MVB Bulletin #60 March 5 2013
Meet your committee
This week we feature club treasurer Peter Presutti
Where were you born and go to school?
Born in Italy, city of Sulmona
How did you come to bushwalking?
What is your favorite bushwalk/abseil/canoe trip/ etc?
Whats the scariest experience you have had in the bush?
What is the best thing about being involved with Murray Valley Bushwalkers?
What advice would you give to a member considering joining the MVB committee?
Social Activities
Looking ahead on the calendar there are some great social events coming up.
An amazing social ecotour of the Barmah wetlands is scheduled for Saturday March 16 - Tracey needs confirmed bookings by Thursday March 8
Join us for dinner at the Barnawartha Hotel on March 27
Peter has some surprises in store for an afternoon and evening in Beechworth - more about this in the next bulletin
What Weve Been Up To
Dragon Boat report
25 crew members have been selected to represent Regional Victoria at the Australian Dragonboat Championships at Penrith this April.
A couple of really adaptable reserves will make sure there are 20 paddlers, a drum, and a sweep in each race.
Congratulations to Claire and six other members of the BraveHearts On The Murray incorporated dragonboat paddling team.
Members of the Warriors dragonboat club comprise the rest of the team.
We are proud of the hard work that Claire and her team mates have done to be strong enough to train with the squad and to be selected into the team.
Thurs Feb 28 Canoe the Murray After Work
Overland Track - Tasmania
Nine club members joined Tony Marsh on a 8 day walk. This is what leader Tony Marsh had to say;
In over 40 years of walking I would have to say this was the highlight. In fact I would say bushwalking doesnt get any better than this!. We took 8 days which allowed time for several side trips. You need to do this walk any way you can - dont discount the Cradle Huts tour guide option- light day packs, hot showers, catered 3 meals a day- its got to be worth it. We were extraordinarily fortunate weather wise. When I first did this walk in 1974, the tracks were seriously muddy and leech infested. This time you almost had to go out of your way to find either! The highlight of the trip wasnt climbing Mt Ossa or seeing an Eastern Quoll or even seeing the sun set on Mt Oakleigh from the balcony at Pelion Hut. It was having the good fortune to share this experience with as a great a bunch of people as you would ever want to meet.
Click here to see some of the pictures from the Tassie trip
Whats On March 5 to March 12
Find the activity on the website calendar that interests you and hit the Join button to start a conversation with the event leader.
Easy abseiling March 5
Join Neil for this activity for those who want to have a go or those who want to brush up on their skills this is a great opportunity with an experienced leader. Click here to join
Canoe after work 7 March
If you would like to join the canoeing on Thursday night before the end of Daylight savings click here
Cowombat Flat and the source of the Murray 8 March - 11 March
Join Mick Webster on this 3-day walk to Cowombat Flat, the source of the Murray, start of the 'Dotted Line', rescuing a geocache. Beautiful remote country, much wildlife, kangaroos, emus, brumbies. Friday evening drive to roadhead east of Benambra, camp. (approx 3 hours from Albury). Saturday walk 15ks along 4wd track to the Flat, camp. Sunday daywalk to the first cairn on the dotted line border, source of the Murray R. (15ks) Monday back to cars, home. Medium walking, undulating 4wd track, part of the Alpine Walking Track. Contact me for more info 0429017229 or or click here to join
Sustainability Fair
Neil is looking for assistance to staff a club stall at the Sustainability Fair if you can assist Neil contact him on 0417813951. More information to follow
If you cant view photos in this email you can read the bulletin on the MVB Website
Catch you on a club event soon!
Tracey Barkley
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
MVB Bulletin #59 February 25 2013
Meet your committee
As a large part of the committee are currently in Tasmania enjoying a fantastic trip on the Overland Track, meet your committee will return next bulletin. Watch this space.
Social Activities
Looking ahead on the calendar there are some great social events coming up.
An amazing social ecotour of the Barmah wetlands is scheduled for Saturday March 16 - Tracey needs confirmed bookings by Thursday March 8
Join us for dinner at the Barnawartha Hotel on March 27
Peter has some surprises in store for an afternoon and evening in Beechworth - more about this in the next bulletin
What Weve Been Up To
Thurs Feb 21 Canoe the Murray After Work
Whats On Feb 21 to March 5
Find the activity on the website calendar that interests you and hit the Join button to start a conversation with the event leader.
Canoe after work 28 February
If you would like to join the canoeing on Thursday night before the end of Daylight savings click here
Nail Can Hill from Morningside Place- Sat 2 March
This is a brisk walk up Nail Can Hill from Morningside Place in Albury. Click here to join Clare
Long Plain Track - Mt Buffalo- 8km Easy/Medium - Sun 3 March
To join Tracey on this 8 km easy/medium walk past wonderful rock formations and a fantastic view click here followiing a short climb 250metres (the climb to Mt Dunn summit is steep in places, parks have a fantastic stair/ ladder access) to the summit of the rock formation that is Mt Dunn. Walking through a variety of landscapes along the way. A coffee on the way home in Myrtleford or Porpunkah.
