Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
Celebrating the 2016 Snow Season
Snowshoeing and cross country skiing were hugely popular this year! Thanks heaps to our snow event leaders Jan Douglas, Michelle Crofts, Tony Marsh and Trevor Potts
There was a total of 11 events and 50 participants - there was a cross country skiing / snowshoeing pack carry event in the Snowy Mountains, people entered the Ski de Femme at Falls Creek, the Pub to Pub at Mt Hotham and the iconic Kangaroo Hoppet on August 27th once again held in great conditions.
Snowy Mountains
Ski de Femme
Kangaroo Hoppet
Snowshoers August 8
As I write we have 5 people walking the 140km Cape to Cape walk in Western Australia, another group of four about to walk a tough section of the Heysen Trail in South Australia, Hans is conducting wildflower walks on Nail Can Hill and about to head off on a Nullabor plain odyssey and a group of 12 preparing to walk the 3 Capes walk in Tasmania this summer. These big ticket events are exciting but we mustn't overlook the wide range of activities this club puts on locally week after week. And we are just about to head into the busiest time of the year!
Canoeing Season 2016-17
All of the clubs canoe leaders (x8) got together recently at Michelle Crofts place, reviewed the previous years program and our safe canoeing guidelines and planned out a whole program for the coming summer. There is a total of 34 events planned and they will be progressively added to the program on the website. In the meantime a pdf version of the planned program is attached to this months bulletin. We kick off on Thurs Oct 13 with the traditional Paddle and Pizza night!
Christmas 2016 Paddling Celebrations
Sasho will be offering his traditional December paddle from the weir wall to Noreuil Park followed by an organised lunch in the shade. Then we will be once again holding a camping and paddling weekend at Bundalong on the fabulous Ovens River - MurrayRiver confluence.
MVB Inc 5th AGM
The AGM held on August 19th was highly successful with over 30 people in attendance. A new committee was put in place and most importantly the changes proposed in the club rules (constitution) were ratified and have now been approved by the Dept of Fair Trading. You can access the minutes of the AGM here
Thanks to Claire Greenhalgh for the use of the Sustainability Action Centre for the meeting and social get together that followed and to Peter Presutti for organising the supporting technology and the wonderful slide show. Note that the club will be represented by Hans at a Gateway Village Open Day which is happening on Sat September 24 various family and cultural activities around the entire Gateway Precinct.
Committee Structure 2016/17
Office/Responsibility | Encumbent | |
President |
Hans Kaspers | |
Secretary |
Peter Presutti | |
Treasurer |
Cheryl McCarten | |
Events Coordinator |
Michelle Crofts | |
Membership |
Jan Douglas | |
Assets |
Ro Smith | |
Publicity |
Jenny Marsh | |
Tony Marsh remains as website manager in an off committee role
Full details of committee position holder and their duties can be found here
Club Membership
Financial Membership Total as at September 23 2016 is 112
A warm welcome to Lea Lautenbacher and Linda Nankervis to the Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
If you are currently unfinancial and would like to renew your membership (or join from scratch) and need help get in touch with Tony on 0417687842 or email - note if you are unfinancial you can renew at any time of the year and will always get 12 months membership from the date of payment.
Event Reports
There are now two menu items under the News menu item on the website that give access to event reports - the first item gives access to the events before August 13 2016 and the second the events after that date - three new reports have been posted since the last bulletin
Event Photos and Celebration 2017 Calendar
There are five new set of photos on the clubs Flickr site The club has now amassed well over 10,000 photos of club events over the last 5 years on our Flickr site - to celebrate this achievement we are planning to produce a 2017 calendar featuring the best of what the club has achieved. Orders will be taken and the calendar will be available in November 2016. There will be three photos on each of the 12 months with a favorite location theme. Photos will be drawn from the huge collection we have at our disposal on the clubs Flickr site. Its anticipated at this stage the cost will be approximately $20. We are working with Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot NP secretary Neville Bartlett in the design and production - Neville has extensive experience in calendar production for this group.
