MVB Committee Meeting #11 August 19 2013
Meeting Commenced 7.30pm Venue Commercial Club Albury
Jan Douglas, Lin Starke, Lena Sandstrom, Peter Presutti, Tony Marsh Apology: Neil Brown
Minutes of previous meeting held July 5th 2013
A motion was put that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting
Moved Tony, Seconded Peter Motion Carried
Business arising from previous minutes
- A successful AGM was held at the Thurgoona Community Centre on Friday July 5 with guest speaker Bruce Key on climate change
- Hans enquiry re event management (having new events unpublished by default) was investigated by Tony and a possible solution suggested by the RSJoomla team deemed not feasible to implement.
- Website - Tony reported that restrictions put in place to control access to search engines indexing our site to reduce bandwidth usage has also had the highly desriable side effect of completely eliminating spam registrations on the MVB website.
- Peter and Tony reported that implementation of the CBSubs new membership system was progressing well with current financial membership of 71 in the new system
- Expenditure of funds - decisions made on expenditure at the previous meeting were rescinded in the light of the committee becoming aware of the excess fee of $1000 payable in the event of an insurance claim.
- However it was agreed that the two "Spot" location finders need to be registered for another 12 months
Treasurers report
Lena tabled the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statement as at July 14 2013
Discussion took place and a motion was put that the treasurer’s report be accepted
Moved Tony Seconded Jan Carried
- Tourism Partner Update
- Bushwalking NSW Magazine Winter 2013 Vol 37 Number 3 - can be accessed here
- NIB foundation's community grant we arent eligible for
- Victoria National Parks Association Matt Ruchel
- Cheryl Duncan Member re first Aid course
- Bushwalking NSW updates from Gail Clifford
- Wodonga Council seeking input into the recreation plan for the future - Tony is to submit a response including the future usage of Baranduda sporting facilities.
- MVB bulletins x 4 #72 to #75
- Reminder notice to non financial members
- Numerous receipts for membership renewals
Agenda Items
Grants Money Expenditure
- Review of where we are at is ongoing between committee members – the Victorian Country Action Grant Scheme provided by the Department of Planning and Community Development and Australian Government Volunteers grants to be spent by end of October and end of September respectively
- We have subsidised the cost of first aid training for 6 members so far
- Intro to snow activities expenses $475 in budget and personal expenses to be submitted for approval
- Proposals were discussed for the reimbursement of fuel expenses for club members providing volunteer support
- Peter proposed that we approach Tracey regarding supplementing the Warbies base camping weekend on the 28 Sept with suitable navigation and basic leadership training activities
Club Logo
Peter presented his ideas for business cards and logo. Our aim is to have a uniform brand with the same logo look and feel to be on the website and any printed materials we develop. However in the meantime we have a need to hand out business cards so Peter was authorised to order and be reimbursed for the cost of 500 cards using the design he presented at the meeting.
Events grading system
Tony reported that the draft cycling events grading system has been placed on the website here
Event Management Procedures
Report on progress of event management procedures deferred to next meeting. A new page has been added to the website with a draft of lists of what to bring on a club event
Meeting Guest Speaker
The meeting was addressed by MVB founding member David Gordon who is the Insurance Officer and Treasurer of BAI (Bushwalking Australia Inc) who broker the insurance coverage for all Australian bushwalking clubs affiliated with BAI. David gave us updated information on insurance issues that our committee members need to be aware of.
Discussion took place on Risk Management Guidelines. Each club seems to have its own rules developed for local circumstances. Best management practice is knowing the risks involved and addressing these. MVB and other groups need to be seen to be making "Reasonable decisions".
Passengers in vehicles travelling to and from venues - accidents are covered by compulsory third party insurance.
Leadership - at present our club does not have a formal process in place to authorise someone to be a leader - there is a variety of approaches and standards apply throughout Australia. A national training and accreditation program would be required to obtain a uniform standard.
Bushwalking Australia help clubs write up their own risk management policy by providing sample policy templates. Consideration also needs to be given to the variety of leaders and the range of activities they offer.
There was discussion on a mentoring system for leadership which has been used by other clubs whereby new leaders have an experienced leader accompany them until they are confident to lead on their own. The committee will explore options for mentoring.
There is an excess of $1,000 per single occurrence in the event of a claim and covers up to a three day period.
Further discussion
David clarified that the club's public liability insurance covers situations where a leader may have failed in their duty of care –it was suggested we may want to consider a club policy about payment of the excess in such circumstances.
