Murray Valley Bushwalkers
Committee Meeting 8 Minutes
Date: Wed Dec 19 2012
Location: Honeyeater Picnic Area Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park
Attendance Hans Kaspers, Tony Marsh, Tracey Barkley, Peter Presutti
Apologies :Neil Brown, Nicole Stephens
Minutes of Meeting 7
Mon Oct 8 2012 - Location Corowa
The minutes of the previous meeting accessible here were reviewed and accepted as a true and accurate record of that meeting
Moved: Tracey
Seconded: Hans
The motion was carried
Business Arising from Previous Meeting
ECP info update
Community Builder database and Google Drive booking forms spreadsheet have been updated to add the new fields. All new members since last meeting (10 since oct 8) have added the ECP info. Tony talked about the difficulties of getting people to log in to the website and update their profile however and pointed to leaders trying to garner this info as our existing membership book in for events. We need to address the use of SPOT in the light of ECP info and Hans highlighted issue of husband/wife teams being each other’s ECP esp when they are both on the same activity
Event management procedures
Peter says its easier than ever – Hans found it hard initially to set the time and locations and setting the right registration booking form is painful but photo are in now easier.
Generally people happy with the Who’s Going feature of the events display but concerns about people being added to the “going” list before acceptance by the leader – tony to msg RSJoomla team about this
Note individuals can be messaged by clicking on the whos going section clicking on an individual to open their profile, finding the Messages tab and clicking on Send Email
Leadership training weekend
Generally feedback was good – scenarios were really good quite nifty (from Peter) – Hans didn’t like them though as he says he cant act! Support from the membership was excellent (Tony) with 12 members participating
Tony moved a motion that the MVB Inc join the VNPA as a corporate member – Hans suggested we also log a like of the VNPA from our face book site.
Letter to be drafted to thank the VNPA for their support and TA Hooley in particular
- Kevin Hibbert from DPCD outlining successful CAGS grant procedures
- Rosemary Preston Section Manager Volunteer Grants 2012 Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs - successful Volunteers Grant 2012
- Email receipt of numerous event bookings, trip reports, member enquiries
- To Rosemary Preston completing grant procedures as above
- To Kevin Hibbert completing grant procedures as above
- To Tracey Farrant City of Wodonga acquittal form re $700 grant received
Event Management
Hans said when we first started 80% of the events on the program and that its now great to see more leaders – he still has a list of 75 walks he wants to put on!
Google Drive booking system
Tony reported on the pros and cons of the system with the main advantage being that all of our activities are fully documented and accessible to the committee members and leaders of the club and so will be the first port of call in the event of an incident on a club event.
Tony reported currently financial membership is 83 with 10 new members having joined since the last committee meeting
Treasurers Report
Peter tabled the treasurers report which again indicated a very healthy balance - as at Dec 16 We have $ 3170.46 in the Bank and $ 158.85 in PayPal plus the $2000 thats coming from the most recent DPCD grant. I put the 2 PayPal purchase's into an Expense account "Web Sites" See attached financial statement Setopress snakebite Bandages purchase has been made Tony to circulate a list of website expenses incurred for approval of reimbursement Peters report moved and seconded – motion carried
Website management
Tony reported that we now have the capacity to work with offline versions of the website which is particularly valuable when it comes to software upgrades and new functionality as it can be now tested fully before applying to the live site. Most recently the Form management software has been updated to the latest (RSForms Pro) version - Tony, Peter and soon Neil have the offline website setup. The forum component (Kunena) needs updating but testing the latest version has indicated that all forum posts will be lost when (if) we upgrade
Leadership Mentoring Program
The committee has decided that the club needs to develop a leadership mentoring program and that an item to be put in the bulletin to that effect and that it be put on the agenda for the next meeting
Snakebite Bandages
- Event management - the need for standardising event descriptions eg Event name, Event type, Degree of Difficulty was discussed and the need to develop a formula for training leaders who are adding events to the website – a set of guideline booklet was suggested and to include things like event titles to be max of x characters, customised registration forms to be used and images to be displayed. Develop guidelines for event description – suggested that events not to be published until guidelines are met. To be placed on the agenda for next committee meeting.
