MVB Bulletin # 42 Oct 15 2012.
Click on one of the buttons below to see whats been going on.
Leadership Skills Weekend
Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st October.
Its not too late to join us for the coming weekend of fun and games - learn new skills that will assist you to enjoy and enhance your experiences with Murray Valley Bushwalkers.
Check out the program on offer
We encourage all members of the club to participate - even if you can just come for one of the sessions your participation would be greatly appreciated. Tracey-Ann Hooley from the Victoria National Parks Association has a lot of experience with training groups in outdoor leadership and has generously offered to make the trip up from Melbourne on her weekend. Lets not disappoint her!
The BBQ on Saturday evening is open to all club members regardless of whether you participate in the training sessions - so come along and join the party on Saturday evening.
Emergency Contact Policy
As part of an ongoing assessment and review of safety procedures the committee meeting held Thursday Oct 6th decided to implement a new Emergency Contact procedure. The first part is to ask members to add an appropriate Emergency Contact Person's name and phone number to their membership details.
The easiest way to achieve this is for members to login to the club's website and add the new information to their own profile. If you haven't logged in for a while then you may need to obtain a username/password reminder - this can be done automatically from the Login block on the home page. You can instigate that procedure by choosing the Forgot Login option under login box on the home page
Once you can login with the username and password provided by the system you can add your Emergency Contact Persons info by editing and saving your profile.
You can follow these instructions to achieve this. More details of the new policy will be included in the next bulletin.
Whats On,15th - 21st October
Mid week walks
Tuesday 16th of October.
Peter is running a walk starting at Woolshed Falls and walking along the track by the creek to the bridge at the gorge. This leg is 6km in length. Depending on the consesus of the group we will either walk back the way we came or arrange a car shuffle to get us back to the car park at Woolshed Falls.
Click on the link to see all the details.
After work Canoeing
Thursday 18th of October.
The weather looks good at this stage for our first After work Canoeing event. Tony will be leading the trip down the river starting at Doctors point and finishing at Noreuil Park. Meet at the boat ramp at Noriel Park at 5.30pm. There will be a BBQ afterwards.
Click on the link to join this event or contact Tony.
A BBQ will follow the after work Canoeing. Bring something to cook on the barbie and some salad and enjoy the company of your fellow paddlers after canoeing on the river.
Click the photo below for Canoeing pics.
Dragon Boat Paddling Oct 21
There are two dragon boat events on Sunday after the leadership skills - come and try it for seniors at 3pm and dragon boat paddling training at 4pm
Flinders Ranges Oct 22-31
Flinders Ranges car camping trip October 22 - November 1 for more details click here or contact Hans.
Last Week's Events
Mahers Hill Bonegilla leader Hans Kaspers - what a gem of a walk this turned out to be - 180degree stunning views of the weir - here is Hans grinning having found another geocache for Team MVB!
You can read a report of this event here
Dragon Boat practice was held Sunday 14 October- read a report of the Oct 7 event here
Photo Collections
Neil has done a great job organising the club's photos on Flickr into Collections of each event type. Click the photo below to go to the Abseiling collection.
If you are interested in learning to Abseil or you already have some experience now is the time to contact Neil to find out more. Click on the MVB Abseilers link for abseiling events and Neil's contact details.
Future Activities
Backpacking the Overland track in Tasmania - February 19 - 27 - for more details click here or contact Tony.
Activities of interest to members.
Opening of Sandy Creek Bridge which includes several rides and walks of different levels of difficulty. Saturday 20 October
Note to leaders when making changes to activities.
If you make a change to your activity eg. change of date or more information etc can you email Hans once you have finalised the changes our system automatically unpublishes your activity from the calendar with each change made, a quick email to Hans will see your activity back on the calendar.
Lost and Found
Found in Hans car a set of keys if you have lost your keys please contact Hans.
Tracey Barkley,
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc.
Forgot your MVB Login Details?
Follow these steps to recover your username and/or password
You can instigate that procedure by choosing the Forgot Login from the login box on the home page at
If you need reminding of both username and password you will need to recover your username first (an email will be sent to you telling you what it is)
An email like this will be generated and sent to you
You can then put the username into the Lost Password screen and and the system will send you a new password to your email address
You can then proceed to login with the username and password the system has sent you. You must be logged in to edit your profile details. Note you can change your password as well fromthe edit profile screen.
