MVB Bulletin # 38 Sept 12 2012
Spring has arrived which means warmer days and plenty of interesting activities on the program. Keep an eye open for the beginning of the canoeing season shortly.
What We've Been Up To
Mount Brutal
3 members enjoyed the first days of Spring with a walk at Mount Brutal lead by Iris Joss from Corryong. Click above photo for slide show of this event
Dragon Boat paddling
3 members enjoyed the glorious Spring weather with an introduction to Dragon Boat paddling on Sunday 9 September 2012. The paddling action varied with the experience of the paddlers. In a mixed team there can be up to ten or twelve men being competitive. What better way to spend time together than in a boat on a Sunday afternoon with like minded people or even your partner. If you can swim you can paddle. Click here for an event report
Whats On
Sept 15-16 Weekend Events
- Spring into nature - Leader Tony Marsh, Easy 1 hr walk with afternoon tea Saturday 15 September
- Wadiligong to Smoko Sunday - Leader Hans Kaspers, Medium walk 16 September
Sept 21-23 Weekend Events
- Lake Williams & Koetong Hound - Leader Iris Joss, Medium walk Saturday 22 September
- Baranduda Range Flora survey - Leader Tony Marsh, Medium walk Sunday 23 September
- Dragon Boat training Dragon Boat racing - Brave Hearts on the Murray Sunday 23 September
Warby Ranges National Park celebration weekend
4 walks are planned during the following dates Friday 21 - Monday 23 September. Please contact Marijke Korting for further information on 0417417963
Sept 27-30 Events
Mutawintji National Park - backpacking - Leader Bill Krautz, Thursday 27 September - Mon, 01 Oct
Sept 29-30 Weekend Events
- Warby Ovens National Park Biodiversity campout Saturday 29 - Sunday 30 September
- Dragon Boat training Dragon Boat racing - Brave Hearts on the Murray have offered an opportunity to the club to participate in training activites to gauge whether members are interested in ongoing participation in this activity.Sunday 30 September
Leadership training weekend
As reported last week volunteers from the VNPA have agreed to run a weekend training activity that will help skill up persons interested in leading club events. This is a fantastic opportunity for our fledgling club and we are grateful for the opportunity. Check the event calendar for the weekend of Oct 20/21 - expressions of interest in participating are very welcome.
Future Activities
Warmer weather is fast approaching and this will see the return of the clubs popular canoeing program. Regular after work evening canoe nights during daylight saving hours, overnight weekend trips along the Murray River with camping along the river as part of the trip
Flinders Ranges car camping trip October 22 - November 1 for more details click here or contact Hans.
Volunteers required
For Farmers Market on Lincoln Causeway Saturday 15 September 8 - 12 noon to promote the club for further information contact Tracey on 0409155338
Information of interest to members
Albury Indoor Rock Climbing Centre has closed and due to this there will be no indoor rock climbing on the calender. Neil will be offering an outdoor abseiling program.
Next Committee Meeting
Thursday October 4, if you have any items you wish to have discussed then please contact a committee member click here for contact details. Policies to be discussed will be emergency contact procedures, leadership training weekend.
Recent funding information
The club has recently made a funding application with NSW Sport & Recreation the success of the application will be known towards the end of the year.
Tracey Barkley
Murray Valley Bushwalking Club
MVB Bulletin # 37 Sept 4 2012
Spring has arrived which means warmer days and plenty of interesting activities on the program.
What We've Been Up To
Section of Hume & Hovell Track
2 members and four guests enjoyed the first day of Spring with a easy walk along a section of the famous Hume and Hovell Track.
Bright to Freeburgh along the Wet Gully Track
12 members and 2 guests enjoyed the glorious Spring weather - what a great view of the snow covered mountains without getting a pair of skis on.
Whats On
Sept 8-9 Weekend Events
- Mount Brutal Saturday September 8
- Mt Pilot Geocaching Sunday September 9
- Mountain Bike Ride Chiltern Forest Donchi Hill Sunday September 9 - postponed
- Dragon Boat Training Day Sunday September 9
Sept 11 Midweek Events
- Indoor Rock Climbing Tuesday 11 September - cancelled
Sept 15-16 Weekend Events
- Spring into nature Saturday 15 September
- Wandiligong to Smoko Sunday 16 September
Sept 22-23 Weekend Events
- Lake Williams & Koetong Hound Saturday 22 September
- Baranduda Range Threatened Flora Survey Sunday 23 September
Warby Ranges National Park celebration weekend
4 walks are planned during the following dates Friday 21 - Monday 23 September. Please contact Marijke Korting for further information on 0417417963
Leadership training weekend
As reported last week volunteers from the VNPA have agreed to run a weekend training activity that will help skill up persons interested in leading club events. This is a fantastic opportunity for our fledgling club and we are grateful for the opportunity.
Check the event calendar for the weekend of Oct 20/21 - expressions of interest in participating are very welcome.
Future Activities
Warmer weather is fast approaching and this will see the return of the clubs popular canoeing program. Regular after work evening canoe nights during daylight saving hours, overnight weekend trips along the Murray River with camping along the river as part of the trip
Flinders Ranges car camping trip October 22 - November 1 for more details click here or contact Hans.
Dragon Boat racing - Brave Hearts on the Murray have offered an opportunity to the club to participate in a training activity to gauge whether members are interested in ongoing participation in this activity more information to follow.
Membership Update
We are thrilled to report that new memberships and renewals have been rolling in big time and we are in a healthy financial position again. Members are our life blood. Thanks to everyone who recently joined or re-subscribed - we greatly appreciate your support. The club is well positioned now for a great second year.
