Murray Valley Bushwalkers
Committee Meeting 6
Date: Friday Aug 3 2012
Location: Thurgoona Community Centre 1-15pm
Attendance Hans Kaspers, Tony Marsh, Peter Presutti, Tracey Barkley Apologies : Neil Brown, Nicole Stephens
Minutes of Meeting 5
Friday May 11 2012
The minutes of the previous meeting accessible here were reviewed and accepted as a true and accurate record of that meeting
Moved: Peter
The motion was carried
Business Arising from Previous Meeting
- Further discussion ensued re the meeting with Rob Newman meeting and lack of outcomes at this stage. Members are encouraged to visit the VicHealth Everyone Wins website which provides practical tools and resources to help Victorian community sports clubs become more inclusive and welcoming of everyone in their community
- Discussion about rescheduling of the AGM and invitation of a guest speaker from Parklands Albury Wodonga - a decision was made to go for Thursday August 23 7-30pm as Sherylyne indicated a facility was available at TCC - Tony confirmed PAW agreed to provide a guest speaker
- Leadership training weekend - wide ranging discussion took place - see agenda item
- Car pooling policy - policy was further discussed and ratified as offiial club policy - read it here
A summary of approximately 100 email messages received to the secretary account since last meeting
A summary of approx 100 email messages sent as the secretary since last committee meeting
Event Management
- Evening walks - Peter has been running a series of night walk either preceded by a bbq or followed by dinner at a local pub - 5 events to date have all been successful and well attended.
- Weekend walks update - a great program continues with a range of leaders and activities - the committee expressed its thanks to Hans for the extraordinary program of accessible walks he has prepared
- Snow activities - there have now been 4 skiing events held at Falls Creek - no snowshoeing activities have happend this winter yet but there is still plenty of time - a snow camping weekend is happening on aug 18/19 and the Hoppet on the following weekend.
Team MVB is the designated name of the geocaching arm of our club - we have 4 caches in the bush and every one of both peter and hans walks seem to have a geocache or two which adds a lot of interest. Hans volunteered to write an article to go in the next community newsletter of the TCC - due by Aug 20.
Website Report - Blogs - the blogging component on the website is now fully functional with the capacity for all members to addd comments, thoughts, feedback etc on club events. When posting to any of the blogs there is an option to post at the same time to the clubs Facebook site. However there is an issue preventing this from working properly probably to do with the type of site we have on facebook. The Facebook site is in dire need of updating and we may decide that its too much trying to maintain all four sites (MVB, Facebook, Flickr and Ecoportal) - to be discussed at the next committeee meeting.
The club's duty of care in relation to the privacy of members information was discussed. Tony reported that ongoing strategies to prevent unauthorised access to the administrative area of the website by use of the RSFirewall software is proving successful. There have been no breaches of privacy at this point in time.
Tony also reported that the "add to cart" Paypal feature has failed twice now and has had to be re-programmed - this is easy to do and Tony will develop help steps on how to achieve this in the event of it happening again in his absence.
Tony also reported on the implications of changing the schedule of membership fees - this requires updating the online registration, list of fees payable, paypal shopping carts and the membership fees schedule - the cumbersome nature of all these changes resulted in a plea for membership fees to be set in concrete henceforth! But this is an issue that will need to be addressed to make the club sustainable.
Treasurers Report
Peter tabled the treasurers report which again indicated a very healthy balance. Accounts for payment were tabled and included:
$1034 for insurance based on a membership of 65 for the 2012/2013 financial year
$135 for purchase of annual subscription fee for the Spot device to be refunded to Peter
Motion was put by Peter and seconded by Tony that the treasurers report and accounts for payment be passed - motion was carried
Membership report
Membership numbers are rapidly recovering to the pre-end of financial year - at the time of writing we have 61 financial members (max has been 75) - Tracey volunteered to contact unfinancial members to encourage them o renew membership. Tony reported that Paypal was proving extrememly popular and was the method chosen by 80 to 90 percent of new and renewing members.
Presidents summary - to be tabled at the AGM on Thursday August 23 at the TCC
- Leadership training - Tony reported that arrangements have been made with the volunteers of the Victorian National Parks association to run the leadership training weekend on October 20 /21 - location has been agreed upon and further details of the program of activities to be developed soon. Expressions of interest from club members/guests are being solicited from the club website.
- Ecoportal - the Ecoportal website is a new way of obtaining publicity for our club - however it requires manual addition of event details and on top of maintenance of the MVB, Facebook and flickr sites is difficult to find time to do. Rationalisation of our web presence is required and will be discussed at the next committee meeting
- Funding submissions We submittted an application to the Volunteer Grants 2012 program for funding of about $1300 to help cover the costs associated with the leadership training weekend to be held October 20/21. Another funding opportunity has arisen with the NSW Dept of Sport and Recreation known as the Participation and Facility Program - we applied unsuessfully last year but will try again - due in the first week of September 2012.
- Insurance fees - disussion took place about the premium which is about $1034 and the fact that its about 3 times last years premium. However that amount was based on a membership of 27 so we did rather well given that we were fully insured for membership of much more than that in our first year.
- Program Acitvities - Peter / Tracey - discussion took place about the need for a forward planning capability with the intention of alleviating conflicting activities / dates. It was decided that this is only reallly an issue when you have two events of the same type scheduled for the same day. In fact co-activities such as walk and a ride finishing at the same venue are great idea. It was agreed that where clashes of same activities occur that the leaders communicate and work out a satisfactory solution with the involvement of the events coordinator if required.
- AGM definition of "Eligible Members"
- Schedule AGM - to be held on august 23 at the TCC - guest speaker from PAW
- Social nights - proving successful and more are encouraged - next one is Friday aug 17 at the german austrian club again - a byo casserole dinner was proposed to be held at the TCC date to be confirmed
- Bulletin - Tracey offered to manage creation and distribution of the weekly bulletin
General Business
First Aid discussion took place - again and policy decision of last meeting reiterated
First aid policy
That each person on a club activity bring along an appropriate first aid kit for their own usage which may include their own medications. A suggested list to include bandaids, bandage, panadol, swabst, mobile phone - kits can be bought from aldi at times for $10
Moved peter sec tony carried
Next meeting : location and time to be determined after the AGM
There being no further business to discuss the meetng was closed at 4:30 pm
City of Wodonga Club Development
Workshop #1 Financial Management April 22
This workshop was attended by our treasurer Peter Presutti who wrote the following report:
The meeting was good and we obtained some useful info
- The AFL web site has a lot of club job descriptions which can be adapted to any club
Cricket Victoria also have lots of help to clubs starting out
Also there is the money to be made for the club if we choose to support " Wodonga Carnivale " in 2013.
Up to 500 dollars may be available to groups to assist / help with setting up , dismantling and cleanups etc
Also if we are to run a special event the Council can / may assist in setting and running plus supply cash injection. ( Jane Evans )
YASS - Young achievers Support Scheme , have to be 18 or younger.
Council have 2 rounds of grants -
Megan Freeman should be able to help out.
ABN is useful to have , easy through the ATO web site. other web sites
Keeping records, and using CLOUD ie Drop Box to store financial records or Google Docs as we currently use that for booking forms for club events.
Bird watching or birding as it known these days is a delightful relaxing activity involving short walks and lots of observations. This is very suitable activity that everyone can enjoy - photo of double barred finches at Baranduda by Neville Bartlett
Click the photo to go to the list of birding events run by Murray Valley Bushwalkers.
Farewell to Summer
One of the things I love about living in North East Victoria is that we have 4 distinct seasons. Come the third week in March and just after the equinox its like someone hits a switch and the new season is upon us.
But there are other clues to seasonal change. At Baranduda the robins return from their summer sojourn - one of my favorite sights on a short easy walk at Baranduda is a family of scarlet robins playing leap frog along the fence line as I stroll along trying to capture a photo. This photo is by Neville Bartlett of Baranduda
Last Week of Daylight Savings
Wednesday March 28 - an easy after work evening walk on new trails recently created by Parklands Albury Wodonga and the GreenCorps team - leader is Peter Presutti - this event will be followed by a bbq at the Marsh's place (byo everything).
Thursday March 29 - relax with the final evening after work paddle and bbq - if you havent joined us for this incredibly popular activity yet this is your last chance until October 2012
Sat March 31 Make a day of it with an easy bike ride in the morning led by Kay and the best part of stage 2 of the Hume and Hovell track in the afternoon with Hans
Sunday April 1 Join Tony and the Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP at Chiltern Valley Dam No 2 to help repair a walking track around this wonderful birding location.
Easter Eggs and Beyond
Birdwatching Short Walks
Commencing on Wed April 4th I will be running regular easy short walks and birdwatching in the various WREN (Wodonga Retained Environment Network) reserves on Wed afternoons 2pm to 3-30pm - check the WRENS reserve program here
Easter 2012
Im offering a chance to do an easy overnight walk in the Chiltern Mt Pilot NP on Good Friday and Easter Saturday - you could join me for all or part of both days.
Abseiling is back!
Neil has returned from his holiday in Reunion - an island off the coast of Madagascar and has scheduled more abseiling events - check the abseiling program here
Public Meeting May 11
We are organising a membership drive and public meeting with a guest speaker from Parklands Albury Wodonga on Friday May 11
How To Book in for an Event
As always you can use the booking enquiry link on the right of event details pages or contact leaders by any of the ways listed in the event details if you wish to join an event.
Having trouble with the Booking Enquiry form? - if you cant see or get to the Submit button try this - hold the Control key down and tap the Minus key a couple of times. You should then see the button.
Tony Marsh
Secretary Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc