How To Implement Family Based Subscriptions for MVB
Step 1 - Rebecca follows the normal process of joining the club and pays for a membership of 3
Step 2 - At the completion of the registration process Rebecca will be logged into MVB and opts to share her Family of 3 subscription with Robert and Mary- this is achieved through the MVB profile (Members, My MVB Details) and a new button available Share Subscription
Step 3 Rebecca achieves the sharing of her subscription by entering Robert's email address and sending the invitation
Step 4 - Robert and Mary check their email and decide to accept Rebecca's invitation - when they click on the accept this shared subscription link they are redirected to the subscription plans page with the shared subscription plan being the only plan available, selected, and set as free. There should also be a note below it stating it was shared to them. Below that should be the normal registration page. Robert and Mary should complete and submit the form
It will display like the following.
Rebecca's Family of 3 membership is now complete
Robert and Mary will now have unique login to MVB and a subscription that will be embedded in the MVB membership subscription system
Membership Fees of MVB Inc
We provide a range of outdoor adventure activities at very affordable rates - our largest expense is the insurance premium we pay which amounts to $15 per member.
- Single membership 1 year $40.00
- Family of 2 Membership 1 year $55.00
- Family of 3 membership 1 year $65.00
- Family of 4 membership 1 year $75.00
- Family OF > 4 membership 1 year $85.00
Concession pricing - a discount of $10 is available if you satisfy any one of the following requirements
Note: this does not apply to GUEST MEMBERSHIPS and only one discount of $10 can be claimed per annum
- Seniors card holder
- Pensioners card holder
- Healthcare card holder
- Full time student card holder
- Financial member of another VIC or NSW walking club
Concession for Membership of another club details
A concession of $10 is available if you are a financial member of another walking club registered with Bushwalking Vic or Bushwalking NSW. Note to receive the discount for new membership registrations you must enter the other club membership details including expiry date in the membership registration process. For members renewing their subscription this is achieved by editing the membership info tab of your profile for existing members.
Note that the discount of $10 is only visible when the invoice is generated and not before
Be sure to find the Discount Eligibility check box and select it
Discount for Card holders concession
To receive the discount for new membership registrations you must indicate the concession type and card number in in the membership registration process
Be sure to find the Discount Eligibility check box and select it
For existing member renewals this is achieved by editing the membership info tab of your profile. Note that the discount of $10 is only visible when the invoice is generated and not before
Membership Fees Temporary Membership
Visitors or guests are welcome to participate in club activities and are encouraged to take advantage of a free first event. Guests are fully covered by the clubs personal accident and public liability insurance provided they complete the registration process which incorporates an acknowledgement of risks form. This is a mandatory requirement of our insurance provider. After the free first event we ask for a payment of $10 per family per day for each activity they participate in to help defray insurance costs. Note for an activity that spans over a number of days (such as a backpacking event) the total amount payable is $10 per day. For a couple or family of any size the fee is $10 per day.
MVB Inc is a not for profit organisation and relies heavily on member subscriptions and volunteers freely providing their services to provide the administrative infrastructure and event program and leadership that we all enjoy.
Our largest expense is the insurance premium we pay which amounts to $15 per member. Donations to the club are greatly appreciated.
Click here for our bank account information for funds transfer
PayPal or Credit Card Payments to MVB Inc
Membership Fees Temporary Membership
Visitors or guests are encouraged to participate in club activities and will be fully covered by the clubs personal accident and public liability insurance provided they complete an acknowledgement of risks form and pay the sum stipulated for the event which is $10 per day or $3 if its a designated gold coin event. Note for an activity that spans over a number of days (such as a backpacking event) the total amount payable is $10 per day. For a couple or family of any size the fee is $10 per day. A half day or less activity may be designated a gold coin donation event where payment of $3 is required.
Mt Buffalo National Park Camping Fees for April 1 2016 Car Camp Event
Category for articles related to subscription renewals