From September 25, 2016 6:30 pm until September 28, 2016 7:00 pmAt Hawker South Australia Categories: Backpacking
From September 27, 2016 9:00 am until September 27, 2016 12:00 pmAt Huon reserve Categories: Geocaching, Halfdaywalk
From October 05, 2016 1:30 pm until October 05, 2016 4:00 pmAt Huon reserve Categories: Halfdaywalk
From October 08, 2016 8:00 am until October 08, 2016 4:00 pmAt Burrowa-Pine Mountain National Park Cudgewa Categories: DayWalksMeet 08.00am at Hinces camping ground
From October 09, 2016 7:00 am until October 09, 2016 6:00 pmAt Burrowa-Pine Mountain National Park Cudgewa Categories: Carcamping, DayWalks
From October 13, 2016 5:15 pm until October 13, 2016 8:30 pmAt Noreuil Park Categories: Canoeing
From October 15, 2016 8:30 am until October 15, 2016 3:00 pm
From October 19, 2016 8:30 am until December 20, 2016 6:30 pmAt Perth WA Categories: Geocaching, BirdWatching, Carcamping, LongCarTours, DayWalks
From October 20, 2016 9:00 am until October 20, 2016 4:00 pmAt Twelve Apostles Categories: DayWalks
From October 20, 2016 5:15 pm until October 20, 2016 8:15 pmAt Noreuil Park Categories: Canoeing
From October 21, 2016 5:00 pm until October 23, 2016 5:00 pmAt Marysville Caravan Park Categories: Carcamping, DayWalks, Caravan ParkThis will be a cabin/tent based weekend of half day / day walks
From October 23, 2016 9:00 am until October 24, 2016 6:00 pmAt Kangaroo Island SA Categories: DayWalks
From October 26, 2016 9:00 am until October 26, 2016 6:00 pmAt Innes National Park, SA Categories: Carcamping, DayWalks
From October 27, 2016 5:15 pm until October 27, 2016 8:15 pmAt Noreuil Park Categories: Canoeing
From October 29, 2016 8:00 pm until November 01, 2016 5:00 pmAt Wombeyan Caves Categories: Social, Carcamping, Halfdaywalk
From November 03, 2016 5:15 pm until November 03, 2016 8:30 pmAt Noreuil Park Categories: Canoeing
From November 10, 2016 5:15 pm until November 10, 2016 8:30 pmAt Noreuil Park Categories: Canoeing
From November 13, 2016 9:00 am until November 13, 2016 3:00 pmAt Benambra National Park Albury NSW Categories: DayWalks
From November 17, 2016 5:15 pm until November 17, 2016 8:30 pmAt Noreuil Park Categories: Canoeing
From November 24, 2016 5:15 pm until November 24, 2016 8:30 pmAt Noreuil Park Categories: Canoeing
From November 26, 2016 8:00 am until November 26, 2016 5:00 pmAt Tawonga Victoria Categories: DayWalks
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
Hi all
The upcoming AGM is on August 19th (details below) - we really really need 25 people to attend to make this a valid AGM. We are also proposing to change the club rules (in line with suggested model rules) so we dont have to ever adjourn and reschedule an AGM again - at the moment 14 people have registered their intention to attend but we need more:
Please register your intention to attend here
If you really cant attend there is an option to vote electronically on the motion that will be put to change the club rules (login required)
We have received 6 nominations for the 7 positions on the new committee - all positions can still be nominated for up until Sat August 13 at 5pm
The nomination form is on the website here (login required)
As you can see we are still looking for a new president!
Position | Nominee | Proposer | Seconded |
President | |||
Secretary | Peter Presutti | Rowena | Jan |
Treasurer | Cheryl McCarten | Jenny | Rowena |
Events Coordinator | Michelle Crofts | Jan | Jenny |
Assets Register | Rowena Smith | Jan | Jenny |
Committee Member | Jenny Marsh | Michelle | Cheryl |
Committee Member | Jan Douglas | Rowena | Michelle |
2016 Annual General Meeting Election of Office Bearers and Notice of Motion To Change the Club Rules
Date: Friday August 19
Time: 7-00pm
Location: The Sustainability Activity Centre (SAC) in Gateway Village (the Old Information Centre) next to La Maison restaurant
Please note that our Constitution requires 20% of financial members present - thats 25 members currently - for election of office bearers and changes in the club rules
Please support your club and attend this meeting! You can register your intention to attend here.
