Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc Bulletin #78 Sep 25 2013
Introducing our new treasurer
My name is Lena Sandstrom and I was born and raised in Sweden where I grew up with mum, dad and two younger siblings. My love for being out in mother nature started early and as we had a forest across the main road I was more or less always over there playing or just walking along the many paths. When I was 10 years old I got my first dog and she became my companion on our many walks to discover more of the forest and surrounding areas.I first came out to Australia in January 2001, lived in Newcastle and studied Bachelor of Teaching for a year before moving to Brisbane where I changed degree to Human Services. I graduated in 2006. While living up there I enjoyed day and weekend trips to the outback.I really love the rainforest most of all and made many trips up in the mountains. After a few years back in Sweden where I became very restless in winter trapping me indoors I came back to Australia late 2011 and moved to Wodonga in January this year. Finding MVB was the best thing that could happen to me making new friends who enjoy being out in nature as much as I do. Every time is a true adventure and it energises me to be so close to water, trees, beautiful flowers and nature.
Upcoming Events
Sept 27-29 Warby Ovens National Park Base Camp
Spring has sprung - its time to dust off the boots and get out walking, cycling, geocaching, camping out, spotlighting, looking for wildflowers and birds, stargazing - and guess what you can do all of these activities this coming weekend in the Warby Ovens National Park at the Killawarra Forest Camp.
A full weekend of activities is on offer and has already attracted 10 participants click here for more details and hit the join button to let Tracey know you are interested. People will be there from Friday evening on - come and join us for any part of the weekend.
Tues Oct 1 Clear Creek Falls Woolshed Valley
Join Hans for a half day walk to these wonderful falls - click here for more details
October 18-25 Grampians National Park one week base camp
Join Tony for all or part of what is going to be a great week in this amazing park
November 1-2 Cocoparra National Park
Join Hans for a weekend base camp at this park near Griffith NSW
Canoeing Program 2013/14
Daylight savings is only a fortnight away and that means we start thinking about canoeing again - this is traditionally our most popular activity by a long shot so if you are wondering if the program of regular Thursday after work paddles will be happening again this year the answer is a resounding YES!
November 10 Ropers Hut and beyond at Falls Creek
Join Mick Webster for an exciting and demanding day walk and or mountain bike ride in the alps
Dec 8 The Big Walk Mt Buffalo
Join Hans for this crossover walk - choose your route up or down one of the great walks in the North East
Down the Track
Two weeks in Tasmania
Join Hans for car camping in three locations in Tassie - Freycinet NP, Tasman Peninsula and Mt Field NP
Eyre Peninsula South Australia Easter 2014 (extended) Car Camp
Leader Trevor Potts -more info in the next bulletin but if interested you can email Trevor at
Lincoln National Park boasts some of the most scenic coastline in South Australia, and features the vast Sleaford-Wanna sand dune system, islands, and the beautiful Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area.
Recent events
Mountain Bike Day Ride Sept 8, Barambogie Range Eldorado
7 cyclists and two motorists joined us for a great ride to Eldorado for lunch via some fabulous waterfalls and a geocache. The ride back was a tad challenging for some but not others!
Yackandandah to Beechworth day walk Sat Sept 14
The Grand Tour of North East towns resumed when 4 walkers and a dog headed off at 8-30 am from Wellsford St Yackandandah arriving at Lake Sambell campground about 3-30pm
Beechworth to Woolshed Falls Sunday Sept 15
Numbers swelled to nine and a dog for the delightful stroll from the Powder Magazine to Woolshed Falls on the Sunday
Gundabooka National Park Sept21-24
4 members completed an overnight backpack walk in this park just south of Bourke NSW on the weekend just past - hopefully have some photos for the next bulletin
Baranduda Range Swainsona Survey Walk Set 22
Sponsored by Baranduda Landcare this was the 6th annual survey for this beautiful but rare plant
MVB Facebook Site
If you havent visited for a while check us out and add to our number of Like hits
First Aid Training
There are still funds available to subsidise members who would like to obtain or renew a First Aid certificate. Contact Tony for more info at
Where are the photos?
Having trouble viewing photos in this bulletin?
Your email program will have a setting you can alter to view the photos or you can view the bulletin on the club's website here.
Membership Renewals
Lots of people have successfully navigated their way around the new system to renew their membership. If you've tried and got into strife help is at hand - email Tony at or phone him on 0417687842 - note if you wish to join an event and you are not financial you will need to pay the visitor fee of $5 and submit an acknowledgement of risk form for each event.
Catch you on a club event soon!
Lin Starke
Secretary Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc Bulletin #77 Sep 05 2013
This bulletin features photos taken by and of some of our newest members some of whom seem to have a propensity to cuddle up close and take lots of photos. Let there be no misunderstanding - these sorts of behaviours are highly encouraged on MVB events!
Sat Aug 31st Mt Granya and Granya Falls
You can click the photo above to see more of Marie's pics of this event on our Flickr site. Nine people participated in this delightful walk led by Tracey Barkley.
Membership and Canoeing
Thanks to the Bailey family (x4) and David Amery for renewing recently we are up to 80 financial members - daylight savings is only a month away and that means we start thinking about canoeing again - this is traditionally our most popular activity by a long shot so if you are wondering if the program of regular thursday after work paddles will be happening again this year the answer is a resounding YES!
Recent events
Tues Sept 3 Beechworth Loop from Powder Magazine
Sun Sept 1 Beechworth to Yackandandah Bike Ride
Its not every day you get to see a koala while riding your mountain bike! Five members were thrilled by this encounter. Photo by Peter Presutti Koala spotting and event leadership by Mick Webster
Whats Ahead?
A smorgasboard of activities as usual
Sunday Sept 8 Beginner Snowshoe Falls Creek
Have you ever thought I haven't tried snowshoeing, maybe I should! Its not too late there is the best spring cover of snow for years so join Jan Douglas for this easy beginner snowshoe event click here for more details
Sun Sept 8 Barambogie Range Bike Ride
Join Peter for an exciting ride from the Chiltern Beechworth road to Eldorado or you can just drive down the freeway and into the Chiltern Mt Pilot NP to Eldorado - either way we wil all meet for lunch at the pub click here for more details
Down the Track
September 14 and 15 the Grand walking tour of north east townships resumes click here for more details
September 20 Road bike ride to Chiltern for lunch at the bakery click here for more details
September 22 Mt Glenrowan and Chick Hill Warby Ovens NP day walk click here for more details
September 21-24 Gundabooka National Park overnight backpack click here for more details
September 28-29 Warby Ovens National Park base camp Weekend of Activities click here for more details
October 18-25 Grampians one week base camp in click here for more details
November 1-2 Cocoparra National Park near Griffith NSW a weekend base camp click here for more details
November 10 Ropers Hut and beyond at Falls Creek click here for more details
Where are the photos?
Having trouble viewing photos in this bulletin?
Your email program will have a setting you can alter to view the photos or you can view the bulletin on the club's website here.
Membership Renewals
Lots of people have successfully navigated their way around the new system to renew their membership. If you've tried and got into strife help is at hand - email Tony at or phone him on 0417687842 - note if you wish to join an event and you are not financial you will need to pay the visitor fee of $5 and submit an acknowledgement of risk form for each event.
Catch you on a club event soon!
Lin Starke
Secretary Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc Bulletin #76 Aug 28 2013
Membership Update
Welcome to our newest members Tony Crawford and Jill and Ray Hancock. We currently have 75 financial members. Thanks to all who have renewed membership recently.
Committee Meeting #11
The committee meeting centred around an update on insurance issues by founding MVB member and Bushwalking Australia treasurer and insurance guru David Gordon.
This was held on Monday August 19th at the Commercial Club - click here to read the minutes.
Vale Jill Melgaard
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jill who was an enthusiastic participant in our canoeing program and together with her close friend and MVB member Marie Rule a long time member of the Commercial Club womens squash team
Recent events
Tues Aug 27 Nail Can Hill Waterfall
Three members enjoyed the opportunity to see this elusive well hidden feature of Nail Can
Sat Aug 24 Kangaroo Hoppet #14
John Jamison grinning from ear to ear after a wonderful performance in the 42km event
Sun Aug 18 Nail Can Hill Gorges
Hans and Peter recently reconnoitered a walk to explore little known gorges on Nail Can Hill and on the 18th led a group on this day walk. Peter's enjoyment was obvious as he related details of this walk to the committee. Another wildflower photo from Hans.
Photos by Hans at Nail Can Hill. Above is Diuris sulphurea and below is Pterostylus curta
This person is clearly using a mobile phone on a bushwalk - is this a behaviour that should be tolerated on MVB Events? You betcha it is cos occassionally we like to have hot pizzas and coffee delivered to the end of the walk location!
Sat Aug 17 Beginner Snowshoe / XC ski
Another great opportunity for members to experience winter wonderland was not lost
Whats On? heaps of stuff as usual!
Spring is just around the corner so time to get moving outdoors.
Sat Aug 31st Mt Granya and Granya Falls
Join Tracey for this relatively easy but wonderful day walk click here for more details
Sun Sept 1 Beechworth to Yackandandah Bike Ride
Join Mick Webster for a "mostly" downhill MTB ride click here for more details
Sun Sept 8 Barambogie Range Bike Ride
Join Peter for an exciting ride in the Chiltern Mt Pilot NP to Eldorado for lunch click here for more details
Down the Track
September 14 Grand tour of north east townships resumes on click here for more details
September 22 Mt Glenrowan and Chick Hill Warby Ovens NP day walk click here for more details
September 21-24 Gundabooka National Park overnight backpack click here for more details
September 28-29 Warby Ovens National Park base camp Weekend of Activities click here for more details
October 18-25 Grampians one week base camp in click here for more details
November 1-2 Cocoparra National Park near Griffith NSW a weekend base camp click here for more details
Where are the photos?
Having trouble viewing photos in this bulletin?
Your email program will have a setting you can alter to view the photos or you can view the bulletin on the club's website here.
Membership Renewals
Lots of people have successfully navigated their way around the new system to renew their membership. If you've tried and got into strife help is at hand - email Tony at or phone him on 0417687842 - note if you wish to join an event and you are not financial you will need to pay the visitor fee of $5 and submit an acknowledgement of risk form for each event.
Catch you on a club event soon!
Lin Starke
Secretary Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc Bulletin #75 Aug 15 2013
Meet the New Committee
This week we are introducing our new club secretary Lin Starke - Lin has a rich, colourful, international past.
I grew up on a sheep farm inland from Ashburton in New Zealand's South Island. As kids my siblings and I would head from the farm,1500 ft above sea level and with our picnic lunch we would follow the trails on the neighbours hill steadily climbing to the tops of the hills, climbing on one occasion to 4000 ft where we could see 100 miles of coastline Christchurch to Timaru. Behind us would be the Southern Alps.
I bought a camera with my first pay as a farm hand and have taken many photo's since, in my travels through New Zealand and Australia, and on a cruise to new Caledonia, Wala, Ouvea and Vanuatu. I snorkelled in Vanuatu, and on the Great Barrier Reef as well as in the Far North of New Zealand where I lived for 5 years.
Other cities I have lived in are Christchurch, Auckland, Newcastle, Sydney and Melbourne, as well as in smaller rural areas. I've done quite a bit of fishing, surf casting on NZ's west coast till my ex and I got a 17 ft Fyran fishing boat and then the fishing catches got serious.
Other adventures include having a HUGE shark swim underneath our group when over the edge of the Great Barrier Reef snorkelling, helicopter rides in NZ and on the Gold Coast, climbing 60 ft up the mast of a sailing ship under sail and gliding in South Auckland. I have travelled extensively through New Zealand and have now been to all of Australia's States and Territories. I also used to go with intellectually disabled adults on their annual holidays and that included leading a 10 day trip to Kangaroo Island. Through Rotary International I have taken one exchange student to Broken Hill and another to Sunshine Coast and Fraser Island.