Dragonboat paddling- Sun 3 March
If you would like more information about this activity click here
Easy abseiling- Tues 5 March
If you would like to learn to abseil or just brush up your skills click here to join Neil.
Sustainability Fair
Neil is looking for assistance to staff a club stall at the Sustainability Fair if you can assist Neil contact him on 0417813951. More information to follow
If you cant view photos in this email you can read the bulletin on the MVB Website
Catch you on a club event soon!
Tracey Barkley
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
MVB Bulletin #58 February 19 2013
Meet your committee
This week we will introduce our founding secretary Tony Marsh who worked closely with Hans Kaspers in the establishment of MVB Inc
Where were you born and go to school?
I was born in Melbourne and lived in Coburg and then moved to the outer north eastern suburbs at age 16 which in those days was very much the bush. Instead of a 2 hour public transport commute I now had a 1.5 hour walk through the bush to and from school. And I loved it. I borrowed the Trees of Victoria booklet from the school library (Eltham High) and started on a journey of discovery of Australian flora.
How did you come to bushwalking?
In 1973 I took a year off uni and was working on a farm when my sister cajoled me to join her on a trip to New Zealand. I was reluctant but eventually agreed - and what a great decision that was!. NZ opened my eyes to both travel and bushwalking.
What is your favorite bushwalk?
Thats easy - its the 4 day Main Range walk from the top of the chairlift at Thredbo to Mount Tait in Kosciusko National Park - Ive walked it 5 times and I still get excited when its on the agenda.
What is the best thing about being president of Murray Valley Bushwalkers?
Without a doubt that would be the people Ive met in the last 18 months and the joy in seeing them get excited about participating in club activities - very often for the first time. A great example of this is the canoeing training program weve just had in January 2013 where we had 40 participants. I would love to think we could do something like that with cross country skiing / snowshoeing in 2013.
What advice would you give to a member considering joining the MVB committee?
Go for it! you've got a great opportunity to learn new skills and meet a heap of amazing people along the way. Dont think you are not up for it as we will take you under our wing and train you to take on a role on the committee.
Walking Poles for Sale
Lin Starke recently wrote
"I have acquired an extra 2 pair of walking poles, that I will on sell for cost price which is $20 per pair. These poles are for sale in the sports shops locally for $102 or thereabouts. There were 3 pairs left in the shop when I went to buy a pair for myself so I decided to buy the lot. Phone me on 02 6056 0938 or email me at if interested"
Welcome to new members
Brandon Read is our most recent member who joined canoeing on Thurs Feb 14. Welcome Brandon we hope you enjoy all the activities and social events that Murray Valley Bushwalking Club offers to its members.
Social Activities
Looking ahead on the calendar there are some great social events coming up.
An amazing social ecotour of the Barmah wetlands is scheduled for Saturday March 16 - Tracey needs confirmed bookings by Thursday March 8
Join us for dinner at the Barnawartha Hotel on March 27
Peter has some surprises in store for an afternoon and evening in Beechworth - more about this in the next bulletin
What Weve Been Up To
Thurs Feb 14 Canoe the Murray After Work
Sat Feb 16 Easy Abseiling at the Albury Quarry
Whats On Feb 19 to Feb 26
Find the activity on the website calendar that interests you and hit the Join button to start a conversation with the event leader.
Fancy a day walk in Tassie? Hans has put 8 day activities on taken from 60 walks in Tassie
Canoe after work 21 February
Check out the information on the website calendar or contact Tracey on 0409155338 for further information.
Sustainability Fair
Neil is looking for assistance to staff a club stall at the Sustainability Fair if you can assist Neil contact him on 0417813951
If you cant view photos in this email you can read the bulletin on the MVB Website
Catch you on a club event soon!
Tracey Barkley
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
MVB Bulletin #57 February 12 2013
Meet your committee
Over the next few bulletins we plan to profile a few people on the MVB committee. Maybe this will inspire you to put your hand up or to happily receive that tap on the shoulder to come on board and contribute to the club's viability come the 2013 AGM. But thats not the real purpose - it is to recognise and celebrate the wonderful diversity of people that our club has brought together.
This week we will introduce our founding president Hans Kaspers who was instrumental in the establishment of MVB Inc and the champion of MVB day walks - he has planned, scheduled and led over 60 since July 2011!
Where were you born and in what circumstances?
I was born in Arnhem, Gelderland, a province of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, a little over two months before the Battle Of Arnhem one of the most famous battles of World War II. Residents of the city of Arnhem were evicted, and my family and I were forced to flee on foot. So you could say I started wandering at the age of two months!
When did you come to Australia?
I first set foot on Australian soil on Monday, 1st November 1965; on Tuesday 2nd November we explored Sydney and couldn't understand why around three o'clock everything went quiet! (ed. Doc Evatt's death or was it the Melbourne Cup!) My voyage reached it's destination at Melbourne Station Pier on 4th November 1965.
How did you come to bushwalking?
My first job was as a survey assistant employed by the Victorian Department of Crown Land & Survey, based in Wangaratta. Our job was to mark out which pieces of Crown Land a farmer could add to his property, so really my job involved bushwalking (all off-track). During the Christmas Holidays in 1966, with one of my workmates we did the 6 day walk from Mountain Creek to Mt Bogong, Roper's Hut, Mt Fainter, Dibbins Hut, Mt Hotham, Razorback to Mt Feathertop and the Bungalow Spur to Harrietville. Later I moved to Melbourne and turned into a town-planner. In 1981 I moved to Albury to escape the rat-race.
In 2007 I was diagnosed with Diabetes type 2, and the doctor recommended walking as an excercise. After two months I became bored with walking the streets of Albury so I headed for the bush!
What is your favorite bushwalk?
I can't make up my mind. I can nominate four great walks: The Big Walk at Mt Buffalo, the Razorback to Mt Feathertop, the part of the Hume & Hovell Walking Track from Wymah Road to Tunnel Road, or the Wet Gully Track from Bright to Harrietville.
What was the best thing about being president of Murray Valley Bushwalkers?
That's a very hard question! I was a very reluctant president, but if you start something, you have to follow it through. I think the best thing was to start with an inaugural meeting of 14 people and during the first year to see the membership grow was highly satisfactory! The greatest reward is occurring right now: a membership over 100 is an incredible outcome!
What advice would you give to a member considering joining the MVB committee?
No club can function without a committee, it is a legal requirement. However according to WGP desk calendars quotes: "A committee is a group of people who keep minutes and waste hours" can be true. But fortunately with the Murray Valley Bushwalkers, we do not have regular Committee Meetings, we have a committee meeting when committee members feel we need one! By law we have to have a committee meeting four times a year and we are determined not to break the law by having 5!. Also according to our constitution no committee member can serve more than four years, or be on the executive for more than three years. So if you are thinking about joining the committee, go for it! You may be sorely needed! And after serving for whatever time you are able, Im sure you'll get the satisfaction of a job well done!
Grading of Club Events
One of the more difficult issues that outdoor activities clubs have to address is how to adequately advise members and guests on the various grades of both difficulty and skill required to safely complete an event.
The three level scheme of Easy, Medium and Hard is a pretty loose mechanism because an activity that one person finds easy another may find hard. Other factors such as weather and available time can easily turn an easy event into a hard one.
And then when you complicate matters by trying to apply a grading scheme across a whole range of event types that we participate in it all gets a bit too hard!
However its in everybody's interests that we address this so that our leaders have some guidelines to work by and our members have a good idea what the event may entail.
If you have thoughts about this topic please feel free to email them to me. We would love to hear from you.
While on the subject of safety members are reminder that they are encouraged to carry personal health information with them on club events - you can view club policy on this topic here.
Walking Poles
Peter has recommended an article to read on the use of walking poles. I think it should be pointed out that this article can be found on the website of an organisation that sells walking poles so clearly this is an advertising pitch. But if only a fraction of the article is factual it still creates a compelling argument in favor of walking with poles. Personally I beg to differ with the statements regarding walking with inexpensive poles - I believe you have nothing to lose by starting out with such poles.
Lin Starke recently wrote
"I have acquired an extra 2 pair of walking poles, that I will on sell for cost price which is $20 per pair. These poles are for sale in the sports shops locally for $102 or thereabouts. There were 3 pairs left in the shop when I went to buy a pair for myself so I decided to buy the lot. Phone me on 02 6056 0938 or email me at if interested"
Walking poles can be put to all sorts of uses!
Welcome to new members
Theo and Colleen Richter are our most recent members.
Social Activities
Looking ahead on the calendar there are some great social events coming up.
An amazing social ecotour of the Barmah wetlands is scheduled for Saturday March 16 - Tracey needs confirmed bookings by Thursday March 8
Join us for dinner at the Barnawartha Hotel on March 27
Peter has some surprises in store for an afternoon and evening in Beechworth - more about this in the next bulletin
Bushwalking Victoria Sites
Sports Medicine Australia Hot Weather and Exercise Tips
Bushwalking Victoria Huts etiquette
Whats On Feb 12 to Feb 19
Follow the "full details here" link to an event that interests you and hit the Join button to start a conversation with the event leader
Thurs Feb 14 Canoe the Murray After Work
Due to threatening thunderstorm activity last week's paddle was cancelled. But you have another chance to enjoy this extraordinarily popular event with a bbq which is rapidly becoming one of the significant food and cultural events on the Albury Wodonga calendar
Sat Feb 16 Easy Abseiling at the Albury Quarry
Be brave and have some exhilarating fun with Neil Brown our excellent abseil instructor - click the photo to find out more info on this event.
Sun Feb 17 to Feb 26 Tasmania
I will be one of 8 MVB members who will be walking the Overland Track in Tasmania. So there may be no bulletin next week but I will try to get one out soon after we return to the mainland - hopefully full of great stories of bushwalking in Tassie!
Catch you on a club event soon!
Tony Marsh
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc