Over night hike packing list
Tent (sharing sections of the tent is an option)
Sleeping Bag
Bag Liner
Bed Clothing
Thermals - top and bottom
Second layer - top and bottom
Warm Gloves beanie and dry socks
Keep clothing in a water tight bag - zip lock - dry bags etc..
Wet Weather / Cold
Rain jacket
Down jacket
Fleece jacket
Warm Gloves and Water Proof Over Glove plus a Benie or suitable walk hat.
Tooth Brush and paste
Any medication ( please inform leader if necessary Allergies etc)
Personal first aid
Water to drink and prepare meal ( some locations and walks have water on site or en route )
Leader should inform the group re water supply
Tablets for water ( be safe rather than get a bug ) ( water purification tablets )
Toilet paper and trowl to dig appropiate hole.
Dehydrated food for weight considerations
3 Meals , plus snacks. per day.
Stove (another item that can be shared)
Plate and cuttlery
Cup for warm drink your choice
Extra Items
Fully charged and loaded up phone
The club has 2 emergency SPOT devices and 3 First Aid Kits
To download a printable pdf list Click Here
In the meantime, the Bob Brown Foundation have just published a new guide book (made possible by crowdfunding) to help you plan a trip to the Tarkine whether you wish to explore by car, bike, boat or foot. The very first copies of the book were available last night and I am donating a copy of this stunning book to the Murray Valley Bushwalking club in the hope that at least some of you will go there very soon. I would very much like to plan a trip for the club however am unable to take leave over summer. If you want an easier option for organising a trip, you can also book through Tarkine Trails.
Vanessa Giles
Using the Clubs Garmin Etrex 10
Charging the GPS
The club has a AA size battery charger and its always a good idea to enure tha the batteries required for the GPS are fully charged and correctly installled.
Connecting to Satellites
You must allow sufficient time before commencing an activity that relies on gps technology to enable the device to find the satellies it needs to communicate with.
To Create a Waypoint
You can save your current location as a waypoint.
1. Select Mark Waypoint.
2. Select an option.
To save the waypoint without changes, select done.
To make changes to the waypoint
Select an item to edit, And select done.
To Find a Waypoint
1. Select Where To? > Waypoints.
2. Select a waypoint.
Editing a Waypoint
Before you can edit a waypoint, you must create a waypoint.
1. Select Waypoint Manager.
2. Select a waypoint.
3. Select an item to edit.
4. Enter the new information.
5. Select Done.
Deleting a Waypoint
1. Select Waypoint Manager.
2. Select a waypoint.
3. Select menu > Delete > Yes.
Trip Computer
The trip computer displays your current speed, average speed, maximum speed, trip odometer, and other helpful statistics.
Resetting the Trip Data
For accurate information, reset the trip information before beginning a trip.
Select Trip Computer > menu > Reset > Reset Trip Data > Yes.
All of the trip computer values are set to zero.
Using the Clubs Garmin Etrex 10 to Record and Save a Track
Recording Tracks Logs
1. Select Setup > Tracks > Track Log
2. Select Record, Show on Map. (A line on the map indicates your track).
3. Select Record Method
4. Select the Auto option
5. Select Record Interval.
6. Select the default option (mid-range)
As you move with the device turned on, a track log is created.
Saving the Current Track
The track being recorded is called the current track.
1. Select Track Manager > Current Track.
2. Select Save Track.
Clearing the Current Track
Select Setup > Reset > Clear Current Track > Yes
Deleting a Track
1. Select Track Manager
2. Select a track.
3. Select Delete > Yes
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