MVB Bulletin # 26 June 11 2012
The snow season is with us but we need a good dump to kick our snow based activities off - consequently you may not see any snow activities on the program until more snow arrives. In the meantime some members are utilising the snow making areas at Falls Creek to dust off the cobwebs and get in a bit of practice.
Membership Renewal:
If you are unsure as to when you are financial with the MVB to you can log into the club website and go to the Members menu item and choose My Profile and then the Membership tab. The financial status field tells you when your membership is due for renewal. For most people that will be due on July 1st. In keeping with our principles of being a paperless association all this can be done on line.
Annual General Meeting:
This has been programmed for the 7th July 2012 at the Gateway Village. It will take place after the Farmers Market, will be followed by a bbq and a short walk.
The main part of the AGM is the election of the committee for the next twelve months. Our constitution has determined the size of the committee on the membership, so the next committee shall consist of 6 members:
- President - Tony Marsh has been nominated for this position
- Secretary - Tracey Barkley has been nominated for this position
- Treasurer - Peter Presutti has been nominated for this position
- Events Coordinator - Hans Kaspers has been nominated for this position
- Publicity and Development Coordinator
- Website administrator - Neil Brown has been nominated for this position
Nomination Procedures:
- Nominations for these positions can be received until 7 days before the AGM.
- Any member can nominate any other member, so you can even nominate yourself!
- If you nominate another member, please obtain their permission first.
- All nominations have to be published on the website.
Please use the Forum on the website- Suggestion box,
AGM Nominationsto achieve that outcome..
Whats On This Week:
- Join Hans and Tony for a Kiewa/Murray walk on Tues morning - full details here
- Hans is also offering a walk at Mt Stanley next Sunday - full details here
Join Neil for Indoor Rock Climbing at the Albury Indoor Climbing Centre is on on Tuesday evenings. Check out the program at the MVB Abseilers page .
Insurance coverage for indoor rock climbing is provided by Albury Indoor Climbing Centre.
Get a deal:
For the climbers, if you are considering climbing shoes now would be a good time to buy as Mountain Design has a 30% discount on all climbing gear until 24th June. They have limited shoe sizes and limited numbers so get in quick. Ask about their Alliance Club Membership.
Join us for a social get together and dinner at the German Austrian club on Friday June 15 at 6pm- full details here
Recent Events:
Last weekend saw two activites - another geocache inspired walk led by Hans in the Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park into an area known as the Bear Cave - the granite galleries remind you of Mt Buffalo but unfortunately gps devices dont work too well in an enclosed space. So we dipped on finding this cache but will be back. Click the photo to see more pics of this walk and read an event report here.
Two other geocaches were found and the walk featured wildlife including scarlet robin (spotted by Margaret) and other birds, kangaroos and black wallaby and fabulous fungi.
The second activity last weekend was Intermediate Abseiling at The Rock near Wagga Wagga.
Abseiling at The Rock on Sunday was a great success. The weather was clear and you could see for miles. What a sight! The fear barrier was broken a number of times and I take my hat of to those people. Good on you and keep pushing it.
You can watch videos from previous trips on MVB Abseilers on You Tube or look at some pics on MVB Abseilers on Flickr or our facebook page.
You can read a report on Sundays Abseil by clicking on the link View Event Reports.
Club Develpoment Workshops:
Neil Brown represented the club at the workshop on Wed June 6th which looked at ways to boost club membership and a number of hints and strategies were outlined.
Neil Brown
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
MVB Bulletin # 25 June 4 2012:
Welcome to winter 2012 - the snow season officially kicks off this coming weekend. We are waiting patiently for another dump that will kick start the cross country skiing and snowshoeing program.
President's Report:
The Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc. is fast approaching its first birthday.
As (a reluctant) president I am astonished with the progress of this new club: To go from 14 members at the inaugural meeting, to over 75 within one year is an incredible achievement!
Clearly the MVB is fulfilling a need in the community and apparently the Wodonga City Council agrees.
Since the formation of the MVB we have offered a wide range of event types. Not only walking and skiing, but also canoeing, abseiling, indoor climbing, cycling, birding and geocaching.
Indoor climbing and geocaching are the newest events, with "team mvb" the club's geocaching team already having found 14 caches and hidden two.
Hans and Anne examining a cache near the Kinross Woolshed last Saturday.