Nominations for Executive positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Coordinator and three committee members are now open.
Note that to submit a nomination you will need to be logged in to the club's website and then go to the following link Please ensure you have the permission and willingness of the person you are nominating as the secretary will be contacting them to confirm this.
MVB Club Rules Proposed Change
In previous years we have had to reschedule the AGM because of insufficient attendeers (just short of the required 20%). The MVB president and committee have reviewed the club rules in relation to achieving a quorum for special and general meetings. The model rules as published by NSW Fair Trading were studied and the following change to the club rules proposed - click the link below to view Minutes of Committee Meeting Number 21 held July 14th 2016
MVB Inc Existing Rules Clause 10b
b. The quorum shall consist of at least 20% of the Eligible members.
Proposed New Clause 10 b and 11b
b. Five financial members constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of a general meeting. If a quorum is not present, the General Meeting is adjourned. If at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, the members present (being at least 3) are to constitute a quorum.
11. b Proposed terminology change
To minimise confusion it is proposed to also replace the term “Extraordinary Meeting” with “Special General meeting” throughout the constitution as used in the model rules.
The proposed changes are recommended by the committee but will only be passed if 75% of eligible financial members in attendance vote in favor. At the AGM reasons for the proposed changes will be discussed further and people will have an opportunity to ask questions.
Club Membership
Financial Membership Total as at August 10 2016 is 116
A warm welcome to Alan Hewett, Joan Jones and Annabelle West to the Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
If you are currently unfinancial and would like to renew your membership (or join from scratch) and need help get in touch with Tony on 0417687842 - note if you are unfinancial you can renew at any time of the year and will always get 12 months membership from the date of payment.
Logging in to the website used to take you directly to your subscription status - but a version update to Joomla changed that and I havent worked out how to fix it as yet - after logging in you are still taken to your profile but it drops you in at the Contact Info tab - you have to click the subscription tab (shown below the canvais image below) to view your membership status. In my case clicking on the Renew Now button would activate a new subscription.
Event Reports
There are two new event reports that has been posted since the last bulletin
Event Photos and Celebration Calendar
There are five new set of photos on the clubs Flickr site The club has now amassed well over 10,000 photos of club events over the last 5 years on our Flickr site - to celebrate this achievement we are planning to produce a 2017 calendar featuring the best of what the club has achieved. Orders will be taken and the calendar will be available in November 2016. More details coming soon.
What We've Been Up To
Lots of snowshoeing and cross country skiing has been hugely popular this year! If you have missed out on the action Its not too late - another month will see the season out.
But we havent stopped walking! Hans continues to offer regular Tuesday walks on Nail Can Hill and Mick Webster led an interesting walk in the Chiltern Mt Pilot NP recently.
Note the late afternoon grade 2 walk followed by a bush BBQ and warming fire happening this Sunday Aug 14th at Baranduda led by Peter Presutti
From August 13, 2016 7:30 am until August 13, 2016 5:30 pmAt Falls Creek - Windy Corner Categories: CrossCountrySkiing, SnowShoeing
From August 14, 2016 4:00 pm until August 14, 2016 8:00 pm
From August 19, 2016 7:00 pm until August 19, 2016 9:00 pmAt SAC Center Lincoln Causeway Categories: Meetings, Social
From August 27, 2016 7:30 am until August 27, 2016 5:30 pmAt Falls Creek - Windy Corner Categories: CrossCountrySkiing, SnowShoeingCome and join the fun of the Kangaroo Hoppet - Australia's premiere cross country ski event that attracts participants from all over the world.
From September 04, 2016 9:00 am until September 04, 2016 3:00 pmAt Chiltern Box - Ironbark National Park, Chiltern VIC 3683 Categories: DayWalks
From September 17, 2016 8:00 am until September 18, 2016 5:00 pmAt Bogong High Plains Categories: Backpacking, DayWalks
From September 20, 2016 7:30 am until September 27, 2016 8:00 pmAt Cape Naturaliste Lighhouse Categories: DayWalks
From October 08, 2016 8:00 am until October 08, 2016 4:00 pmAt Burrowa-Pine Mountain National Park Cudgewa Categories: DayWalksMeet 08.00am at Hinces camping ground
From October 19, 2016 8:30 am until December 20, 2016 6:30 pmAt Perth WA Categories: Geocaching, BirdWatching, Carcamping, LongCarTours, DayWalks
From October 20, 2016 9:00 am until October 20, 2016 4:00 pmAt Twelve Apostles Categories: DayWalks
From October 23, 2016 9:00 am until October 24, 2016 6:00 pmAt Kangaroo Island SA Categories: DayWalks
From October 26, 2016 9:00 am until October 26, 2016 6:00 pmAt Innes National Park, SA Categories: Carcamping, DayWalks
From October 29, 2016 8:00 pm until November 01, 2016 5:00 pmAt Wombeyan Caves Categories: Social, Carcamping, Halfdaywalk
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
2016 Annual General Meeting Election of Office Bearers and Notice of Motion To Change the Club Rules
Date: Friday August 19
Time: 7-00pm
Location: The Sustainability Activity Centre (SAC) in Gateway Village (the Old Information Centre) next to La Maison restaurant
Please note that our Constitution requires 20% of financial members present - thats 25 members currently - for election of office bearers and changes in the club rules
Please support your club and attend this meeting! You can register your intention to attend here.
Nominations for Executive positions of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Coordinator and three committee members are now open.
Note that to submit a nomination you will need to be logged in to the club's website and then go to the following link Please ensure you have the permission and willingness of the person you are nominating as the secretary will be contacting them to confirm this.
MVB Club Rules Proposed Change
In previous years we have had to reschedule the AGM because of insufficient attendeers (just short of the required 20%). The MVB president and committee have reviewed the club rules in relation to achieving a quorum for special and general meetings. The model rules as published by NSW Fair Trading were studied and the following change to the club rules proposed - click the link below to view Minutes of Committee Meeting Number 21 held July 14th 2016
MVB Inc Existing Rules Clause 10b
b. The quorum shall consist of at least 20% of the Eligible members.
Proposed New Clause 10 b and 11b
b. Five financial members constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of a general meeting. If a quorum is not present, the General Meeting is adjourned. If at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, the members present (being at least 3) are to constitute a quorum.
11. b Proposed terminology change
To minimise confusion it is proposed to also replace the term “Extraordinary Meeting” with “Special General meeting” throughout the constitution as used in the model rules.
The proposed changes are recommended by the committee but will only be passed if 75% of eligible financial members in attendance vote in favor. At the AGM reasons for the proposed changes will be discussed further and people will have an opportunity to ask questions.
Meet the Murray Valley Bushwalkers Leaders
MVB is truly blessed with a contingent of great leaders who offer their services on a regular basis to keep us excited and enthused about participating in outdoor events.
Here are some of the best we have on offer!
Hans Kaspers has continued to run Tuesday half day walks and is now back to his favorite walking location - Nail Can Hill and will offer regular Nail Can Hill exploration over the next 3 months. These walks offer a great way to get into bushwalking as they are achievable by people of all ages and fitness levels. If you are lucky enough to have Tuesdays free and would love to engage contact Hans for more info at
Mick Webster has a penchant for offering fascinating, compelling day walks in the Chiltern Mt Pilot NP and the Vic Alps. His events are spiced with wonderful geographical and historical features and topped off with some fabulous geocaching finds. You can contact Mick at
Jan Douglas - our longest serving president specialises in offering snowshoeing events at Falls Creek during the snow season and canoeing events in summer. But Jan loves to walk as well. You can contact Jan at
Iris Joss - we are so lucky to have Iris offer regular, fabulous walks in the Upper Murray - from Koetong to Corryong, Khancoban and Cabramurra - you can bet Iris has been there on an MVB walk. Iris is taking a club event to Western Australia in September this year to walk the iconic Cape to Cape over 8 days You can contact Iris at
Michelle Crofts - is the backbone of our fantastic summer canoeing program particularly the Thursday After Work paddles from October to April. These events are conducted with incredible efficiency and have been responsible for bringing a huge number of members to our club. You can contact Michelle at
Peter Presutti - loves to walk up steep gullies particularly when there are geocaches to be found. Nobody knows the hills of Albury Wodonga better than Pete. But he really loves a bush bbq and is an accomplished radio/gps enthusiast and an excellent drone pilot! You can contact Peter at
Tony Marsh - does websites - and will probably pass away at the keyboard unless he gets out and leads more skiing, walking, canoeing and cycling events. You can contact Tony at
Club Membership
Financial Membership Total as at July 19 2016 is 112
A warm welcome to Michael Osborne to the Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
If you are currently unfinancial and would like to renew your membership (or join fro scratch) and need help get in touch with Tony on 0417687842 - note if you are unfinancial you can renew at any time of the year and will always get 12 months membership from the date of payment
MVB Facebook Website
The club's Facebook site is now a public group which means that all members of the new Facebook group (79 members at present) have equal rights when it comes to making comments, posting photos and suggestions. Its just a formality to join the group so if you havent done so already follow the link below and please join the group
Its a great way to give wider exposure to club activities. You do have to have a Facebook account to read whats going on - check us out here
Event Reports
There are five new event reports that has been posted since the last bulletin
Event Photos and Celebration Calendar
There are nine new set of photos on the clubs Flickr site The club has now amassed well over 10,000 photos of club events over the last 5 years on our Flickr site - to celebrate this achievement we are planning to produce a 2017 calendar featuring the best of what the club has achieved. Orders will be taken and the calendar will be available in November 2016. More details in the next bulletin.
From July 28, 2016 6:00 am until July 31, 2016 8:00 pmAt Guthega Power Station Categories: CrossCountrySkiing, Backpacking
From July 30, 2016 7:30 am until July 30, 2016 5:30 pmAt Falls Creek - Windy Corner Categories: CrossCountrySkiing, SnowShoeing
From August 13, 2016 7:30 am until August 13, 2016 5:30 pmAt Falls Creek - Windy Corner Categories: CrossCountrySkiing, SnowShoeing
From August 19, 2016 7:00 pm until August 19, 2016 9:00 pmAt SAC Center Lincoln Causeway Categories: Meetings, Social
From August 27, 2016 7:30 am until August 27, 2016 5:30 pmAt Falls Creek - Windy Corner Categories: CrossCountrySkiing, SnowShoeingCome and join the fun of the Kangaroo Hoppet - Australia's premiere cross country ski event that attracts participants from all over the world.
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
If you are planning on participating in these events please take note
Great Victorian Rail Trail Cycle Weekend July 8-10
The plan is to stay at the
Alexandra Tourist Park
Address: 5016 Maroondah Hwy, Alexandra VIC 3714
Phone:(03) 5772 1222
On the Saturday we will ride from Alexandra to Mansfield (or part thereof - Bonnie Doon is a shorter option). All Terain Cycles of Mansfield offer a bicycle and riders pickup service to take us back to Alexandra - and the cost is around $30 per person. Please let Tony know if you are ok with that cost and we will book this service. On the Sunday we will ride from Alexandra to Yea and return (approximately 60km).
Three Capes Walk Tasmania Jan 2 to Jan 6 2017
You, a pack, and 46 kilometres of cliff-hugging wildness in Australia’s far south-east. Next stop Antarctica! Bookings are still available but the sooner we book in the better as bookings are heavy at this time of the year. When booking please make sure you select the 10-30am departure from Port Arthur.