I love learning, and have done a number of training courses over the years and am currently doing a Diploma in Visual Arts at Riverina Tafe. I have also done 25 years in pre-school education and since then switched to Adult Education getting my Bachelor of Education, Adult Teaching in 2002 as part of a Maori Cluster Group through Massey University. I was working for a year in Kaitaia at a Maori Training centre when I started the B.Ed course. That was a busy year as I had to write up the course using NZQA requirements and then teach it to my students. Since arriving in Wodonga a year ago I have become involved in Murray Valley Bushwalkers group, the Albury Wodonga Art Society, do a bit of teaching at the Albury Wodonga Community College on Mondays and volunteer at Art Space for 2 hrs most weeks. This has allowed me to meet many lovely people, and gives me scope to keep myself busy when not gardening or painting or writing up my family history.
I huff and puff a bit on the steeper hills when out walking these days but love the opportunity to be in the outdoors with a group of friends.
Looking forward to seeing you soon in the great outdoors.
Lin Starke
Next committee meeting
This will be held on Monday August 19th at the Commercial Club Piano Lounge (upstairs next to the bistro) at 7.00pm. Email Lin at if you would like something added to the agenda for discussion.
Welcome to New Members
Chris and Marie Squire joined MVB recently and walked with a group of 13 in the Chiltern Mt Pilot NP last Sunday. And while on the subject of members we currently have 64 financial members. We have to pay insurance for 85 members shortly so hopefully we will regain that number soon. Thanks to all who have renewed membership recently.
Recent events
Sat Aug 3 Nail Can Hill Wildflowers
Another delightful walk led by Hans Kaspers
Sun Aug 11 Intro to Snow Sports
Five of us had a wonderful day at Falls Creek snowshoeing and cross country skiing - the club has funds to cover costs and have money left over - we had so much fun we are going to do it again this coming Saturday
Sat Aug 10 Bushwalking and Geocaching
Mick Webster offered another fantastic walk in Chiltern Mt Pilot NP
Whats On? heaps of stuff as usual!
There are so many advantages to getting out and about in Winter - no flies, not much UV light to worry about, you have to try pretty hard to raise a sweat and best of all Spring is just around the corner.
Sat Aug 17 Beginner Snowshoe / XC ski
We are blessed with a winter wonderland at our back door. The club has received funding to help cover the cost of a snow sport orientation event or two. Here is a second chance on August 17 to have a very cheap day of fun in the snow.- click here for more details
Sun Aug 18 Nail Can Hill Gorges
Hans and Peter recently reconnoitered a walk to explore little known gorges on Nail Can Hill and are offering the chance to explore these on day walk - click here for more details
Tues Aug 20 Huon Hill morning walk
Join Hans to climb one of our favorite local hills click here for more details
Sat Aug 24 - Huon to Tallangatta Walk
Join Hans for a delightful walk on the High Country Rail Trail which will undoubtedly include a lot of fun finding geocaches along the way - click here for more details
Sat Aug 24 - Kangaroo Hoppet Ski Event
The annual Hoppet is a celebration of xc skiing with a huge number of international participants - this year there is a "pouch class" for the first time
Sat September 8 Barambogie to Eldorado Mountain Bike ride
Peter has planned an interesting and exciting MTB route to Eldorado for lunch and return. This will start and finish on the Chiltern - Beechworth road. click here for more details
Down the Track
The grand tour of north east townships resumes on September 14 click here for more details
Grampians one week base camp in October 18-15 click here for more details
Cocoparra National Park a weekend base camp in early November click here for more details
Having trouble viewing photos in this bulletin?
you can view the bulletin on the club's website here.
Membership Renewals
Lots of people have successfully navigated their way around the new system to renew their membership. If you've tried and got into strife help is at hand - email Tony at or phone him on 0417687842 - note if you wish to join an event and you are not financial you will need to pay the visitor fee of $5 and submit an acknowledgement of risk form for each event.
Catch you on a club event soon!
Lin Starke
Secretary Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc