Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc Bulletin #70 23 June 2013
Membership Renewal
Please note that for nearly all currently financial members subscriptions are due July 1.
We have implemented a new Membership Subscription process on our website which is designed to automate the process as much as possible. This will give us more time to get out and about doing the stuff we love!
If you have registered on the website but not paid a subscription fee but would like to do so now, the process described below will work for you as well. If you have been part of a family membership that arrangement will continue with the new system - select a subscription plan appropriate to your family circumstances.
Payment of your subscription will require you to login to the MVB website to edit your profile.
If you need to recover your useranme and/or password there are detailed instructions as to how to achieve this by going to the Join, Renew Membership menu item on the website or go directly to that page by clicking here.
If you need help with the process please contact Tony at or 0417687842
What We've Been Up To
Sunday 9th and 16th June
Hans has been leading walks in the vicinity of the Old Coach Road Mt Pilot
Upcoming Events
Tues June 25 Wonga Wetlands
Join Hans for this easy Grade 1 walk and bird observations, distance 3km. Meet at the entrance to Wonga Wetlands at 9.00 - click here for full details.
Sat June 29 Around Mt Pilot
Join Hans for a circumnavigation of Mt Pilot - a grade 3 walk of about 12.5 km - click here for full details.
Sun June 30 Easy Abseiling
Join Neil at the Albury Quarry for an exciting introduction or re-acquaintance with abseiling - click here for more details
Fri 5th July MVB AGM 2013
Venue: Thurgoona Community Centre Time: 7pm
Guest Speaker Bruce Key
Topic: Global Warming
Bring along a plate and your questions for Bruce and the audience to discuss
Nominations are now open for Office Bearers for 2013/14 - click here for more details of the AGM
Sun July 7 Kelly Caves at last!
Join Mick Webster for a walk to this historical site click here for more info
July 12-13 Yackandandah to Beechworth
Join Peter and Tony for a short walk to a campsite on Friday evening followed by a day walk to a coffee shop in Beechworth - click her for more details
July 19 to 30 Going North for Winter
Some people are so averse to the cold weather they are prepared to drive along way north to warmer climes. Join Hans for a 7 to 11 day driving and walking journey to NE NSW and SE Qld click here for further details
Catch you on a club event soon!
Tony Marsh
President Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc Bulletin #69 16 June 2013
Notice of Annual General Meeting, Friday 5th July
Venue: Thurgoona Community Centre Time: 7pm
Guest Speaker Bruce Key
Topic: Global Warming
Bring along a plate and your questions for Bruce and the audience to discuss
Nominations are now open for Office Bearers for 2013/14
First Aid Training / Background Screening Checks
4 people have taken up the clubs offer to subsidise by $100 the cost of first aid training or background screening checks. There is still funds available. Contact Tony if you want to take up this offer.
What We've Been Up To
Tues June 4th
Waterfalls on Nail Can Hill - led by Hans
Friday June 7
MVB Committee meeting #10 - minutes available here
New membership schedule of fees - the club's constitution gives the committee the responsibility for setting membership fees. It was decided that we needed to simplify the schedule and the new fees payable as of July 1 this year are as follows
Category | No Discount | Discounted rate |
Single | 35 | 25 |
Family of 2 | 50 | 40 |
Family of 3 | 60 | 50 |
Family of 4 | 70 | 60 |
Family of > 4 | 80 | 70 |
Discounted fee applicable to holders of any of the following Healthcare card, seniors card, pensioners card , student card, financial member of another bushwalking club affiliated with Bushwalking Victoria or Bushwalking NSW |
Please note that from July 1 we will be implementing a new system for managing subscriptions that will automate the renewal process and give everyone 12 months membership from the date of payment. There may be teething problems however so please be patient and communicate with us if strange things happen!
Sat June 8
Easy abseiling at the Quarry in Albury led by Neil Brown
Monday June 10
Social bike ride from Barni Pub to Chiltern through the Forest
Several members joined Peter on a ride from the Barni Pub to Chiltern via the Chiltern Forest we picked our tracks as we went along, enjoyed a coffee at the Chiltern Bakery before setting off back to Barni and Lunch, found a nice little park with a unique tablesetting. And the weather could not have been kinder..
Sunday 9th and 16th June
Hans has been leading walks in the vicinity of the Old Coach Road Mt Pilot - photos next bulletin
Upcoming Events
Tuesday June 18
Mungabareena Wanderings
Join Hans for an enjoyable half day birding wander in the wetlands. Meeting at Mungabareena at 9.00am this is a grade 2 walk. Click here to join
June 21/22 Tuan Campsite Chiltern Mt Pilot NP
Enjoy an evening in the forest, BBQ tea Grade 2 night walk spotlight and another short walk in the mornng. Come for just the evening or the morning walk - click here for more details
June 23 Intermediate Abseiling at The Rock
Here is a great opportunity to go to the next level with Neil Brown click here for more details.
If you cant view photos in this email you can read the bulletin on the MVB Website
July 7 Kelly Caves at last!
Join Mick Webster for a walk to this historical site - click here for more info
July 19 to 30 Going North for in Winter
Some people are so averse to the cold weather they are prepared to drive along way north to warmer climes. Join Hans for a 7 to 11 day driving and walking journey to NE NSW and SE Qld - click here for further details
Catch you on a club event soon!
Peter Presutti
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
MVB Committee Meeting #10 5 June 2013
Meeting opened 7.30pm Venue; Commercial Club Albury
Present Tony Marsh, Peter Presutti, Hans Kaspers, Neil Brown Apologies: Tracey Barkley, Nicole Stephens
Minutes of previous meeting held March 26 2013
A motion was put that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting
Moved Peter Seconded Hans Motion Carried
Business arising from previous minutes
Emergency Contact Person details
Neil reported that he has been contacting members (x40) to get their ECP info updated and that he has added that data to the Community Builder database and the Google Drive booking form.
Tony reported that issues with leaders having their events unpublished by making edits has been resolved – leaders to be made publishers on the website and publishers excluded from moderation in the RSEvents Pro groups settings.
Hans asked Tony to find out if the published button for new events made from scratch could be by default set to unpublished – Tony to enquire with RSJoomla team.
Neil, Tony and Hans are developing a set of protocols for event creation/management – this is a work in progress to hopefully be completed by the next committee meeting
First aid kits and Spot access - keeping track of where stuff is and what needs replacing – Tony’s proposal to create a form to be maintained by users of the First Aid kits has not yet been implemented – to be reviewed at next meeting particularly in light of decision to purchase additional equipment (see Agenda )
Treasurers report
Peter tabled the Balance Sheet as at June7 – see below
Discussion took place and a motion was put that the treasurers report be accepted
Moved Tony Seconded Neil Carried
Website report - spam registrations are continuing to be a real pain – up to half a dozen a day – these have not diminished despite installation of the Recaptcha spam decryption tool. Tony to investigate other options.
Tony reported that the application of a second layer of password protection of the administrator login url has proven successful at completely stopping attempts at unauthorized logging in to the back end.
Numerous membership enquiries, outside clubs information, Bushwalking NSW change of name, letter of resignation from secretary Tracey Barkley
To: Albury City Counctil grants to sporting orgs - application completed and submitted – we asked for $2430 – see below
To: Albury City tourist info guide updating details
To: Sue Harper re partnering with Albury City and the City of Wodonga in the 2013 Albury Wodonga Tourism & Visitor Information Centre Partner Program.
Grants Money – expenditure of grants money - timetable and review of where we are at
Tony reported that CAGS and Volunteers grants to be spent by end of October and end of September respectively First aid training approx 850 to 1K and volunteers program $1,3k – see image below of where we are at
AGM– proposed to be held at the Thurgoona Community Centre on Friday July 5 with guest speaker Bruce Key (confirmed) to talk on the topic of global warming and how it might impact on the outdoor pursuits of clubs such as ours – Peter to confirm availability of TCC.
Committee succession procedures - discussion occurred regarding a possible new committee structure – a few key members will be approached to fill committee positions - Tony to fix the forwarder for sec email to go to Peter in the interimMembership report / join procedures – Tony talked about the shortcomings with our existing system and the need for a much simpler schedule of fees with fewer options – currently there are 28 different membership plans. Extensive discussion took place about a new membership fees system and the following was decided upon which reduces the number of membership plans to 10.
