The launch of a New Club
On Sunday September 18 2011 Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc completed the launch walk from the Botanical Gardens in Albury down the Murray to Horseshoe Lagoon
This was followed by a BBQ in Hovell Tree Park to officially launch the new club
You can click the photo below for a slideshow of this event
Reports are a great source of inspiration and a contain a wealth of tips and experiences from the events created by club leaders
Access the event reports for events held after Sept 2016
Access the event reports for events held before Sept 2016
Its club policy that members carry a document with you on all club events that would provide information to emergency services if an incident occurred
You can use this form to create such a document which will be emailed to you, no copy will be saved on the website nor will any MVB personnel have access. The process is totally private and secure. The document pre-fills fields from your profile - ie name, address, phone number, emergency contact person name and phone - you can confirm this data is correct before you run this generator and edit your profile if required. You will only see all fields once you receive the email. You can run through this process again and again to generate a new instance of the personal medical info document - feel free to try using dummy data first! Only you will get an email every time you submit the form
After printing the document it may then be carried in the pack you take on walks. Another option is to put it in a key tag attached to your boot at all times as shown.
It is responsibility of each member to update this information if there is a change in details.
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Documents of the Murray Valley Bushwalkers
Activities conducted by Murray Valley Bushwalkers
The discussion forum of the Murray Valley Bushwalkers
News category includes newsletters, news flashes and latest news items of the MVB