- Budget for expenditure of new funds - two grants x time frame and ideas for expenditure - ideas and think tank to be emailed amongst committee members
- Accounts to be passed for Tony to be tabled approx $330 including $120 for internet access for tracey - Tony to circulate a statement for perusal by committee
- Fees spent securing accommodation on mt buffalo for the cancelled Mt McLeod walk be covered by club as event was cancelled. Tony to distribute and Peter to pay once approved by committee Moved Peter, Seconded Hans carried
- Money to be paid to VNPA? Tony moved that MVB Inc join VNPA as a corporate member Hans Seconded Motion carried.
- Tony moved that a formal letter of thanks be drafted to thanks VNPA especially Tracey Anne Hooley for the support given to MVB Inc
- Purchase of snake bite bandages -purchase completed by Peter recently
- Outcome of promotion of club with MediaKing? Nicole Stephens to contact Kylie King
- Committee succession procedures - Hans raised the implications of the MVB constitution allowing a 3 year maximum term on the club executive and therefor the urgency of establishing a succession process. This to be the subject of further discussion at next committee meeting - add to agenda and to canvass people who may be interested in being on the committee in the future.
General Business
Develop policy regarding booking accommodation – upfront costs of events to be paid prior to acceptance on activity (NON Refundable). Place on agenda for next committee meeting
Next meeting : location and time to be determined
There being no further business to discuss the meetng was closed at 10:15 pm
Murray Valley Bushwalkers
Committee Meeting 7
Date: Monday Oct 8 2012
Location: Sauvignon Drive Corowa
Attendance Hans Kaspers, Tony Marsh, Tracey Barkley,
Neil Brown, Nicole Stephens
Apologies :Peter Presutti
Minutes of Meeting 6
Friday Aug 3 2012
The minutes of the previous meeting accessible here were reviewed and accepted as a true and accurate record of that meeting
Moved: Hans Kaspers
Seconded: Tony Marsh
The motion was carried
Business Arising from Previous Meeting
Bulletin - Tracey offered to manage creation and distribution of the weekly bulletin
Logo - Hans to send Tony a copy of the logo he designed - recall that Rob Newman suggested we approach Tafe colleges re logo design - Tony to follow up
Unfinancial members - Tony reported on a few calls he had made
A summary of approximately 100 email messages received to the secretary account since last meeting
1.RoadSafe NE improve cycling safety in our region - from Trish Madden
2.New memberships & Risk forms since last committee meeting 4
3.Funding submission information -
Numerous emails regarding new members, payments received from members, risk forms and activities from other associations eg parklands Albury wodonga
Event Management
- Hans reported that the program is continuing to offer a diverse range of well attended activities
- Leadership skills weekend to take place on the weekend Oct 20/21 with TraceyAnn Hooley from the VNP
- Issues with event management software mostly ironed out now
- The need for leaders to ensure the online booking form for events is maintained and the event completion field annotated appropriately at the conclusion of the event
- Neil requested consideration of amending the canoe policy to add clauses in relation to alcohol and illicit drug usage. No decision reached - or if there was it was not recorded in the minutes!
Annual General Meeting
A successful AGM was held on August 23rd at the Thurgoona Community Centre - there is a report on the meeting on the website here
Treasurers Report
Peter tabled the treasurers report which again indicated a very healthy balance.
a) Policy review emergency contact procedure -
- A proposal to add emergency contact information in the community builder database was discussed and a motion put by Neil and seconded by Tony was carried
- That the membership database be amended to include two new fields - an emergency contact persons name and phone number and that members be asked to login and amend their profiles to add this information.