Queens & Trevor Potts Birthday Car Camp Weekend From June 11, 2016 10:00 am until June 13, 2016 1:00 pm
At Yackandandah Categories: Carcamping, DayWalks, Caravan Park Come along and help Trevor and friends enjoy his 60th based from the Yack caravan park - book a site for Sat and Sun evenings. There will be walks on the Sat to the Yack Gorge and Sunday Woolshed Falls to Beechworth and return - plenty of time for retail therapy! For Sat evening please bring a plate to share - any of nibbles, salad, or dessert Byo, meat and drinks
From June 19, 2016 9:00 am until June 19, 2016 3:00 pm
From June 25, 2016 9:00 am until June 25, 2016 5:00 pmAt Chiltern Box - Ironbark National Park, Chiltern VIC 3683 Categories: DayWalks
From July 08, 2016 8:00 am until July 10, 2016 5:30 pm
Geocaching - Team MVB
There is a small group of geocaching enthusiasts in the club who have established 26 caches in various locations but mostly on Nail Can Hill and Baranduda Range but also Mt Buffalo, Bogong High Plains and Harrietville. When people find a cache of ours they post on the website and we get to read their feedback. The team has found a total of 191 caches during club events most of these led by Hans Kaspers - his recent High Country Rail Trail walk resulted in a lot of new cache finds. We have an email list that anyone can be added to - let Tony know if you would like to receive Team MVB notifications. Travel bugs are placed in geocaches and collected and transferred to another cache - the progress of the travel bug is recorded online we get notifications about its progress.
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Recent Events
Hans Kaspers has been running Tuesday half day and full day walks throughout March, April and May and the journey along the High Country Rail Trail to Old Tallangatta was completed on May 31. As of Tues June 13 Hans will be back to his favorite walking location - Nail Can Hill and will offer regular Nail Can Hill exploration over the next 3 months. These walks offer a great way to get into bushwalking as they are achievable by people of all ages and fitness levels. If you are lucky enough to have Tuesdays free and would love to engage contact Hans for more info at
1. High Country Rail Trail - Huon to Murray's Wayside Stop May 17
2. High Country Rail Trail - Murray's Wayside Stop to East Tallangatta May 24
3. High Country Rail Trail - East Tallangatta to Old Tallangatta May 31
Mt Feathertop - the "Easy Way" May 22nd
Mick Webster led us on a fascinating route up Mt Feathertop on May 22 which involved a 25km drive out of Bright along bush tracks about 2km before the start of the Razorback North walking track - this left a 7.5km walk with about 900 metres of elevation gain.
Wenham Camp Ground to Salisbury Falls, Warby Ranges May 29
Harringtons Track - Grade 3 - 20km Day Walk
6 hardy souls completed this 20km walk on a day when most of us rolled over in bed cos of the rain! Here is Barbara's report on this walk that our Upper Murray members have completed many times.
Club Membership
Financial Membership Total as at June 6 2016 is 109
A warm welcome to Prue Quick to the Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
If you would like to renew your membership and need help get in touch with Tony 0417687842 - note if you are unfinancial you can renew at any time of the year and will always get 12 months membership from the date of payment
MVB Facebook Website
We are migrating the clubs Facebook site from a page to a public group. What that means is that all members of the new Facebook group will have equal rights when it comes to making comments, photos and posts. Its just a formality to join the group so if you havent done so already follow the link below and please join the group
Its a great way to give wider exposure to club activities. You do have to have a Facebook account to read whats going on - check us out here
Event Reports
There are four new event reports that has been posted since the last bulletin
Event Photos
There are five new set of photos on the clubs Flickr site
Guest Fees for MVB Events
Note as per a decision by the committee at the last meeting that as of 1st April 2016 the fee payable for participation in a club event by a guest will be $10 per day
In the last bulletin we mentioned the Bushwalking NSW May General Meeting where Anne McLeod gave an engaging presentation on the life of Marie Byles, a great bushwalker, conservationist and NSW's first female solicitor. If you are interested further you can hear about her extraordinary life on Radio National online - “Woman with Altitude” at |
Tony Marsh and Peter Presutti