Category |
No discount |
Discounted rate |
Single |
35 |
25 |
Family of 2 |
50 |
40 |
Family of 3 |
60 |
50 |
Family of 4 |
70 |
60 |
Family of > 4 |
80 |
70 |
Discounted rate applicable to holders of any of the following: Healthcare card, seniors card, pensioners card , student card, financial member of another bushwalking club affiliated with Bushwalking Victoria or Bushwalking NSW |
Peter and Tony reported on implementation of CBSubs based new membership system – a work in progress but hopefully to be implemented with above by June 30
Decisions made on expenditure included:
- Purchase of a toilet shelter and pan for remote area base camping plus between one and three large water containers perhaps at Rays Outdoors or BCF plus– Peter to investigate
- Registration renewal on the existing Spot to be paid ($116) and purchase of an additional Spot - may not need to register it immediately or even for a full year - idea put that we could ask people on a trip to contribute – buy a month subscription for a special trip and ask all to put in for constant tracking
- Up to two sets of snowshoes (depending on cost)– hire to be free to members and $20 per day for non members – onus is on the hirer to replace if they don’t come back no decision made about deposit - to be reconsidered at next meeting Tony to create a form to do hire on website - Moved Peter Sec Neil carried
Events grading system
- Proposed system by Hans, Neil and Peter is available for comment on the website under Risk Management – Event Gradings to be embedded in events – terrain and road conditions determine grade – distance mentioned as well as grade – technical ability required
- Proposed gradings for Cycling – discussion points
- For cycling we need to identify degree of difficulty (Grade 1 to Grade 5) and the distance
- Mountain bike and road bike events grading to be separate – on track or off track for mountain bike events needs to be specified – might be mix of both
- Grade 1 flat road no hills eg bike tracks in Albury Wodonga
- Grade 2 some undulating hills –eg West Wodonga to Chiltern
- Grade 3 – medium grade of climbing – eg Wodonga to Yack
- >Grade 4 – some steep grades ride eg Wodonga to beechworth
- Grade 5 – prolonged steep grades eg Mt Buffalo and Falls creek
The meeting closed at 10pm – next meeting the AGM on July 5
Murray Valley Bushwalkers
Committee Meeting 9 Minutes
Date: Wed March 26 2013
Location: Commercial Club Albury
Attendance Hans Kaspers, Tony Marsh, Tracey Barkley, Peter Presutti, Neil Brown, Nicole Stephens
Minutes of Meeting 8
December 19 2012 - Location Chiltern Mt Pilot NP
The minutes of the previous meeting accessible here were reviewed and accepted as a true and accurate record of that meeting
Moved: Tracey
Seconded: Hans
The motion was carried
Business Arising from Previous Meeting
- Ecp info, join vnpa, thank you letter to TA Hooley
Tony reported that the new booking forms we use for event registrations is capturing the info we need for emergency contact details for guests and their contact details for further communication from us eg the bulletin. However there is a lot of the existing members who haven’t added that info to their community builder profile yet.
Neil and Nicole volunteered to spend some time contacting members to get that info updated as much as possible.
The club has now joined the VNPA as a corporate member – we get a monthly mail out of a magazine and promotional material. Tony to check if he has been reimbursed for membership fees.
Letter still to be sent to Tracey-Ann Hooley thanking her for the leadership training weekend conducted in October 2012.
Treasurer's Report
Peter tabled the Balance Sheet as at March 26 – see below
Motion was put that the treasurers report be accepted Moved Tony Seconded Neil Carried
Events coordinator report
Hans gave a verbal report on the events program and some of the issues with the management of events. The software that we use RSEvents Pro has some irritating constraints – Tony indicated that we are probably going to run into issues with whatever software we choose. The main problem is with events being unpublished when the owner/creator who is not a website administrator makes any edits to an event as the system then waits for the events coordinator to approve the changes and in the meantime the owner gets locked out of carrying out more edits. Neil and Tony talked about creating a protocol / set of rules to follow when creating events and will present their findings and recommendations to the committee at the next meeting.
Website manager report
Membership at 26 March is 106 – was 83 at last meeting – membership boost coming mainly from canoeing as it continues to be an astonishingly popular activity. Over 40 people participated in
the Beginner canoe safety training and the club will continue to run a similar progrm in the summer of 2013/14
Numerous membership enquiries, outside clubs information, Bushwalking NSW change of name
Grants Money
Tony reported that CAGS and Volunteers funds to be spent by end of October and end of September respectively First aid training approx 850 to 1K and volunteers program $1,3k – see image below of where we are at
1. Committee succession procedures - discussion occurred regarding a possible new committee structure
2. Canoe program 2012/13 review – see stats above
3. First aid and Spot access - keeping track of where stuff is and what needs replacing – Tony proposed to create a form to be maintained by users of the First Aid kits
4.Social night with photos to be scheduled? – Tracey and Hans to organize the format of the evening to be held at Tony’s place
5.Membership report / join procedures Tony to demo a new membership system
6.Accounts to be passed - $39 for extending bandwidth to 3gb for 12 months
7.Albury City grants to sporting orgs now open and application completed and submitted
8.Events grading system – proposed system by Hans is available for comment of the website under Risk Management – Event Gradings Meeting closed at 9-30 pm
Next meeting to be the last committee meeting for the 2012/13 year.
General Business
Need to develop a policy regarding booking accommodation – upfront costs of events to be paid prior to acceptance on activity (NON Refundable). Place on agenda for next committee meeting
Next meeting : location and time to be determined
There being no further business to discuss the meetng was closed at 10:15 pm