Following the meeting Tony sent out to committee members the following:
Associations Liability Policy - New for 2013-14
The Bushwalking Australia Council, on the strong recommendation of its insurance broker, decided from the 2013-14 insurance year to include a new Associations Liability policy to protect office bearers, committee and other members from being personally pursued for 'wrongful acts' that lead to claims against either the club, the member/office bearer personally, or both. There have been considerable claims made in Australia against individuals for wrongful acts made in the running of an association which have seen personal assets of members and office bearers put at stake. This new cover should give members peace of mind that should they make a financial decision in carrying out their official duties that results in an action against them, they will be covered.
There being no further general business the meeting closed at 9-45pm – next meeting date to be determined as the need arises.
MVB Committee Meeting #15 Sept 7 2014
Meeting Commenced 6.30pm Venue 20 Hague Road, Wodonga.
Present Jan Douglas, Peter Presutti, Sasho Dillow, Michelle Crofts and Cheryl McCarten, Lin Starke
Minutes of previous meeting held July 14 2014
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. A motion was put that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting
Moved Peter, Seconded Lin Motion Carried
Business arising from previous minutes
Treasurers report
Discussion from correspondence:
Coordinator’s report
Membership Report
Currently on 78 financial members as at 14th September 2014
Agenda Items
Term deposit for insurance excess
- Peter and Michele to get together to update signatories at the bank
- A term deposit to be set up specifically to meet excess of any insurance claim.
Management of memberships
- Tony Marsh is managing the website and membership.
- People registering as members get stuck through the process. Rather than have them perceive this as a barrier to membership, the club supports them by completing the process.
- Discussion followed regarding the need for a step-by-step instruction sheet for relevant committee members on how tasks are done.
Events Management
Courtesy calls between leaders setting events is appropriate to discuss topics such as
- Same or alternate dates
- Hard or easy walks
- As well as simply team building.
Events Booking Form
- Sasho to become trainee on events management.
- Events co-ordination to include proof reading what goes up on web.
- Clearing off of events needs to be completed.
- Lin to be home leader with Michelle as back up. Leaders to notify Lin of setting out and returning. Text message to Lin’s mobile so no issues with hearing. Lin to advise receipt of contact. Lin to also advise follow up action happening if action is required.
- To review and minimise the personal information that is handed out to public with regard to the Privacy Act.
Management of assets register
- Cheryl to do following training on accessing Joomla, and is to be given the completed spreadsheet. Advised it is acceptable to send spreadsheet to Tony to put up as the website is highly technical.
Who will and how often will do Bulletin
- Peter is currently doing a bulletin outline that Tony adds to and fine tunes as he has with earlier Bulletin writers.
- Lin has created some step-by-step notes re bulletin management, and will send to Peter who will review these with Tony. Aim to have a document that can be followed by current and future bulletin writers.
- Bulletin to be in two formats, coming events - frequent, and information on all programs, monthly.
Website management in future
- The picture at the top of the website front page is to be updated.
- Discussion around future website management in the event Tony were to become unavailable, and need for training of back up.
First aid kits
– discussion about having kits suited to
- ½ day outings
- Night trips
- Weekend trips
- Canoeing
- Snow events
Motion - that Peter and Lin to each get info re contents for committee to assess.
Moved Peter, seconded Michelle Motion carried
Leaders Forum
- Fri 7th November 6.30pm at Lin’s place 20 Hague Road, Wodonga. Cheryl’s place to be back up if Lin away.
- A chance for leaders to brainstorm.
- Ideas : A six month activities plan so members can select ahead, without taking away option for spontaneous activities advised at short notice. Peter has been doing homework on how other clubs are managed.
Spot and Inreach.
- Peter led discussion on operation of various emergency locators.
- Spot = a distress beacon. Push the button and spot sends out signal until battery runs out.
- Spot beacon with added features and function buttons
- Message – a preset message goes out – currently “Everything good, staying longer.
- SOS – help required
- Help – programmable to nominated recipient
- OK – we are home
- Tracking – records where leader is and route being taken.
- Sequence: Satellite receives – Texas receives – Canberra receives - 2 club ph. numbers set in receive message.
- Inreach allows leader to send a text message
- Comparison costs were discussed of these and other systems. The suggestion was made that we could 1. Sell one of the spots for money towards an Inreach, and two we could sort through Grants to apply for some or all of cost.
Public meeting
- To try for 21 Nov. Subject to Mick Webster availablility
- Subject to Thurgoona Hall availability
- Micks deferred talk and photo display.
- To get current members more involved
- To get new members
- To increase the “active” members and cater for their needs
- Suggested meetings for larger group once per quarter. Eg, dinner and a movie.
Xmas get-together
- at Jan’s place, date to be set
- Provision of food – BYO everything, Food to share.
Peter to provide training for Sasho, Cheryl and Michelle. Thank you Peter.
There being no further general business the meeting closed at 8-30pm –As per usual the committee will decide as need arises the next meeting date. Normal is 4 meetings per year
MVB Discussions 14 Oct 2014
From the Baan Sahib Jai Thai Restaurant serviette
Public Meeting Nov 21 planning
Aim:To get inactive members more involved
- Canoeing can cater for up to 22 canoeists, if we get more interest in this how do we cater for it, (another session weekly not favoured because of time commitments for leaders)?
- To recruit new members (got less positive response than getting existing members more active)
- Lin Starke to contact Thurgoona Community Centre to book big hall, and while speaking to them get a schedule of prices for different room options 21 Nov Fri.
- Committee to contact members by phone to engage with them – this will require some form of standard points of discussion, topic list to be discussed
- Phone list working from google drive MVB, this lists people by Christian name. Tony has changed ownership of the MVB Booking Form list to the identity - currently thats Peter - all existing access and privilege arrangements remain unchanged - please ensure you can access and let Tony know if there are problems
- Lin to do names starting with A - C
- Jan to do D – F
- Cheryl to do G – K
- Michelle to do L – N
- Sasho to do O – R
- Peter to do S – Z
- If you make contact with someone not on your list let the committee member concerned know this person has already been spoken to as a courtesy.
Meeting focus options
- Format from May meeting
- Canoeing, (we need more canoe training)
- Speaker options High Country or local history, Lin to contact Wodonga Historical society, 1 or 2 speakers?
- Reconnecting existing members
- Photo presentation as in May
- Start time 6pm for committee and 6.30pm for guests
- Tony raised issue of managing different types of display equipment in different venues and getting our display up without too many technical difficulties.
Please feedback ideas to the committee for further discussion Thanks, Lin
MVB Committee Meeting #12 October 16 2013
Meeting Commenced 7.00pm VenueThurgoona Community Centre 10 Kosciuszko Road Thurgoona.
Jan Douglas, Lin Starke, Lena Sandstrom, Peter Presutti, Tony Marsh Apology: Neil Brown Guest: Tracey Barkley
Minutes of previous meeting held Aug 19 2013
A motion was put that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting
Moved Tony, Seconded Lena Motion Carried
Business arising from previous minutes
None discussed
Meeting Guest Speaker
Tracey Barkley spoke about bringing children from residential units to club events. Discussion followed about the type of membership they would have if they became members, and after further discussion about practicalities it was agreed that these guests will remain the responsibility of their carer when on outings with MVB. There will be a further discussion with the Residential Manager. Tracey has requested that she also attend. Any insurance issues to be dealt with at that meeting. Dealing with photography was also discussed as an item for the Residential Manager
On behalf of the committee Peter commended Tracey for her efforts to involve young people.
Treasurers report
Not presented
Gail at Admin
A. 13 Oct re Tracks and Access
B. 2 oct Sept newsletter – Blue Mountains Licencing Requirements
C. 30 sept re Wild Mag seeking info on activities
D. Annual Conference nature Conservation Council 19-20 Oct
Peter Presutti
A. Merimbula Park
B. Garmin Extrex
VNPA 27 Sept AGM
DPCD Wangaratta 9 Sept Mandy Nelson re Grant acquittal not required
Agenda Items
- Albury City Council Sports Clubs funding. Tony to make another application.
- Tony and Peter to identify suitable technology to put into this application, also snowshoes and canoe training,
- Peter spoke about the merits of purchasing 2 Garmin Extrex GPS for leaders to use when on outings. Peter also proposed the purchase of two compasses. Also batteries for the GPS, and a dongle.
- Tony is prepared to put these purchases into a grant application.
- Peter moved and Tony seconded these items to go into the grant application.
- Tony will conduct further training.
- Promotion : - Peter is to go ahead with the flyer. Moved by Peter and seconded by Tony. We took some of the new business cards home to distribute in the community.
- Hume Farmers Market Albury, Sat 26th October. Peter to contact Nicole Stephens re this.
- Lin Peter and Hans to staff our stand.
- Tony’s demo re membership processes to be done at the next meeting.
- Canoeing to start on the 7th of November. Tony to lead then Jan the following 2 weeks.
- Meeting up for events - encourage people to have leaders contact number with them. Leaders to google maps for meeting location and put on website for activity. It is the members/guests responsibility to make planning arrangements with the leader.
- Mick Webster has information about an annual series of hawk weed control activities for Falls Creek. Tony to put this info on the website
There being no further general business the meeting closed at 8-30pm – next meeting date to be determined as the need arises.