Murray Valley Bushwalkers and Bushwalking NSW
As a relatively young club history of our activities is not something we dwell on - however we turn 5 in July so we might make a splash. But some clubs have been around a long time and have a lot to shout about. We are part of Bushwalking NSW - the AGM held on Tuesday May 17 2016 features guest speaker Anne McLeod presenting on the life of Marie Byles one of the first female Sydney Bushwalkers. Only two clubs at the time allowed females to join. Marie was a force to be reckoned with..... I wish we had someone attending this meeting.
The first female solicitor of NSW in 1924, Marie Byles was committed to the cause of women's rights in law and served as legal advisor to women's organisations that fought to change discriminatory laws. As a high-profile public figure and lifelong devoted bushwalker she was an active publicist for the bushwalking movement and an early member of the Sydney Bush Walkers. Arguably Australia's first environmental lawyer, Marie worked on behalf of Bushwalking NSW in their quest to reserve vast tracts of land for national parks. You can read about her fascinating life by following the link below You can purchase Anne's biography of Marie Byles' remarkable life, and find more information here: |
From May 28, 2016 8:00 am until May 29, 2016 4:00 pmAt Bogong High Plains Categories: Backpacking, DayWalks
From June 04, 2016 8:30 am until June 04, 2016 4:30 pmAt Bunroy Rd, Biggara, Victoria, Australia Categories: DayWalks
Winter Snow Activities
The club has successfully applied for funds to help defray the travel expenses associated with participation in snow based events this winter. We can only hope that the massive impact on the Barrier Reef due to water temperature and ph increases does not repeat this winter on the snow resorts. There are a number of events scheduled on the calendar already. Its no longer a drought year so if we get a couple of cold snaps and a good dump or two it will set the season up. Grab the opportunity to join us for a fun filled day or two in the snow.
Mt Bogong Conquestathon March 2016
The club has supported this event for the previous 3 years and have been generously rewarded again this year for our efforts by the Mt Beauty Lions Club. It was a tough gig this year as club members had to climb the Eskdale Spur in very warm humid weather on the Saturday prior to the event on the Sunday. Thanks to Jan Douglas for leading this event and to the support crew Carmen, Sean, Ross, David and Peter
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Recent Events
Hans Kaspers has been running Tuesday half day and full day walks throughout March, April and May including the walks below. These walks offer a great way to get into bushwalking as they are achievable by people of all ages and fitness levels. If you are lucky enough to have Tuesdays free and would love to engage contact Hans for more info at
1. Maher's Hill Grade 3 half day walk March 29
2. Tallangatta Foreshore - Grade 2 morning walk April 5
3. High Country Rail Trail - Grade 2 Walk- Wodonga to Bonegilla April 19
4. High Country Rail Trail - Grade 2 Walk Bonegilla to Ludlows April 26
5. High Country Rail Trail - Grade 2 Walk - Ludlow Reserve to Huon May 3
6. High Country Rail Trail - Huon to Murray's Wayside Stop May 17
Wheelers Hut walk led by Iris Joss
Hume and Hovell Track from Henry Angel campground to Mannus Lake day walk led by Peter Presutti - 13 walkers
Kelly Caves walk led by Peter Presutti - 17 walkers
The Otways base camp trip including the Otway Fly tree top walk led by Peter Presutti
Kelly Caves walk revisited led by you guessed it - Peter Presutti - 3 walkers
The Manjar Trail from the Cabramurra Road to Black Jack Mountain - led by Barbara Williams
Tawonga Huts overnight backpack led by Tony Marsh
Club Membership
Financial Membership Total as at May 16 2016 is 107
A warm welcome to Stephen and Ethan Learmonth to the Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
If you would like to renew your membership and need help get in touch with Tony 0417687842 - note if you are unfinancial you can renew at any time of the year and will always get 12 months membership from the date of payment
MVB Facebook Website
We are migrating the clubs Facebook site from a page to a public group. What that means is that all members of the new Facebook group will have equal rights when it comes to posting their comments, photos and posts. Its just a formality to join the group so if you havent done so already please join the group
Its a great way to give wider exposure to club activities. You dont have to have a Facebook account to read whats going on - check us out here
Event Reports
There are four new event reports that has been posted since the last bulletin
Event Photos
There are five new set of photos on the clubs Flickr site
Guest Fees for MVB Events
Note as per a decision by the committee at the last meeting that as of 1st April 2016 the fee payable for participation in a club event by a guest will be $10 per day
Tony Marsh and Peter Presutti
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Upcoming Events In April
Hi all - its not too late to join Peter for a walk this Saturday - this gem of a walk is rated the best section of the Hume and Hovell track - and its in our back yard! Also Hans has offered a delightful day walk in Chiltern Mt Pilot NP this Sunday in the Magenta Mine area. The following weekend is the Kelly Caves day walk - another great event not to be missed. Finally for April Peter is taking a group to the Otways in south west Victoria to do the rainforest tree top walk (the Otway Fly) and to explore highlights of the Great Ocean Walk.
From April 08, 2016 4:00 pm until April 10, 2016 5:00 pmAt Hume and Hovell Walking Track Categories: DayWalks
From April 09, 2016 9:00 am until April 09, 2016 6:00 pmAt Magenta Mine Chiltern Categories: DayWalks
From April 16, 2016 7:30 am until April 16, 2016 5:00 pmAt Kangaroo Crossing, Woolshed Valley near Eldorado. Categories: DayWalks
From April 23, 2016 7:00 am until April 26, 2016 6:00 pmAt Cape Otway Categories: Carcamping, DayWalks, Caravan Park
For a full list of upcoming events click here
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Recent Events
The following events have happened since the last bulletin a week ago
Thursday March 31 Paddle and Pizza
The final after work paddle for the summer and dinner at Bonettis was attended by 15 people
Special thanks to Dave Breedon of Murray River Canoe Hire for making this another incredible summer of caoeing - its a proud tradition of the club and thanks particularly to Michelle Crofts for leading events week after week and to her capable assistant Cheryl McCarten. The statistics are impressive - despite the number of events cancelled due to stormy weather we ran 26 canoeing events attracting 343 participants at an average of 13 people per event! Its worth noting that canoeing is a great driver of new memberships for the club as its an inclusive activity that attracts all ages and fitness levels. It does demand a lot from our canoeing leaders and for that we are greatly appreciative. Apart from Michelle and Cheryl leaders this year have been Jan Douglas, Tony Crawford, Sasho Dillow and Tony Marsh. Despite the odd dunking we have a clean record in terms of accidents and injuries and intend to do our best to keep it that way.
Tuesday April 5 Wheelers Hut Loop Grade 4 Day Walk
Iris led another walk to this iconic hut yesterday which was attended by 5 members in pretty warm conditions so I dont think they would have minded getting wet feet crossing the Tooma river - Photo below taken in Feb 2012 - looks like a bit more than the feet! No mobile phone in the pocket I hope!
Yours truly (Tony Marsh) was meant to join this walk but two nights before raided the fridge in the wee hours only to break a tooth on some hard chocolate. Iris's advice to only eat Swiss chocolate in future was duly noted! Its got to be cheaper than the dentist bill.
New Safety and Emergency App
According to the Triple Zero Awareness Work Group 66% of emergency calls come from mobile phones. Determining caller location is the most critical piece of information emergency call-takers need when a call comes in. Emergency+ uses the existing GPS functionality of smartphones to enable callers to provide
emergency call-takers with their location information as determined by their smartphone. When activated, the built in accessibility features of a smartphone will describe aloud what appears on-screen, so a caller can use the app without seeing it. Use your phone with a QR code scanner app to read QR code below to go to the site or click the image below to go to the Australian Government website where the app is available for IOS, Android and Windows phones
New Club Member
Welcome to Juanita Barron who has been a regular participant in after work canoeing and is joining Peter for her first walk with the club to Kelly Caves.
Thanks for expressing confidence in our club!
Financial Membership Total as at April 6 2016 is 107
If you would like to renew your membership and need help get in touch with Tony 0417687842 - note if you are unfinancial you can renew at any time of the year and will always get 12 months membership from the date of payment
MVB Facebook Site
Lots of event photos and comments about club events are posted on the clubs Facebook site which now has 217 likes
Its a great way to give wider exposure to club activities. You dont have to have a Facebook account to read whats going on - check us out here
Event Reports
There are three new event reports that has been posted since the last bulletin
Event Photos
There is one new set of photos on the clubs Flickr site
Guest Fees for MVB Events
Note as per a decision by the committee at the last meeting that as of 1st April 2016 the fee payable for participation in a club event by a guest will be $10 per day
Tony Marsh and Peter Presutti
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Upcoming Events This Week
Hi all - with the approaching end of daylight savings this weekend after work canoeing on Thursday evenings will finish and resume again in October. But as usual we want to go out with a bang and not a whimper so this Thursday evening is a Paddle and Pizza night. Come along for both activities or just one. And you may want to consider joining Hans for an afternoon stroll before the paddle and pizza.
From March 31, 2016 2:00 pm until March 31, 2016 5:30 pmAt Nail Can Hill Albury Categories: BirdWatching, Halfdaywalk
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Recent Events
The following events have happened since the last bulletin less than 3 weeks ago!
1. Wodonga Creek Grade 2 morning walk March 8 - leader Hans Kaspers - a 10km stroll along the Murray River
2. After Work Canoe#22 Grade 2 March 10 - leader Michelle Crofts
3. Mt Bogong Conquestathon Grade 4 Backpack March 12-13 - leader Jan Douglas - 6 MVB members camped overnight on the summit and provided support for the event on the Sunday.
4. Murray River - Lemke's Bridge Grade 2 morning walk March 15 - leader Hans Kaspers - another delightful walk along the Murray River
5. After Work Canoe#23 Grade 2 March 17 - leader Michelle Crofts
6. Weekend Camping and Canoeing at Walwa - Grade 3 March 18-19 - leader Tony Marsh - 17 participants
7. Kiewa River from Killara going upstream March 22 - leader Hans Kaspers - Hans continued to offer walks along rivers and streams
8. Cascades Hut Grade 3 Day Walk March 25 leader Iris Joss
9. Mt Buffalo Lookouts March 26 didnt run but Hans put out a geocache
10. Dead Horse Gap Track Grade 3 Day Walk March 27 - leader Iris Joss
11. Mt Feathertop from Harrietville - Grade 4 day walk - March 28 leader Peter Presutti
12. Maher's Hill. Grade 3 half day walk - March 29 leader Hans Kaspers
For a full list of upcoming events click here
According to the Victorian National Parks Association "It's time to rescue our parks"
New Emergency App
According to the Triple Zero Awareness Work Group 66% of emergency calls come from mobile phones. Determining caller location is the most critical piece of information emergency call-takers need when a call comes in. Emergency+ uses the existing GPS functionality of smartphones to enable callers to provide
emergency call-takers with their location information as determined by their smartphone. When activated, the built in accessibility features of a smartphone will describe aloud what appears on-screen, so a caller can use the app without seeing it. Use your phone with a QR code scanner app to read QR code below to go to the site or click the image below to go to the Australian Government website where the app is available for IOS, Android and Windows phones
New Club Member
Welcome to Amelia Essex-Clark who participated in the huge Mt Feathertop day walk yesterday.
Thanks for expressing confidence in our club!
Financial Membership Total as at March 29 2016 is 103
If you would like to renew your membership and need help get in touch with Tony 0417687842
MVB Facebook Site
Lots of event photos and comments about club events are posted on the clubs Facebook site which now has 215 likes
Its a great way to give wider exposure to club activities. You dont have to have a Facebook account to read whats going on - check us out here
Event Reports
There are three new event reports that has been posted since the last bulletin
Event Photos
There are three new sets of photos on the clubs Flickr site
Guest Fees for MVB Events
Note as per a decision by the committee at the last meeting that as of 1st April 2016 the fee payable for participation in a club event by a guest will be $10 per day
Tony Marsh and Peter Presutti
Murray Valley Bushwalkers New Events Posted This Week
We are proud to present new events and opportunites that are programmed at short notice as leader availability and weather conditions present
We will endeavour to bring them to your attention as quickly as possible after they are published
From March 15, 2016 9:00 am until March 15, 2016 12:00 pmAt Gateway Village Categories: BirdWatching, Halfdaywalk
A long day walk with Peter to Mt Feathertop
For a full list of upcoming events click here
Hi all - yet another great week of activities have just past including canoeing last Thursday evening and a morning walk on the Huon and Wodonga Creeks on Tuesday with Hans - the highlight was the
Wheelers Hut Day Walk Sun March 6 2016
A total of 13 members and guests completed this long but wonderful walk to this iconic hut and over the Tooma River
You can read the report Iris wrote of the walk on the club website here
MVB Committee Meeting
The second of four meetings of the committee for the year was held on Leap Day Monday Feb 29. Minutes of the meeting can be accessed on the clubs website here
Geocaching - Team MVB
Hiding and finding little treasure stashes in the bush using gps and the incredible resources available online at pretty much sums up this activity which the club has engaged in since its inception. Two new caches have been placed in the last week at Baranduda and along the Wodonga Creek
New Members
Welcome to Susanne Gasser - thanks for expressing confidence in our club!
MVB Facebook Site
Lots of event photos and comments about club events are posted on the clubs Facebook site which now has 203 likes
Its a great way to give wider exposure to club activities. You dont have to have a Facebook account to read whats going on - check us out here
Event Reports
There are two new event reports that has been posted since the last bulletin
Event Photos
There are two new sets of photos on the clubs Flickr site
Tony Marsh and Peter Presutti