A very good record of the activities of the club can be found on the club's Flickr photo site (we are getting close to 2000 photos), in the calendar of events and in event reports on the website.
Of course completing one year means that we members have to dip in our pockets and renew our membership due on July 1st. In keeping with our principles of being a paperless association all this can be done on line.
The other major outcome of one year in existence is that we have to hold an Annual General Meeting. This has been programmed for the 7th July 2012 at the Gateway Village. It will take place after the Farmers Market, will be followed by a bbq and a short walk.
What better way for an outdoors activities club than to hold its AGM outdoors?
Obviously the main part of the AGM is the election of the committee for the next twelve months. Our constitution has determined the size of the committee on the membership, so the next committee shall consist of 6 members:
- President,
- Secretary,
- Treasurer,
- Events Coordinator,
- Publicity and Development Coordinator
- Website administrator.
Nomination Procedures:
- Nominations for these positions can be received until 7 days before the AGM.
- Any member can nominate any other member, so you can even nominate yourself!
- If you nominate another member, please obtain their permission first.
- All nominations have to be published on the website.
Please use the Forum on the website- Suggestion box,
AGM Nominations to achieve that outcome..
Looking forward to another great year for MVB!
Hans Kaspers, President.
Whats On!
MVB Abseilers and Climbers:
Neil is offering an ongoing Abseiling program with two events available on the Queens Birthday long weekend in June. Easy Abseiling on the 9th at the Old Albury Quarry and Intermediate Abseiling on the 10th At The Rock. Book by the web site or give me a call on 0417 813 951. You can watch videos from previous trips on MVB Abseilers on You Tube or look at some pics on MVB Abseilers on Flickr.
These will be the last Abseiling events until the start of September as I will be enjoying the sunshine in a warmer climate.
Indoor Rock Climbing at the Albury Indoor Climbing Centre is also happening on Tuesday evenings. Check out the program at the MVB Abseilers page - insurance coverage for indoor rock climbing is provided by Albury Indoor Climbing Centre.
For the climbers, if you are considering climbing shoes now would be a good time to buy as Mountain Design has a 30% discount on all climbing gear until 24th June. They have limited shoe sizes. Ask about there Alliance Club Membership.
You can read a report of the fantastic abseiling event attended by 5 members held at The Rock on May 13 here.
Club Develpoment Workshops:
Neil Brown will represent the club at the workshop on Wed June 6th which will be looking at ways to boost club membership from 6pm to 8-30pm at the council offices Hovell St Wodonga with light refreshments and snacks provided. Contact Neil if you wish to join him on the night.
Peter Presutti is offering Tuesday morning walks at the moment - full details here
Hans will be conducting a walk and geocache find in Chiltern Mt Pilot NP on Sat June 9
Join us for a social get together and dinner at the German Austrian club on Friday June 15 at 6pm - full details here
Neil Brown
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
MVB Bulletin # 24 May 28 2012
Welcome to our newest member John Jamison - Im sure John will be busy this winter as I hope the rest of us will be. With great snow falls last weekend we are entitled to be a bit optimistic about what the season might deliver. Cross country skiing and snow shoeing will be our main activities this winter. Watch the program for more information - official snow season start is the Queens Birthday long weekend.
Committee Meeting
Minutes of the last meeting held on May 11 are available here
Notice of Annual General Meeting
To be held on July 7 at the Gateway Island complex where the farmers markets are held starting at 12 midday - this will be followed by a bbq and a short walk
Funding submission
We have decided to purchase a Spot tracker which is a GPS enabled tracking device with the capcactiy to send sms and email as well as alerting authorities via satellite of an emergency.
Club developent workshops
Peter attended the first of 3 club development workshops being promoted by the City of Wodonga - this one was on financial management and Peter has now converted the financial information of the club into MYOB. A wealth of resources for club development were presented and Peter wrote a report that the committee will be examining
Neil Brown represented the club at the second workshop on digital and social media and has been honing hisskills with social media such as Flickr, Youtube and Facebook We are still looking for a third person to represent the club on Wed June 6th which will be looking at ways to boost club membership. All are from 6pm to 8-30pm at the council offices Hovell St Wodonga with light refreshments and snacks provided.
Geoaching Workshop
We are running our first Geocaching workshop at the Thurgoona Community Centre this Saturday morning to skill up our members after breakfast at the Kinross - click here for full details. Email and /or ring Tony or submit a Contact Us message from the website to express an interest.
Abseiling and Indoor Rock Climbing
Neil is offering an ongoing abseiling program with two events available on the Queens Birthday long weekend in June. Indoor rock climbing at the Albury Indoor Climbing Centre is also happening on Tuesday evenings. Check out the program at the MVB Abseilers page - insurance coverage for indoor rock climbing is provided by Albury Indoor Climbing Centre.
You can read a report of the fantastic abseiling event attended by 5 members held at The Rock on May 13 here.
Iris Joss lead a walk from Koetong to Shelley Station for lunch on Saturday May 12th and a second walk from Lockarts Gap to Tallangatta Lookout on May 26th
Whats On
Peter Presutti is leading a walk up Baranduda Range Tuesday May 29th in the morning and looking for geocaches.
There are two great events on this weekend.
There is an ongoing program of Wed afternoon bird observing and easy walking activities in the Wodonga Retained Environment Network - we have now visited 5 WREN reserves . This is a great opportunity to learn about the birdlife of north east victoria. Check out the bird watching program here
We have established a geocaching group in the club called Team MVB with its own email list and a premium account that allows us to download and explore this fun activity.
Tony Marsh
Secretary Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
May 8 2012
Postponement of Public Meeting
Due to issues with gaining sufficient publicity we decided to postpone the meeting to be held this Friday May 11 - a decision will be made at the next committee meeting to be held this Friday May 11 at 2-30 pm at the Piano Lounge of the Commercial Club about a rescheduled date and time. Which reminds me - club members and guests are always welcme to join us at committee meetings.
Successful funding submission
We have finally been successful with a funding application! The City of Wodonga has awarded the club $700 for the purchase of safety equipment under the financial assistance to community groups program. We are greatly appreciative of the support for our fledgling club especially as this program funds a whole range of groups and activities that are not necessarily sports related. The club will be represented at an award ceremony to be held on May 18 at City of Wodonga offices.
Club developent workshops
Peter attended the first of 3 club development workshops being promoted by the City of Wodonga - this one was on financial management and Peter has now converted the financial information of the club into MYOB. A wealth of resources for club development were presented and Peter wrote a report that the committee will be examining
Neil Brown will represent the club at the second workshop on digital and social media which is entirely appropriate given the work he has done promoting our club on Facebook We are still looking for a third person to represent the club on Wed June 6th which will be looking at ways to boost club membership. All are from 6pm to 8-30pm at the council offices Hovell St Wodonga with light refreshments and snacks provided.
Computer Based Training Workshops
We are canvassing the idea of running evening workshops at the Thurgoona Community Centre to skill up our members in how to maximise the use of the club's website. Workshops may cover any or all of the following:
- Logging in and updating your membership details
- Making electronic payments
- Creating and managing new events
- Maintenance of event booking forms
- Submitting event reports
- Use of Personal Locator Beacons and GPS
- Using software such as Google Earth to plan and document club events
Any further ideas gratefully received. Email and /or ring Tony or submit a Contact Us message from the website to express an interest.
Walking Poles
Having acquired a new pair of state of the art walking poles Peter Presutti is a font of knowledge on this topic of increasing interest to our members. We will approach him to write a short article for the next bulletin.
Nail Can Hill Event 2012
Bonegilla Block 19 report
A short walk (about 4km) and guided tour of the Bonegilla Block 19 migrant facility on Saturday April 28
Whats On
Peter Presutti is leading a walk up McFarlanes Hill Thursday April 10th in the morning and looking for geocaches.
There are two great events on this weekend.
Iris Joss is leading a walk from Koetong to Shelley Station for lunch on Saturday May 12th
An intermediate abseiling event at The Rock on Sunday May 13th
Note that full details of abseiling events are available on the MVB Abseilers page
There is an ongoing program of Wed afternoon bird observing and easy walking activities in the Wodonga Retained Environment Network - we have now visited 4 WREN reserves . This is a great opportunity to learn about the birdlife of north east victoria. Check out the bird watching program here
We have established a geocaching group in the club called Team MVB with its own email list and a premium account that allows us to download and explore this fun activity.
Tony Marsh
Secretary Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc