed track with some obstacles, gentle hills and many steps. Sign posted.

Park in the car park just below Bogong Jacks Tavern. The track around Lake Guy starts 150 metres northwest of the car park. Continue through the tunnel in the dam wall and follow the walking track to ‘The Junction’ at the confluence of the Rocky Valley and Pretty Valley Stream which then flows into Lake Guy (Junction Dam). Return past the new power station, either above it on the road, or below on the walking track beside the lake.

 Fainter Falls

1.5km, 40 mins return

No bushwalking experience required. Formed track with hills and no steps. Clearly sign posted.

This walk is located 1km past Bogong Village, just before the Bogong High Plains Road crosses the Pretty Valley Stream. Start the walk opposite the car park. Follow the signed walking track, which provides spectacular views of the Falls and the beautiful environment beside the wild river.