- Tony pointed out that this would require manual update of the membership records maintained in Google drive for the online booking and event monitoring system.
b) event management procedures
c) emergency contact procedure policy
d) canoeing policy review
e) Leadership training weekend program
f) spending the balance of the grant money from city of Wodonga - I think we have to report on that by end of Oct
g) New Funding submission information – x 2
h) Printing of more postcards. Photos on postcards to represent the various activities that the club offers. (not just bush walking). (Neil)
i) Farmers market-people that are manning the stall should come dressed in the gear that is used for the different activities that the club offers. eg. Me in my helmet, harness with other abseiling gear. Canoers to come in a PDF with a paddle. Bike riders to come in bike riding gear. Bush walkers to come in bush walking gear. I think that this would make a bigger impact on people at the market and make it a bit more fun for us. (Neil)
j) A photo slide show playing on a laptop for people to see. (Neil)
k) 2 more snake bandages for the first aid kit,this link will take you to info on the bandages for snake bite Setopress Bandages. There are two places listed at the bottom of the article where these bandages can be purchased from. I feel that we need 2 bandages per First Aid kit. (Neil) a motion to purchase 4 bandages was put by Neil and seconded by Peter and was carried.
l) Everyone Wins provides practical tools and resources to help Victorian community sports clubs become more inclusive and welcoming of everyone in their community - I would like to keep revisiting this topic/website until we reckon weve got a handle on it
The Facebook site is in dire need of updating and we may decide that its too much trying to maintain all four sites (MVB, Facebook, Flickr and Ecoportal) - the committee decided to continue all four facets and thanked Neil for his commitment to maintain the clubs Facebook site and his preparedness to copy events to the Ecoportal.
n) Dragon Boat - member Claire Sandford requested the committee to consider sponsoring a Murray Valley Bushwalkers team for the dragon boat regatta to be held in Albury in March 2013. Other members of the community may be allocated to our boat if we have less than a full team. We could choose to have tshirts or bibs for paddlers to advertise the bushwalking club. If individuals have fun on the day, they may choose to join the Murray Valley Bushwalkers.
We could even win something!
The committee decided that individual club members are encouraged to join the Bravehearts for training on the Sunday afternoons but that there didnt seem to be sufficient interest this year to support the idea of an MVB team in the regatta but perhaps next year there may be.
o) Reimbursement of internet usage by the secretary - a motion was moved by Tony seconded by Hans and carried
"That the club contribute $120 to the cost of purchase of a 12 month 12Gb prepaid mobile internet plan for use by the secretary"
General Business
Next meeting : location and time to be determined
There being no further business to discuss the meetng was closed at 4:30 pm
MVB Bulletin # 40 Sept 25 2012
Welcome to new members
Welcome to Kathryn Pyle, Tim Hoffmann and Tracey Turner who are the most recent members of the club.
Warmer weather is fast approaching and this will see the return of the clubs popular canoeing program. This will include weekly after work evening canoe events during daylight saving hours and overnight weekend trips along the Murray River with camping along the river as part of the trip.
After work Canoeing on Thursday evenings will commence on 11 Oct
Click the photo below for details
Abseiling with Neil Brown
If you are interested in learning to abseil or you already have some experience now is the time to contact Neil Brown to find out more - click the photo above to check out details of abseiling events with the club
Keep a lookout on the calendar for other interesting and enjoyable activities that might pop up at short notice now that Spring is upon us. The best way to do that is by using an rss reader and programming it to display the new Upcoming Events page on the website (look for the orange and white sector icon top right)
What We've Been Up To
Lake Williams & Koetong Hound
Several members enjoyed another amazing walk led by Iris Joss in her backyard click the above photo for slide show of this event
Baranduda Flora Survey
Members of the Murray Valley Bushwalking Club assisted in the annual Baranduda Flora survey with many different native flora and fauna being found throughout the day. Click above photo for slide show
Dragon Boat paddling
Claire has created a blog category for dragon boat paddling providing reports and information with an eye on the regatta to be held in March 2013 in Albury - click here
Whats On
Sept 27-30 Events
Mutawintji National Park - backpacking - Leader Bill Krautz, Thursday 27 September - Mon, 01 Oct
Sept 29-30 Weekend Events
- Warby Ovens National Park Biodiversity campout Saturday 29 - Sunday 30 September Warbies biodiversity campout this sat still able to accept bookings (contact Tony by 5pm Wed 26th Sep)
- Dragon Boat training Brave Hearts on the Murray have offered an opportunity to the club to participate in training activites potentially leading to participation by the club in the regatta in March 2013. Sunday 30 September
Leadership training weekend
This is a fantastic opportunity for our fledgling club and we are grateful for the opportunity. Check the event calendar for the weekend of Oct 20/21 - expressions of interest in participating are rolling in and more are very welcome. A proposed program is being developed - more details in the next bulletin.
Future Activities
Flinders Ranges car camping trip October 22 - November 1 for more details click here or contact Hans.
Backpacking the Overland track in Tasmania - February 19 - 27 - for more details click here or contact Tony
Volunteers required
For Farmers Market on Lincoln Causeway Saturday 29 September 8am - 12 noon to promote the club for further information contact Tracey on 0409155338. If you can join Hans for an hour or so that would be greatly appreciated.
Event management upgrade
The upgrade in event management software on the website is complete - you will notice changes in the format and display of events calendar and details view of events - the link to booking enquiries has been replaced with the Join button which appears at the top of the event description" for more information go to the website blog
Next Committee Meeting
Monday October 8 2pm, if you have any items you wish to have discussed then please contact a committee -member click here for contact details. Policies to be discussed will be emergency contact procedures and the canoeing policy - the program for the leadership training weekend will also be reviewed.
Tracey Barkley
Murray Valley Bushwalking Club
MVB Bulletin # 39 Sept 18 2012
Spring has arrived which means warmer days and plenty of interesting activities on the program. Keep an eye open for the beginning of the canoeing season shortly.
What We've Been Up To
Spring into nature at Springhurst
Several members enjoyed the Spring into Nature tour around a private property at Springhurst click the above photo for slide show of this event
Dragon Boat paddling
Claire has created an article for members providing more information for those interested in "having a go" click here
Whats On
Sept 21-23 Weekend Events
- Lake Williams & Koetong Hound - Leader Iris Joss, Medium walk Saturday 22 September
- Baranduda Range Flora survey - Leader Tony Marsh, Medium walk Sunday 23 September
- Dragonboat training - Leader Claire Sandford, Bravehearts on the Murray Sunday 23 September
Warby Ranges National Park celebration weekend
4 walks are planned during the following dates Friday 21 - Monday 23 September. Please contact Marijke Korting for further information on 0417417963
Sept 27-30 Events
Mutawintji National Park - backpacking - Leader Bill Krautz, Thursday 27 September - Mon, 01 Oct
Sept 29-30 Weekend Events
- Warby Ovens National Park Biodiversity campout Saturday 29 - Sunday 30 September
- Dragon Boat training Dragon Boat racing - Brave Hearts on the Murray have offered an opportunity to the club to participate in training activites to gauge whether members are interested in ongoing participation in this activity.
Leadership training weekend
As reported last week volunteers from the VNPA have agreed to run a weekend training activity that will help skill up persons interested in leading club events. This is a fantastic opportunity for our fledgling club and we are grateful for the opportunity. Check the event calendar for the weekend of Oct 20/21 - expressions of interest in participating are very welcome.
Future Activities
Warmer weather is fast approaching and this will see the return of the clubs popular canoeing program. Regular after work evening canoe nights during daylight saving hours, overnight weekend trips along the Murray River with camping along the river as part of the trip
Flinders Ranges car camping trip October 22 - November 1 for more details click here or contact Hans.
Volunteers required
For Farmers Market on Lincoln Causeway Saturday 29 September 8 - 12 noon to promote the club for further information contact Tracey on 0409155338
Information of interest to members
Albury Indoor Rock Climbing Centre has closed and due to this there will be no indoor rock climbing on the calender. Neil will be offering an outdoor abseiling program.
Next Committee Meeting
Thursday October 4, if you have any items you wish to have discussed then please contact a committee member click here for contact details. Policies to be discussed will be emergency contact procedures, leadership training weekend
Tracey Barkley
Murray Valley Bushwalking Club