Its never too late to renew - choose the Join, Renew Membership now menu path.
Please note that renewing members should complete and submit an annual acknowledgement of risks form. This only needs to be done once and then releases you from having to sign a risk form for each event. If you've recently renewed and missed the acknowledgement of risk form you can find it here
Tracey Barkley
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
MVB Bulletin # 36 Aug 27 2012
Annual General Meeting of the club was held on August 23, the following office bearers have been elected for the next 12months:
Tony Marsh -
Tracey Barkley -
Peter Presutti -
Hans Kaspers - Events
Neil Brown - Website
Nicole Stephens -
Thank you to Anthea Packer from Parklands Albury Wodonga for a very informative talk on the 15 years of managing public lands eg Huon Hill, McDonalds Hill and many other places we enjoy, and the exciting projects they have in the pipeline.
Minutes from the AGM can be viewed here
What We've Been Up To
Falls Creek Cross Country skiing
Members headed to Falls Creek last weekend to paticipate in the 22nd Kangaroo Hoppet. Congratulations to John Jamison who completed his first full Hoppet in dificult weather and snow conditions.
Whats On
Sept 1-2 Weekend Events
- Part of Hume and Hovell Walking Track Saturday August 1
- Bright to Freeburgh Sunday September
Sept 8-9 Weekend Events
- Mount Brutal Saturday September 8
- Mt Pilot Geocaching Sunday September 9
- Mountain Bike Ride Chiltern Forest Donchi Hill Sunday September 9
Leadership training weekend
As reported last week volunteers from the VNPA have agreed to run a weekend training activity that will help skill up persons interested in leading club events. This is a fantastic opportunity for our fledgling club and we are grateful for the opportunity.
Check the event calendar for the weekend of Oct 20/21 - expressions of interest in participating are very welcome.
Future Activities
Warmer weather is fast approaching and this will see the return of the clubs popular canoeing program. Regular after work evening canoe nights during daylight saving hours, overnight weekend trips along the Murray River with camping along the river as part of the trip
Flinders Ranges car camping trip October 22 - November 1 for more details click here or contact Hans.
Dragon Boat racing - Brave Hearts on the Murray have offered an opportunity to the club to participate in a training activity to gauge whether members are interested in ongoing participation in this activity more information to follow.
Warby Ranges National Park celebration weekend
4 walks are planned during the following dates Friday 21 - Monday 23 September. Looking for a volunteer to be the contact person for Murray Valley members wishing to participate in any of the proposed activities.
Membership Update
We are thrilled to report that new memberships and renewals have been rolling in big time and we are in a healthy financial position again. Members are our life blood. Thanks to everyone who recently joined or re-subscribed - we greatly appreciate your support. The club is well positioned now for a great second year.
Its never too late to renew - choose the Join, Renew Membership now menu path.
Please note that renewing members should complete and submit an annual acknowledgement of risks form. This only needs to be done once and then releases you from having to sign a risk form for each event. If you've recently renewed and missed the acknowledgement of risk form you can find it here
Funding Submissions
The NSW Sport and Recreation Participation and Facility Program (PFP) is open for applications again - we applied unsuccessfully last year but will apply again by September 3rd.
Tracey Barkley
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
MVB Bulletin # 35 Aug 20 2012
Annual General Meeting
Thurs Aug 23 @ 7-30pm - Guest speaker from Parklands Albury Wodonga
All positions have been filled, this means that there is no need for a vote to be held. However numbers are required to form a quorum. Take this opportunity to listen to an interesting speaker, meet others in the club and the new committee.
more details including location
What Weve Been Up To
Falls Creek Cross Country skiing
Members headed to Falls Creek again this weekend. With the best snow season in a long while most weekends have seen members enjoying the white stuff.
Friday Night Social - Dinner at German Austrian Club Wodonga
Nine members enjoyed another social night out at the local German Austrian club in Wodonga on Friday night.
Whats On
Aug 25-26 Weekend Events
- Budginigi Hill SaturdayAugust 25
- Kangaroo Hoppit - Falls Creek Saturday August 25
- Nail Can Hill wild flowers walk Sunday August 26
Leadership training weekend
As reported last week volunteers from the VNPA hae agreed to run a weekend training activity that will help skill up persons interested in leading club events. This is a fantastic opportunity for our fledgling club and we are grateful for the opportunity.
Check the event calendar for the weekend of Oct 20/21 - expressions of interest in participating are very welcome.
Future Activities
Warmer weather is fast approaching and this will see the return of the clubs popular canoeing program. Regular afer work evening canoe nights during daylight saving hours, overnight weekend trips along the Murray River with camping along the river as part of the trip
Dragon Boat racing - Brave Hearts on the Murray have offered an opportunity to the club to participate in a training activity to gauge whether members are interested in ongoing participation in this activity more information to follow.
Membership Update
We are thrilled to report that new memberships and renewals have been rolling in big time and we are in a healthy financial position again. Members are our life blood. Thanks to everyone who recently joined or re-subscribed - we greatly appreciate your support. The club is well positioned now for a great second year.
Its never too late to renew - choose the Join, Renew Membership now menu path.
Please note that renewing members should complete and submit an annual acknowledgement of risks form. This only needs to be done once and then releases you from having to sign a risk form for each event. If youve recently renewed and missed the acknowledgement of risk form you can find it here
Funding Submissions
The NSW Sport and Recreation Participation and Facility Program (PFP) is open for applications again - we applied unsuccessfully last year but will apply again by september 3rd.
Tracey Barkley
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc