Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc Bulletin #94 Sept 9 2014
The Murray River Trail
Parklands Albury Wodonga have a vision for a fabulous walking track from Bonegilla following the weir foreshore and then hugging the Murray all the way to Wahgunyah. Come to a meeting at Baranduda Community Centre Tuesday July 9 at 7-30pm to hear all about it - more details contact Tony Marsh 0417687842
Committee Meeting July 18
The committee met July 18 - a proposal was passed to increase membership fees by $5 - you can access the minutes of the meeting here
Annual General Meeting done and dusted
Well after a great bushwalk led by Hans the AGM kicked off with supper first under a bush shelter and for the serious business of the meeting we adjourned to the veranda of the Hall in the sun. Some 18 plus members attended and voted in the new committee.
Welcome to new members, Cheryl McCarten and Sasho Dillow as committee members and Michelle Crofts as Treasurer. Jan Douglas will have another term as President, Lin Starke another term as Secretary. And former treasurer Peter Presutti becomes the new Events Coordinator..
Mick Webster's topic will be help over for another event/agm.
You can access the minutes of the club's third AGM here
What We've Been Up To
- The recently acquired snowshoes (courtesy of a funding grant received from Albury City Council) are getting a really good workout.
- Sasho put on skis again after a 35 year gap and promptly skied 26km - wow I say and congratulations
- Hans has been busy with Wild Flowers on Nail can Hill another gem for Albury Wodonga. Mostly Hans' walks are on a Tuesday.
- Winter walks on hillsides near home are exhilarating in the winter fog
Keeping Up to Date with MVB Events
Lots has been happening as usual! Given that creation of bulletins is just a tad irregular and that many events are posted with short notice here are some tips to stay up to date with whats on offer and whats been going down.
The Event Calendar on the website always contains the most up to date listing of events - if its not on the calendar it doesn't happen! There is a mini calendar on the clubs homepage and a larger version of it available under the Program, Event Calendar menu item
The clubs Flickr website has an extraordinary photo documentation of our events - we are rapidly approaching 6000 photos - photos are ordered by event date and name in albums - here is a list of all photo albums.
All the photos you see on the website and in bulletins are actually stored on Flickr and just easily linked to. What an incredible resource for documenting our activities this is!
The clubs Facebook site - we have 97 Likes and hope to get to the 100 mark before the AGM - members often post photos and commentary live during club events. Its a fantastic way of interacting with our members and friends.
We also have a site on Youtube for posting videos (abseiling at the moment) and our events are also made available on Ecoportal
Membership Renewal
Thanks to those members who have subscribed again - we greatly appreciate your support. The new membership system is working well - you should be notified by email 1 month before expiration, on the actual day your membership expires and another one in the month post membership expiry.
The largest cost we incur is insurance renewal - we had to provide an estimate a few months ago of the number of members we will require insurance for and of course based our estimates on the number of financial members at that time. Members are our life blood. You can help us meet the insurance bill by renewing your membership.
If you are unsure as to when you are financial to you can login to the website and access your profile to find out. If you need help send Tony an email or give him a ring. Please contact Tony if you are experiencing any issues with renewing your membership.
To renew choose the Join, Renew Membership now menu path.
Please note that renewing members should complete and submit an annual acknowledgement of risks form. This only needs to be done once and then this releases you from having to sign a risk form for each event. If you've recently renewed and missed the acknowledgement of risk form you can find it here
Whats On!
Sun Sept 14 Along the Ridge - Grade 3 Walk in Chiltern Mt Pilot NP led by Mick Webster
Click here for more details and to join this event
Sun Sept 21 Another leg of the North east Towns Walk CFA Track to Eldorado led by Peter Presutti
Click here for more details and to join this event
Sat Sept 27 to Sun Sept 28 Hume and Hovell Track day walk / backpack
Evening Canoeing will resume in October and will be held on Thursdays after work at Noreuil Park
Fri Oct 17 to Sun Oct 19 Pine Mountain, Burrowa-Pine Mountain National Park car camp
Sat Oct 18 - Sun Oct 26 Warrumbungles National Park Hans Kaspers car camp
Join us for a week of camping, (or staying in a cabin or motel in Coonabarabran). Plenty of walks available, and plenty of opportunities to sit and do here for more details of this event and to book in
Sat Nov 1 - Tues Nov 4 McAlister Springs Car Camp Trevor Potts
A fantastic opportunity to see this incredibly beautiful part of Victoria
click here for further details and to join this event
Frid Dec 5 - Sun Dec 7 Warby Ovens National Park - Car Camp and Canoeing
Described as the best flat water canoeing in Victoria
click here for further details and to book in
Catch you on a club event soon!
Peter Presutti and Tony Marsh
Registering Usage of Club Assets
Please note that club equipment may be in the possession of a club leader at any time and its important that we ensure a register of equipment loans is maintained for the benefit of all members
Click here to see who is our current Asset Manager and their contact details
Register your usage using the MVB ASSET LOANS SHEET
Please communicate with the Asset Manager to seek whereabouts of Club Equipment and
Always keep the asset manager informed of the condition on return and if any maintenance is needed.
As for the first aid kits, please record any usage with some details and again let the asset manager know, as we need to keep the kits up to date.
If you notice any item in the first Aid kit damaged and or out of date, again please let the asset manager know
Club leaders may click here to access the MVB ASSETS DATABASE worksheet and record usage in the MVB ASSETS LOANS SHEET
MVB Assets
A4 Laminator and Pouch Packet
2 Person 3 Season Tent
Mont Moondance 2 - available for use by members on club events for free
- First Aid Kit
- Throw ropes x 2
- Mobile phone
We have 3 Kits A green coloured kit ( donated by Tracey Barkley )
and a Blue Equip Pro 2 kit and a Red Equip Pro 2 kit purchased from Adventure Gear Albury. Each kit has a Seto Press Snake Bite bandage with instructions
You can view a comprehensive list of the contents of the Pro 2 Kits here
LINK to SetoPress bandage instructions
Also there is a list of the contents of each kit and an incident report form.
The club encourages leaders to take SPOT on events regardless of whether you anticipate mobile phone coverage or not. You will need to be familiar with it's operations and background and instructions are AVAILABLE HERE ON THE MVB WEBSITE.
Feel free to contact Peter or Tony to assist you with Spot usage
With Spot, messages and contact details can be changed to suit the event you are on.
Besides the emergency SOS and HELP buttons, we have 2 further buttons
one sends a txt message and or email to any recipient indicating the safe arrival at your camp or vehicle.
The other button can be used to let others know if you are going to be detained for further nights but are fine.
let Tony or Peter know how you want SPOT programmed! Click the image below to go to the FindMeSpot website
ResQLink 406 Mhz Personal Locator Beacon
SNOW SHOES 3 SETS with Ski Poles
Different sizes and they've got a good workout the last 3 snow seasons, thanks to the members who tested them
MSR Snow Shoes. to be used for day walks 80kg limit
Tubbs Snow Shoes for day walks 75kg limit.
Silva Ranger Compass x 2
We have purchased 2 Silva Ranger Compasses. If a leader wants to use one and is unsure, contact a committee person for directed help.
User Manual available LINK and a Compass User Guide as per Australian Emergency Services Extract. Call the Events Coordinator
Garmin E-Trex GPS and Pouch
The club has a GPS for use and will be available for training and all club events
Comments: Feb 2020 This has been an astonishingly reliable device for almost 10 years now - its very light on battery usage (2 double A's) and has never failed to deliver. Its disadvantage is it has no capacity for maps stored on a micro sd card but mapping apps such as Avenza on mobile phones are a better solution because of the larger screen size
Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc Bulletin #82 Dec 3 2013
Welcome to New Members
We are thrilled to have three people who have been paddling this season join the club
Welcome To:
- Sarah Willcox
- Geoff Richardson
- Veronica Richardson
And also a previous member has rejoined
Welcome to
- Gwen Walter
I'm sure we all will enjoy getting to know these new members.
New Event Booking Procedure
Tony has been busy improving the event bookings procedure and we are sure you will find a much smoother experience when registering for an event. For an even more exhilarating experience make sure you login to the website first and then proceed to book in for an event.
New Events in the Program
Since last bulletin there has been four new events programmed - these are flagged in the list of events below.
After Paddle Farmers Market Food Stalls
This week instead of the after paddle bbq we will be attending the Thursday Food Farmers Market at the Community Wood Fired Oven site in Hovell Tree reserve adjacent to Noreuil Park. Paella costs $8 and there are lots of fresh produce available. Click the join button to register your participation in this event!
Dont miss the MVB Christmas party to be held at Hans Kaspers place on December 20
What We've Been Up To!
On Nov 26 Peter led a Kiewa River to the Murray River morning stroll.
The social side of bushwalking
Discussion was about portaging past the bar in the shallow water
The Kiewa river flows into the Murray
Nov 28 Canoeing after work
The third after work paddle for the season was held on Thursday Nov 28 and attracted 13 paddlers
Photography by Tony Crawford.
Paddling on the Murray river last Thursday night was pretty interesting with strong gusts of wind buffeting the boats - we had 5 in kayaks and 8 in canadians the kayaks coped really well but the canoes were a bit more of a challenge but in the end it was all good fun. Thanks to Dave Breedon of Murray River Canoe Hire
Whats On!
On Nov 26 Peter led a Kiewa River to the Murray River morning stroll
Nov 28 Canoeing after work
click here for more details of this event
Dec 4 Baranduda Ridge Lane Evening walk and bbq
Click here for more details of this event
Dec 5 Canoeing after work
Click here for more details of this event
This is a new event Neil is leading
Dec 7 Tawonga Huts, Mt Jaithmathang day walk
Click here for more details of this event
Dec 8 The Big Walk Crossover Mt Buffalo
Join Hans for this crossover walk - choose your route up or down one of the great walks in the North East
Dec 12 Canoeing after work
No details of this event as yet
Dec 20 Xmas Party
This year's event will be held at the home of Hans Kaspers in Albury and will start with a short walk followed by dinner and a social get to gether. click here for more details
Sat Dec 21 Christmas Paddle
A delightful half day paddle from the Weir Wall to Noreuil Park led by Sasho Dillow is on offer - click here for full details
Jan 5th Ropers Hut and Beyond
Leader Mick Webster - click here for more details of this event
Jan 11th Kayak - Killara to Wonga Wetlands
Leader Tony Crawford
click here for more details of this event
January 12th Roof Top Run
Peter Presutti provides radio and other support for this event and is inviting others to join him - click here for more details
Jan 24-28 Mt Hotham to Falls Creek and return
Join Peter for an interesting 4 days backpack walking from Falls Creek Pretty Valley Pondage to Mt Hotham and back - click here for full details
Down the Track
Two weeks in Tasmania
Join Hans for car camping in three locations in Tassie - Freycinet NP, Tasman Peninsula and Mt Field NP
Heaphy Track New Zealand Feb 22 2014 - 7 day backpack
The Heaphy Track is one of the Great Walks of NZ and is located in the north west corner of the south island
Click here for full details of this event
8 March Mt Bogong Conquestathon
Click here for full details of this event
March 27 - 31Blue Waterholes, N Kosciuszko NP
Click here for full details of this event
Eyre Peninsula South Australia Easter 2014 (extended) Car Camp
Leader Trevor Potts - if interested you can email Trevor at
Lincoln National Park boasts some of the most scenic coastline in South Australia, and features the vast Sleaford-Wanna sand dune system, islands, and the beautiful Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area.
MVB Facebook Site
If you havent visited for a while check us out and add to our number of Like hits - click the icon
First Aid Training
There are still funds available to subsidise members who would like to obtain or renew a First Aid certificate. Contact Tony for more info at
Where are the photos?
Having trouble viewing photos in this bulletin?
Your email program will have a setting you can alter to view the photos or you can view the bulletin on the club's website here.
Need to see more?
To see more of the fabulous photos taken by our club members on events we run you can visit the club's Flickr website. We can’t fit all the photos in the bulletin so we just showcase some. We are rapidly approaching the amazing number of almost 5000 photos taken over the last 2 and half years. Go to the MVB Flickr site to view all our event photos.
Catch you on a club event soon!
Lin Starke
Secretary Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc
MVB Inc Event Management Policies
Part 1 Event Gradings
Part 2 What To Bring
Part 3 Car Pooling
Part 4 Children
Part 5 Personal Medical Information
Event Gradings for MVB Activities
Bush Walking
No bushwalking experience required. Flat even surface with no steps or steep sections. Suitable for wheelchair users who have someone to assist them.
No bushwalking experience required. The track has a hardened or compacted surface that may have a gentle hill section or sections and occasional steps.
Suitable for most ages and fitness levels. Some bushwalking experience recommended. Track may have short steep hill sections, a rough surface and many steps.
Bushwalking experience recommended. Tracks may be long, rough and very steep. Directional signage may be limited.
Challenging long walks for experienced bushwalkers with specialised skills, including navigation and emergency first aid. Tracks may be very rough, very steep and unmarked.
COMMENTS BY HANS: The way Tassie NP uses it is great e.g. Cradle Summit: "8hours return walk with a 600m climb; walk includes crossing large rocks".
I would prefer to mention distance rather than time, because time changes with the individual. So my idea of grading say the Wet Gully truck from Bright to Freeburgh would be: Grade 4, 11 km, 800 m climb. Anderson's Peak on Mt Buffalo would be Grade 5+, 8km 200m climb.
Stage 1 of Hume and Hovell track could be described as mainly Grade1, some Grade 2 and a short part Grade 3.
Canoeing in still waters with snags or without snags
Canoeing in mild currents with or without snags.
Canoeing in medium currents with or without snags
Canoeing in medium currents with or without snags and occasional rapids.
Canoeing in strong currents with snags and rapids
Canoeing in unknown waters or upstream canoeing.
A fairly flat rock face with a reasonably easy access to the departure point. A grade 1 to grade 3 walk from bottm to top of the descent area. Up to a 25 meter drop.
Medium size rock variations with possible overhangs to negotiate. Exposed areas. A grade 2 to grade 4 walk from the bottom to the top of the descent with possible rock scrambling.
Numerous and large rock variations to negotiate. Exposed areas. Overhangs to negotiate. A grade 2 to grade 5 walk from the bottom to the top. Up to 100 meter drop. Rock scrambling.
- Proposed gradings for Cycling – discussion points
- For cycling we need to identify degree of difficulty (Grade 1 to Grade 5) and the distance
- Mountain bike and road bike events grading to be separate – on track or off track for mountain bike events needs to be specified – might be mix of both
Flat road no hills eg bike tracks in Albury Wodonga
Some undulating hills –eg West Wodonga to Chiltern
Medium grade of climbing – eg Wodonga to Yack
GRADE 4 – some steep grades ride eg Wodonga to beechworth
GRADE 5 – prolonged steep grades eg Mt Buffalo and Falls creek
What To Bring
This article contains descriptions of equipment to bring on various activities
- Current Medical Information Form - Login first and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
- Water - up to 2 litres recommended for a full day walk
- Sunscreen
- Gloves and hat
- Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event
- Suitable clothing and footwear - note denim pants are uncomfortable
- Wet weather waterproofs, jacket and pants
Day Walking
- Current Medical Information Form - Login first and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
- Water - up to 2 litres recommended for a full day walk
- Sunscreen
- Gloves and hat
- Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event
- Suitable clothing and footwear - note denim pants are uncomfortable
- Wet weather waterproofs, jacket and pants
- Walking poles
- Gaiters
- Basic first aid kit including your specific medication eg asthma applicator
- Torch or headlamp for contingencies
Day Walking / XC Skiing / Snowshoeing in the Alps
- Activities in the Alps require additional safety equipment due to the fact that weather can change really quickly from benign to dangerous
- Current Medical Information Form - Login first and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
- Water - 2 litres recommended - exercise in the Alps uses prodigious amounts of fluid
- Sunscreen
- Gloves and hat
- Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event (snacks for morning and afternoon tea and lunch)
- Suitable clothing and footwear - note denim pants are uncomfortable
- Wet weather waterproofs, jacket and pants
- Thermal top and bottoms
- Walking poles
- Gaiters
- Basic first aid kit including your specific medication eg asthma applicator
- Torch or headlamp for contingencies
- Whistle
- Toilet paper, trowel and sanitiser
- A set of dry clothing in a separate bag to be left in the car to change into if you get wet
- 4 Season Tent Preferred
- Sleeping Bag ? - Check Temperature rating
- Space Blanket
- Balacava (optional)
- Sleeping Mat
- Trekking poles with snow baskets
- Snow shovel (optional)
Overnight Event Packing list
Current Medical Information Form Login first and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
- Bedding
- Tent (sharing sections of the tent is an option)
- Sleeping Bag
- Bag Liner
- Mattress
- Pillow
- Bed Clothing
- Thermals - top and bottom
- Second layer - top and bottom
- Warm Gloves beanie and dry socks
- Keep clothing in a water tight bag - zip lock - dry bags etc..
- Wet Weather / Cold
- Rain jacket
- Down jacket
- Fleece jacket
- Warm Gloves and Water Proof Over Glove plus a Benie or suitable walk hat.
- Essentials
- Tooth Brush and paste
- Any medication ( please inform leader if necessary Allergies etc)
- Personal first aid
- Water to drink and prepare meal ( some locations and walks have water on site or en route )
- Leader should inform the group re water supply
- Tablets for water ( be safe rather than get a bug ) ( water purification tablets )
- Toilet paper and trowl to dig appropiate hole.
- Food
- Dehydrated food for weight considerations
- 3 Meals , plus snacks. per day.
- Stove (another item that can be shared)
- Plate and cuttlery
- Cup for warm drink your choice
- Extra Items
Fully charged and credit loaded up phone
The leader must take a rescue beacon - The club has 1 Personal Locator Beacon and 1 emergency SPOT device and 3 First Aid Kits
Multi Day Walks
Preparation and planning for multi day walks can turn into a monumental exercise. There is no substitute for working from a list. The bottom line is to ensure that nothing crucially important is forgotten and secondly that you can actually lift the pack off the ground and attach it to your body. Thirdly its a good idea to check out if you can walk with this encumbrance!
Your leader may provide you with a detailed list of equipment and food you will require appropriate to the event being undertaken.
- Current Medical Information Form Login first and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
- Pete has sourced and provided the following suggested pack contents for multi day walks:
- Multi day walk suggested packing list - Overnighthikepackinglist.pdf
- Current Medical Information Form Login first and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
- Water - up to 2 litres recommended or come prepared to boil or treat river water
- Sunscreen
- Gloves and hat
- Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event
- Suitable clothing and footwear - bare feet not recommended
- Basic first aid kit including your specific medication eg asthma applicator
- Torch or headlamp for contingencies
Car Camping
As for Day Walks and / or Day Walking in the Alps
For single half day or full day cycling events consider bringing
- Current Medical Information Form Login first and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
- Puncture repair kit including pump
- Water bottle(s)
- Sunscreen
- Helmet
- Gloves
- Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event
- Suitable clothing and footwear - note denim pants are uncomfortable
- Wet weather waterproofs
- Basic tools for bicycle maintenance
- Basic first aid kit including your specific medication eg asthma applicator
- Torch or headlamp for contingencies
In the interests of safety, it is common bushwalking practice to leave detailed trip intention information with a responsible person. This information enables suitable action to be taken in the event of a serious accident or unexpected delay in a party’s return from an activity.
Bushwalking Australia recommends that State Bodies Risk Management Guidelines encourage all member clubs
to have in place an efficient emergency contact procedure for all official club trips.
MVB policy
• The club provides an electronic booking form which leaders are required to use. As this form contains personal details of participants it is password protected and only accessible by designated leaders of official MVB events. The form provides all of the information required for alerting police when a search or assistance is judged to be needed by a club activity group. The leader must ensure that the form is complete prior to the event commencement and that there is at least one other club member who is not participating in this event with access rights to this form. The form is available to leaders from the program menu on the website when logged in to the MVB website.
Before a trip:
• The leader ensures that the booking form is complete and accurate and advises participants what other club member(s) have access to the booking form info for this event
• Participants advise their emergency contact person of the other club members who have access to the booking form and supplies their contact details to be used if concerned about an unexpected delay in return.
• The leader either documents the trip route plan in the event details on the website or supplies the club contacts with this info and an expected time of return. This is the minimum of information required with respect to safety of the club activity group as a whole.
On return:
• The leader either uses the Spot gps messenger to record a safe return or contacts the other club members as soon as possible by phone, sms or email of a safe return.
• Participants advise their personal contact person of safe return.
• If no safe return advice is received within a specified time of the arranged return , the other club contact establishes if possible that the call has not simply been forgotten, or begins the established procedure which will usually include alerting police of a possible need for assistance.
The online bookng form contains
• Names, phone numbers and emergency contact details for all group members
• Vehicle registration numbers and location
• If applicable, weather and terrain expected and equipment being carried
• Confidential details of medical conditions or special requirements of members will be carried by earch participant in accordane with club policy.
Participants Under Age 18 in MVB Inc Events
Members and visitors under the age of 18 years are encouraged to participate but must be accompanied by their parent /legal guardian or such other person that a parent or legal guardian may appoint in writing on all club events
Car Pooling Policy
Where possible transport to and from event start and finish points should be pooled to minimise costs and carbon emissions. In terms of risk management the club deems its members and guests to be most at risk when travelling to and from events - more so than during the event itself. Consequently the leader should advise drivers of known risks in relation to the route to be taken. This may include but not limited to road surface, width and alignment, anticipated travel times, procedures for not losing following vehicles, agreed stopping points, suitability of drivers vehicles. Designated drivers therefore need to be aware of their duty of care to their passengers. Some passengers are prone to car sickness on winding roads which may be prevented by travelling more slowly and taking additional rest stops. Drivers should consider the comfort and security of their passengers on all occasions. Likewise, passengers need to respect the wishes of the driver in whose vehicle they are travelling
The cost of such transport is to be determined by the driver of each vehicle after consulting with the leader and passengers. If there are other costs, such as the resort entry fees at Falls Creek, they are added to this amount to get the total costs to be shared amongst all participants in each vehicle. Where possible leaders can specify in the event description the amount of money expected to be contributed for fuel and running costs
Documents of the Murray Valley Bushwalkers
Activities conducted by Murray Valley Bushwalkers
The discussion forum of the Murray Valley Bushwalkers
News category includes newsletters, news flashes and latest news items of the MVB