Now to add the details of the Emergency Contact person to your profile you need to login and choose the My Profile link from the Members menu item
Go to the Contact Details tab
Enter the name and phone number of the designated ECP and choose the Update button at the bottom to save the new information into your profile
It was a fine day for paddling last Sunday.
Sunday training sessions are introductory for everyone to ease into the week.
This photograph was on a Wednesday for a harder training session.
Members of Murray Valley Bushwalkers club are welcome to try paddling on Sunday afternoons.
MVB Bulletin # 41 Oct 1 2012
Warmer weather is fast approaching and this will see the return of the clubs popular canoeing program. This will include weekly after work evening canoe events during daylight saving hours and overnight weekend trips along the Murray River with camping along the river as part of the trip.
Also the finer weather will see abseiling resume with Neil Brown check out the pictures below of these very popular club activities.
After work Canoeing on Thursday evenings will commence on 11 Oct
Click the photo below for details
Abseiling with Neil Brown
If you are interested in learning to abseil or you already have some experience now is the time to contact Neil Brown to find out more - click the photo above to check out details of abseiling events with the club
Keep a lookout on the calendar for other interesting and enjoyable activities that might pop up at short notice now that Spring is upon us. The best way to do that is by using an rss reader and programming it to display the new Upcoming Events page on the website (look for the orange and white sector icon top right)
What We've Been Up To
Warbys National Park weekend
Marijke Korting represented MVB at the recently held Warby Ranges NP celebration weekend and reported that it was a very well organised weekend, with plenty of walks to choose from, plus dinner at The Vine Hotel (and a talk from chris Mercier, Head Ranger) on Friday night, and a BBQ at Merriwa Park on Sat night. Nice lot of friendly people in their club - we could do well to try and work together on some of their many activities ???
Whats On
Oct 6 - 7 Weekend Events
- Mount Beauty to Falls Creek Cycling Leader John Jamieson - Saturday 6 October
- Maher Hill day walk leader Hans Kaspers - Saturday 6 October
- Spring Wildflower awareness walk Leader Tony Marsh - Sunday 7 October
- Dragon Boat training Brave Hearts on the Murray have offered an opportunity to the club to participate in training activites potentially leading to participation by the club in the regatta in March 2013. Sunday 7 October
Oct 13 - 14 Weekend Events
- Hume and Hovell walking track Stage 7 leader Hans Kaspers - Sunday 14 October
- Dragon Boat practice contact Claire Sandford - Sunday 14 October
Leadership training weekend
This is a fantastic opportunity for our fledgling club and we are grateful for the opportunity. Check the event calendar for the weekend of Oct 20/21 - expressions of interest in participating are rolling in and more are very welcome. A proposed program is being developed - more details in the next bulletin.
Future Activities
Flinders Ranges car camping trip October 22 - November 1 for more details click here or contact Hans.
Backpacking the Overland track in Tasmania - February 19 - 27 - for more details click here or contact Tony
Volunteers required
For Farmers Market on Lincoln Causeway Saturday 13 October 8am - 12 noon to promote the club for further information contact Tracey on 0409155338. If you can join Tracey for an hour or so that would be greatly appreciated.
Other activities of interest to members
Opening of Sandy Creek Bridge which includes several rides of different levels of difficulty - Saturday 20 October
Dragon Boat paddling
Claire has created a blog category for dragon boat paddling providing reports and information with an eye on the regatta to be held in March 2013 in Albury - click here
Event management upgrade
The upgrade in event management software on the website is complete - you will notice changes in the format and display of events calendar and details view of events - the link to booking enquiries has been replaced with the Join button which appears at the top of the event description" for more information go to the website blog
Next Committee Meeting
Monday October 8 2pm, if you have any items you wish to have discussed then please contact a committee -member click here for contact details. Policies to be discussed will be emergency contact procedures and the canoeing policy - the program for the leadership training weekend will also be reviewed.
Tracey Barkley
Murray Valley Bushwalking Club